Reviews for MATH241H

Information Review
Junyan Zhao

Expecting an A+
Mr. Zhao assigns homework weekly, and he is flexible about offering extensions when needed, and the homework is reasonable. He follows the textbook, making it easy to review or catch up, which is a huge benefit. If you want to learn more math, you shouldn't miss his classes, but if you want to just want a decent grade without much effort, you probably don't want him.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting an A
He is fantastic! Attendance isn’t mandatory, but he encourages everyone to attend lectures and recitations. Additionally, he aims to give everyone an A. I asked him for a recommendation letter for my internship.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting an A+
He is incredibly passionate about mathematics. I don’t understand why other reviews are so critical. I received an A+ and, while it's true that he didn’t strictly follow the syllabus he uploaded, his grading rubric made it fairly easy to earn a high grade—40% of the grade came from homework and 20% from attendance, though he never actually took attendance. Since this is an honors class, it naturally includes proofs, which deepen our understanding of the material. If I were looking for purely application-based learning, I wouldn’t have taken an honors course. If you genuinely want to understand mathematics and the ideas behind it, I highly recommend his class. Otherwise, a standard calculus course might be a better fit.
Jeffrey Kuan

Expecting an A+
Jeffery is a kind professor. He gives many extensions if one needs them, has practice exams that will prepare you very well for his actual exams, and he posts notes on canvas. That being said, Calculus 3 with Jeffery is harder than the other Calc 3 honors professors. He tends to add additional concepts that contribute 0% to the material needed for the final exam, which will make you find yourself spending a lot of time studying material you will not need. He as well tends to add abstract ideas that do not help much in the understanding of a topic, which can leave one confused. Other than that, I do believe, while a bit overkill, taking Jeffery will definitely prepare you for the final exam and you will most likely leave his class with a good grade. Just be prepared to learn 10+ more concepts than needed.
Jiwoong Jang

Expecting a C
This was his first semester so I hope he will get better but please do not take him if you have options, the other two 241H professors (Jeffrey Kuan and Junyan Zhao) were much better which I heard from friends. If not then just take the non honors section. Lectures: Way too fast with the more complex practice problems which made it hard to try them before he showed the solution. He was hard to understand sometimes and did not understand students questions often - not sure if this is an English problem or what - but other students had to speak up and answer other students' questions that were directed toward the professor because he did not understand. Wednesdays were the quiz days which were 25 min and 2 questions usually which is nice as you can get out a bit early but the quizzes as he said were supposed to be very easy and much easier than exams is so wrong after the first few weeks. They got very difficult as the course went on, the only thing you can do for practice that he gives are textbook problems but the problems he writes are not similar to textbook problems so you just need to be really good conceptually and just hope the problems on the quiz aren't too bad. To be fair the quizzes were graded lightly with much partial credit averages were around a 8/10 but very hard to get 10/10. Exams: The exams were harder than other sections just because the practice exams were not similar to the actual exams. My best advice for the exams is to study the quizzes as some quiz questions were basically the same as the exam questions. Also the third exam was the week before finals which the math department does not allow but I guess Jang just doesn't care. Final: The easiest part of this dudes class is the final, the average of our class final was a 90% and the average for other sections were about a 75% - 80% which is absolutely insane. Maybe Jang's class was full of smart people but I just think this happened because everyone wanted a better grade than what they had because the midterms were so hard to we all study so much for the final which is not written by Jang meaning we would actually be prepared with the practice finals as they are similar to the final. Curve: He lied and said our final grades would be curved but they were not curved at all. I got a 90% on the final and got a C in the class which is insane - I emailed him about it and no response - most professors would realize you actually learned and would bump your grade up a bit. Homework: None unlike other sections which is nice work load wise but does not help the grade at all as most people get 100s on homework. Advice: Look up justin wyss umd calc 3 on google for notes and practice finals/tests he is also on youtube. I watched a YT channel called Calculus III which did the same exact sections and went over textbook problems which was very helpful: . Final advice is to go to his office hours after getting your tests back, he will probably give you a few extra points if you question some things. Good Luck.
Jiwoong Jang

Expecting an A+
Professor Jang is an extremely nice guy who did seem to want us to succeed. Unfortunately though, I found it really hard to follow him during lectures, and whenever I asked for clarification, his explanation made me more confused. I had to spend a significant time outside of class reviewing from the textbook, which definitely saved me. His class is definitely doable and his exams are fair for the most part, but from my experience, you will need to put in a good amount of work outside of class. He did have a curve at the end which was nice.
Jiwoong Jang

Expecting an A
I think this was Professor Jang's first time teaching. He is a very nice person and tries to help you understand, but he is still developing his teaching style. It was a little hard to understand him because his English isn't the best. His lectures were basically a summary of the textbook + example problems. Sometimes, when solving the practice problems, he skipped some steps that were "simple." I took this course in high school so I understood what he did but a lot of people in my class were confused. For his exams, sometimes he puts things on them that he went over for like 10 minutes and also things that won't appear on the final (ex. limits). Homework isn't mandatory, but if you do the practice problems he suggests, you'll do fine on the quizzes. Sometimes the quiz questions are just questions pulled out of the practice problems from the textbook. Overall, he's very nice but a little hard to follow; read the textbook and do the suggested practice problems if you didn't understand lecture.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting an A-
The other reviews already said it but he's a new teacher so his class was incredibly disorganized. The syllabus that he uploaded wasn't his and he hasn't followed anything on it, so it was essentially useless. We also literally didn't do MATLAB which is part of the course description so that was weird.He also doesn't go to his office hours half the time so you have to email him to set up a time to talk to him. His teaching style was mainly based on proofs and theoretical formulas and he didn't do a lot of practice problems, which makes it difficult to understand.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting a B+
He was very passionate about math, but a terrible teacher. His lectures were not organized whatsoever and based entirely on the textbook. He spent way too much time on the theory behind equations and not enough time on how to actually apply the concepts from the textbook to real problems. Granted, it is his first year teaching, but if you want a good grade and to actually understand the concepts of Calc III, I don't recommend you take him.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting a B+
Nice guy and reasonable with the class. However, as a professor, I wouldn't recommend. When he teaches, it feels like he picks things out of the textbook and teaches what he feels is important. Halfway through the semester, I realized that I had to learn the course myself to really connect the content together to where it makes sense. Justine Olav Wyss-Gallifent's youtube channel was clutch. If you take his class, expect to have to learn the content yourself to understand it.
Jeffrey Kuan

Expecting an A-
Jeffrey is the GOAT take him if you have the chance. Makes calc 3 really easy. Very excited in class and usually gives classwide extensions on problem sets and MATLAB assignments. Posts notes on canvas and gives out 4 practice exams for each exam with answer keys. He also always stops and answered questions in class. Definitely read the textbook though because sometimes they have alternate methods that are easier than what he talks about in class. Take his class if you can!
Jiwoong Jang

Expecting an A-
Mr. almost Dr. Jang is a great guy. Very kind and smiley. He did a lot of practice problems in class which were helpful. He struggled to explain some concepts to the class, but you could tell he was trying to get us to understand everything.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting a C
Flexible but tough at the same time. Brand new professor, and disorganized. He was helpful in offering extra credit, and he let us pick how we want our grading system to be, but almost everyone got between a 40-60% on the midterm. His style of teaching shows hes interested in the subject, but near the end of the semester it seemed he started to get frustrated with us not knowing things (which is partially his fault for not teaching us long-term memory). He also has never used canvas before and uploaded a syllabus that wasn't even his. Our midterm was October 31st, and we still have yet to even have an assignment created for it on canvas. Although he is very interested in the subject and wants to find a way for us all to pass, he is a typical "new professor" who hasn't found their style of teaching yet.
Junyan Zhao

Expecting a B
He is a new teacher (this was his first semester ever teaching calculus), so I understand why he was disorganized, but he was disorganized. Lectures were direct readings from the textbook, and it is consistently difficult to follow his approaches. On the other hand, he is incredibly flexible when it comes to grading and timing of assignments. All homework was due at the end of the semester, and the grading was 20% attendance (he doesn't take attendance, so it's guaranteed), 40% homework (participation, but kind of a double edged sword), and 15% midterm, 25% final. I do not feel as though he has effectively prepared the class for the final in any effect, but he is a fun professor and may be better in the future.
Jiwoong Jang

Expecting a B
The teacher makes everything way too confusing. The exams were way harder than the posted practice exams and included very tiny topics that were not reviewed much at all. You could get the topic, but the evaluation would be extremely difficult, causing you to lose points. Take someone else if possible.
Jaime Paradela

Expecting an A
Jaime is a contradiction. He is a wonderful person and understands math at a very high level. Unfortunately his teaching skills need a bit of work. He comes in as a foreign teacher so his notation and vocabulary is different than what I have learned in the past. I second the Pros and Cons review but will say, the HW questions are often nearly the exact same as the quizzes. And the Quizzes often show up on the Exams. So make sure you're doing the practice problems.
Jaime Paradela

Expecting an A+
Loved him as a person and professor. He was a little hard to understand and he didn't really post his notes on classroom which was a little annoying but I still understood all the class content. He was also always very understanding about personal stuff (he let me reschedule my final because of a family event). I don't know how to describe it, I just liked him as a teacher. I don't recommend him if you teach yourself some concepts because I definitely had to do that sometimes.
Jaime Paradela

Expecting a B+
He's an okay lecturer but a really, really nice guy. Lectures and exercises are straight out of the book and somewhat dry but he clearly understands the contents of the course very well and explains it well. I wish he'd spend less time on the proofs behind concepts (which aren't applicable in this class) and focus on doing more practice problems, but it is what it is. Quiz and exam questions are mostly modified textbook questions and aren't unfair, and he does do reviews for both if you ask. He's extremely nice and understanding and is always willing to break down course material more if you don't understand it. He's very willing to give extensions on assignments if you have a good reason and responds to emails quickly.
Jaime Paradela

Expecting an A+
I'd rate 3.5 stars. He gives good homework exercises, his exams are fair but can be a bit difficult, and he gives plenty extra credit opportunities plus massive curve in the end. Main critique is his lectures are exactly the same as the textbook, and I wish he would explain certain parts of the course more in depth.
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A-
I overall would recommend this course to others if they’re willing to put in the time and effort to learn and fully understand the material on their own time. Since it was an honors course, the class was paced kinda fast, and we often did not get time to fully understand the material before moving on or deeper into the current topic but, oh well, that's an honors class. Although I did struggle with learning material on my own, Welsh was a flexible grader and professor. He was understanding of circumstances and was very approachable, especially during office hours. Although I wish the lectures were focused more on material on exams, I think Welsh was a good professor and a nice dude. I'd give him a 3.5 if I could.
Jaime Paradela

Expecting a C+
Very nice guy, who obviously knows what he's talking about when it comes to the math itself, but when it comes to general teaching skills, he isn't where he should be. Fall of 2023 was his first semester ever teaching, and as a result, simple things like explanations to confusing practice problems or MATLAB were sadly not his forte. Hopefully he is better in future semesters because of more experience, but otherwise, I would say try to take MATH241 with a different professor, as the content is already hard enough on its own.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting a B
Probably the best STEM prof ive had over my 5 years here, great lectures, fair exams, practice exams posted, and recorded lectures. A goat
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A
This class was hard especially towards the end but I think he definitely made it much better I think he's overall a great professor Pros: - really responsive to questions during class, in office hours, and by email, really friendly, and usually teaches the content well - handwrites notes mostly legibly, so the pace of the class is always followable - consistently asks for our feedback on assignment due dates, test length/style - always asks if there's any homework problems we want to go over, makes practice midterms that reflect the real midterm very well, gave us a list of topics to study for the final, and gives us a review day before each test. i think the tests are very fair to the content taught. Cons: - i think the lectures towards the end of the class became less cohesive, and there was a lot of jumping around between topics/explaining long proofs that cut down on our time to learn the topics and go over example problems. i think a lot of the later lectures felt less planned out than the earlier ones and topics could have been explained more straightforward/in steps Overall though my experience was good and the pros definitely outweigh the cons, would recommend him
Allan Yashinski

Expecting an A-
Good teacher and provides videos if you miss class (though I think going to class is better. Homework can be demanding if you procrastinate. Matlab is actually not completely terrible like it was in Diff Eq
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A+
Pros: -He gives out practice exams that are very similar to the actual exams -He only gave out one MATLAB project and gave everyone a 20/20 on it -He is SUPER generous with partial credit when grading (such that the average on the exams was around a 90) -There is not a lot of homework (only 10 problems a week) Cons: -He is not a great lecturer and frequently makes topics far more complicated then they need to be -He does not curve or drop any quizzes or exams or anything of the such (which is not really needed tbh considering the class averages) -During lectures he will frequently go on confusing mathematical tangents that no one understands and will take up most of class meaning that in some class periods we ended up learning basically no new relevant material -This was his first time teaching the course and so he sometimes seemed slightly unprepared or unfamiliar with the material being taught and would mess up when doing problems -His exams would include insanely complicated algebra with large numbers for no apparent reason other than to make the problems more difficult which he would defend by saying "algebra is part of calculus" -He is not the quickest grader and took a month to get one of our exams back Overall he is not a great lecturer meaning that you will have to do some self studying on the topics however the way his exams are structured (with them basically being the practice exams with different numbers) and what a generous grader he is makes it fairly easy to get a good grade in this course.
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A
Chill guy, generally easy to follow lectures (though sometimes dull) and is very good at answering questions and clarifying any concepts students may have. Exams aren't too difficult, though he sometimes gives you questions just because they're interesting to him even if you haven't done anything like them for practice. Gives practice exams for midterms that are somewhat like the tests, and the study guide he gave for the final was very informative about what topics would be on the test. Sometimes takes a while to grade things, but pretty receptive to students' requests and suggestions in the class.
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A-
I really appreciated Welsh throughout the semester and was happy to have had him as my professor. He tried to be very thorough with the material, and his passion for math was clear in every lesson he taught. While his quizzes were pretty much the same difficulty as questions from our homework, he often threw questions into his midterms that needed you to think a little bit beyond the material we had discusses in class. For instance, one question explained to us the concept of skew lines in 3d space and gave us the formula for computing the distance between these skew lines, with us then having to "prove" (much more of an explanation than any sort of rigorous proof) why this would be the case. Questions like these would be frustrating when you didn't get them, but very rewarding when you did. Either way, Welsh was very charitable when grading these midterms and took into account that he was asking some somewhat difficult questions in these cases. Thankfully, none of this ended up being a problem for our final, since he didn't have a hand in writing that. With all of that taken into account, I still would feel uncomfortable giving him anything less than five stars. He was very accommodating when I had gotten sick for a week halfway through the semester, and is generally very flexible when it comes to all that stuff. Tying it back into his passion for math, it's clear that he's here to help us understand everything -- not to try and fail us. If you end up taking a class like this with him in the future, make sure you *really* understand the material so that you'd be able to apply your learning a bit (especially if you're taking an honors section). I'd encourage you to do more practice than was absolutely necessary with the homework, and to use other resources like Professor Leonard on YouTube when he's not making sense to you. Overall, a great professor and a great guy.
Jaime Paradela

Expecting a B+
There were three tests, weekly quizzes, and one MATLAB assignment that was really easy and his instructions gave the answers. He also gives out a few extra credit assignments. DO THEM! They will definitely help your grade in the end. Pros: - Curved the class in the end by 2% - Gives out extra credit - Is really funny to talk to - Optional homework, but do it because the quizzes are similar to the homework - Helpful in office hours Cons: - Goes into unnecessary detail with proofs during lecture - Exams are really difficult - Isn't very good at lecturing - Teaching style is literally just writing what the textbook says - No practice exams for the midterms If you take this class with Jaime, you'll have to do a lot of self-studying with Justin's videos and notes but he's a great person to just talk to and super funny and he definitely tries to make sure that you pass the class.
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A-
I overall would recommend this course for others if they’re willing to put in the time and effort to learn and fully understand the material on their own time. Since it was an honors course, the class was paced rather quickly, and we often did not get time to fully understand the material before moving on to a fully different topics or deeper into the current topic. Although I did struggle with learning material on my own, Welsh was a flexible grader and professor. He was understanding of circumstances and was very approachable, especially during office hours. Although I wish the class was focused more towards the application side of calc 3 and towards the final exam, I think Welsh was a great professor, although I wish he focused less on theory. I would give a 3.5 rating if I could.
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A
Overall, Matt is a good professor. He is very responsive to students and will adapt his teaching and overall course to meet his student's wants and needs. For example, he gave us practice midterms that matched the midterms content almost exactly when we asked. The only downside to his teaching is A) his exams and quizzes can often be very hard and rely on having intuition about things outside of the course. And B) his lecturing can be unclear about what we need to know and what we don't. He often likes to prove theorems/formulas, which can make lectures more confusing. Sometimes he assumes we have intuition about a concept and doesn't explain it as much as he should. However, Matt is an extremely likable guy and wants to see his students succeed. I would recommend taking 240/241 with him 100%.
Matthew Welsh

Expecting an A
Professor Welsh was a very kind and generous professor, and he was obviously passionate about the math. He was very generous with partial credit to the extent that I actually felt like my understanding of the material was reflected by my grades on exams. Essentially he gave you partial credit for everything that you did right, and say you made one arithmetic error that lead to properly performed calculations yielding wrong answers, professor Welsh would only dock maybe 1 point from a 10 or 15 or 20 point question. He was very generous with the MATLAB too, and overall when you take the class you know that he is on your side. I think he taught many things quite well, and he often gave us a lot of freedom with what specific topics we wanted to cover, and I never felt afraid to ask a question in his class, because he always would treat questions as if they were important. The only down side I felt was that at times Professor Welsh, being very experienced in math, would take short cuts in explanations, or simplifications that were a bit too big of a jump for me and my classmates to understand. Sometimes I did feel like this confused me while learning as I would get distracted by his shortcuts, but I wouldn't always be in a position to pursue understanding them because there was so much other material I had to focus on in that moment. I was really able to appreciate his complex understanding and explanations of the material however. I took calculus 3 in senior year of high school, and when I took it this semester, I learned the material much more deeply.
Sean Gruber

Dr. G will be the most chill math teacher you'll ever have. I slept in and was 20 minutes late to a quiz and he let me take it with extra time. He explains content really well and is always willing to answer questions. His homework's were not bad and really helped with learning the content. One thing he could do better is help prepare for the tests more. I found his tests pretty easy but others didn't. Highly recommend Dr. G!
Jaime Paradela

Great man, really funny!
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting a B
He is a very kind professor, at first it is a little hard to understand due to his accent, but over time your ears get used to it. I think he is a very honest professor and does make a few minor mistakes. This class had 4 exams and 2 matlab projects. The homework and lectures were based on the textbook and if extra help was needed the textbook has some good examples and you could also email the TA (I never saw the TA, but he emailed back fairly quickly). The exams were similar to the textbook questions and similar to the few discussion questions. Our class wasn't very lively and just kind of sat there and absorbed information. With the matlab projects he was very helpful and you could go to his office hours and he would help you with it. Overall the class was alright, not too hard and not too easy.
Ke Chen

Expecting an A
He's awesome. Great lecturer and fair exams. Would definitely recommend.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS - lets just start with that Pros - Good lecturer - answers questions well - assigns plenty of practice problems that are not mandatory Cons - the matlabs were difficult and dumb - the homeworks were impossible, but you can work with people which I would definitely suggest doing. Find a group of people to work with in the class. These people will be your best friends/lifelines. Shoutout to the people in my group, you guys saved me numerous times. - ah yes, the exams, the exams, the exams. I actually liked the problems presented, they were good, made you think, and were reasonable in difficulty. The problem you ask? THERE WAS NO TIME TO COMPLETE THEM. You need to literally have each problem memorized on how to do it. there is no time to think through a problem, it just has to be muscle memory bang bang bang and then its done. and no time to check work. The weekly quizzes are the same way. Its really not fair and doesn't make any sense. Because of this, do not take this class unless you have a burning passion for doing math and want to sit in your room and do practice problems all day every day because that's what you need to get an A in this class. Sooooo much easier to just take normal calc 3.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting an A
Professor Huang is a good professor and everything about the class is pretty straightforward. He has an accent but after the first week it's really not a problem at all, you just need a little time to get used to it. Was super responsive to my emails at almost any time and was helpful in office hours as well. Exams were pretty easy as well. Overall would recommend.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting an A
BEWARE! Allan will spoil you for other math professors; it only goes downhill from him. He makes sure to actually teach, not just have you memorize what he writes on the board. He makes it so I could actually understand why each process works. With the extra time he takes to make sure his students understand the material, there is not much time for practice on discussion days, but it is honestly worth it more than you could know to the point where I wish all professors did the same. He is also approachable and actually gives a damn about his students. He is always quick to respond, makes an effort (that is not cringy) to connect with his students naturally, admits his mistakes, and sometimes adds humor to the lessons. Yes, Allan does not curve the class, but his exams are beyond fair. I never needed to look at the textbook once except to look at the questions for the homework problems, and I still got over a 95% in the class. He allows you to work on homework and MatLab problems with others. He also posts past exams (first through fourth and final), which are more than enough practice for the actual exams. Overall, he is an incredible professor, and if I were you, I would sign up for his class even if it is an 8am.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting a B-
Professor Huang has been one of my favorite professors this semester. MATH 241 is a difficult class, but he gives clear examples during lectures. He has a slight accent which can make him a bit difficult to understand at times, but you get used to it. He is very kind and genuinely wants his students to succeed.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting an A
Genuinely kind and understanding but I will agree with others in that he is not a great lecturer. This is less to do with the language barrier and more to do with the fact that he just writes the notes on the blackboard without ever really looking at the class. There's not much participation or student involvement in the class. That said, his exams are very straightforward, much more than other professors, and he is genuinely a kind professor. Would recommend taking him if you can.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting an A
Calc 3 is easy enough where it doesn't matter as much who the professor is, but I would still recommend avoiding Xiaoqi. I don't want to be that guy, but there is somewhat of a language gap, which leads to some topics being more confusing than they should be. Most people I know who have him don't go to the class and just watch Justin's videos on youtube
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting an A
This class is very old school. There isn't a lot of interaction, the three times a week you meet are all just him lecturing and explaining content and the most you get is an intermission during the 2 hour lecture to do practice problems which he then solves himself anyway without asking any questions about them. Explanations are good enough and the whole class just feels like barely better than watching a recorded lecture. I and several others in the class skipped much of the lecture days and instead watched the course youtube playlist which does a slightly better job of explaining things. Tests are always straightforward, homeworks are never too much work, and Matlab homeworks are so few and far between they might as well not exist. The class is mostly memorization based, memorizing formulas and theorems and applying them when the questions ask you to.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting an A
Might be the best teacher I've ever had. Clear lectures, helpful, understanding, funny. Everything you could ask for in a teacher.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting an A-
The instructor's teaching style worked really well for me. I was able to really understand the content because the professor connects everything to concepts we have learned in the past. He goes over the past concept briefly to jog our memory and connects it to the new concept. This is especially helpful because there is only so much we can remember as students. His grading policy is to the point and very helpful. He gives very good and fast feedback for his exams. Past exams were provided for practice, which was the best resource we could've asked for. The exams followed a similar format which was very helpful. I spent many late nights restudying the concepts learned in class to better apply them to complicated problems. The example problems are easier than the exam problems, that kind of makes it harder to prepare. Allan is very approachable and will give you time to clarify any doubts you might have. I would highly suggest taking him. He scuba dives into the content, but it is not too hard to understand him. The class itself requires a lot of work, so be prepared to spend time outside of class to do a bit of self-studying.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a C
He's a chill dude overall and is definitely knowledgeable on what he's teaching. He's very open to questions and answers them well and makes sure you understand the answer before moving on. He communicates with students well and will push back deadlines if enough people ask for it. But his exams are ridiculous. Almost every question is a conceptual word problem, and you're guaranteed to not be able to finish in time, at least confidently. You'll basically need to know how to do each problem as soon as you see it, leaving no time to properly think or check your work. (The average for two of the midterms was in the 60s... and he only curved by 9 points.) His notes are overly wordy and make the concepts more complicated than they actually are. There are not that many opportunities to boost your grade if you don't do well on the exams, as there are only 4 homework assignments and 2 MATLAB assignments (both of which will take many, many hours to complete) and the quizzes are only worth 10 points. In the end, if you don't have a burning passion for learning about math and its applications and don't have an already god-level intelligence in it, don't take him for calc. Just don't. There are plenty of other options that will make your journey through math requirements easier and less painful.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting a B
Very nice and understanding, his lectures are very thorough, and he also posts them online for you to watch ahead of class if you want to.
Jonathan Rosenberg

I've never written a review for a professor before but this professor makes this class unnecessarily hard. The exams are nothing like any of the material we learn in class. Additionally, the exams have only 3 questions or so, so one question will can be worth up to 50 points. During lecture he goes into proofs, rather than giving examples that allow us to understand the content so they are confusing to follow
Allan Yashinski

Allan is a great professor who really knows his stuff. He explains concepts very well and provides a lot of resources, like lecture videos and previous exams. However, the exams for this class were unnecessarily difficult and nothing was dropped or curved. And the exams were also weighted very heavily in your final grade. If you are very confident in your math abilities and actually want to learn, this course will be a nice challenge for you. If not, definately just take 241 instead of 241H, cannot stress enough.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
The course is definitely difficult and requires you to pay attention, but Professor Ebrahimian made the class so much better. He knows literally everything there is to know about all the subjects and is always willing and able to help any student when they are struggling with a problem or grasping a concept. I absolutely loved learning with Professor Ebrahimian and would recommend him to anyone who needs to take Calc 3. The course was set up very well, and I liked that the hw was not required. It created a system that encouraged you to be responsible for your own learning without affecting your grade. The entire course was planned out in the syllabus, and there were no surprise assignments or unexpected changes to the schedule. His exams were super fair and his grading was very fast. We often would receive quizzes and tests back within a week of taking them, during the following class or two. This course was probably my favorite math course that I have taken in my academic career, and would love to have Dr. Ebrahimian as an instructor again in the future.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting an A-
He puts effort into the lectures and you end up with very thorough notes (he writes out what he speaks to make it easier to follow the content) but some of his explanations are a little bit convoluted. Although the homeworks and MATLAB are straightforward (except for the last MATLAB project), your grade is essentially entirely dependent on the four midterm exams and final exam. The midterm exams are challenging --more so than the exams given by other professors --and they aren't curved or dropped (so the cutoff for an A is a 93).
Christopher Moakler

Expecting a B
I loved this professor. He was kind, engaging and funny during class, and he was very responsive to student questions. Did a good job explaining grading situations and similar to students. The material for this class is difficult but I could not have asked for a better explanation - he made it very intuitive to understand without dumbing it down at all.
Allan Yashinski

Expecting a B+
Sure Allan is good at explaining topics and he seems to be a pretty nice person, but he places unrealistic expectations on the student. He got rid of any quizzes, so your grade is dependent on 4 exams, 4 Matlab projects, some homework’s and a final. The homework’s and Matlab assignments do almost next to nothing at improving your grade, so your grade is almost solely dependent on the exams. On top of this, Allan does not drop any exams, doesn’t curve anything, and has his cutoff for an A set to a 93. Don’t be discouraged though, remember those homework assignments I said do nothing for your grade, yea, he’ll drop one of those.
Terence Long

Expecting a B
Great professor! he explains everything very clearly and goes at a slower pace to make sure you really understand what you need to know for homeworks and exams. he doesnt give much hw which is so nice, and the exams are nothing crazy or far off from what weve learned in class. He is very straightforward. Also the TA is very understanding about extensions and I never stressed about this class. He made math stress free and fun
Zehua Zhao

Expecting an A
I had Zhao for Calc 3 in Fall 2020. His teaching was literally reading directly from the textbook, but his exams were super nice and the required textbook for the class was pretty easy to follow. I ended up reading the book and doing the suggested practice problems he gave us instead of going to lecture, and everything turned out fine. His exams were take-home format (open book open note) and you had about 13 hours to complete them, which was super nice. Exams were the only grades for the class. He was also very open to feedback and suggestions, and made the resources for class very easily accessible. In fact, he uploaded a PDF of our textbook, and later the solutions manual to the textbook, onto the class ELMS page so you didn't even need to pay for them.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A+
I took this course in Spring 2020. Pros: + Extremely good lecturer. Will make sure all students understand what's going on. + Generally nice guy. + Is extremely flexible and adaptable to extenuating circumstances, especially during the pandemic. Dude made all of our quizzes and tests (including the final) open note and untimed. Wong is often called one of the best undergraduate math professors, and after taking his class, I now know exactly why.
Guangyu Xi

Expecting a B
His lectures were so bad. He wrote definitions and derivations word for word from the book on the board with no further explanation and did very few examples, if any. His handwriting is not great and can be really difficult to read. His exams were really hard and you had to teach yourself a lot of the material. The only reason I passed was because he didn't write the final and I got a good grade on that.
Guangyu Xi

Expecting an A
Great prof, hard exams but respects your time and gives a great curve. Recommend to anyone who wants a chill 241.
Dong Dong

Expecting an A
Name so nice you gotta say it twice. Great professor who cares about his students and gives very doable assignments.
Dong Dong

Expecting an A
Really awesome professor. No required homework, the exams were fair, and he prepared us well for the departmental final.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A+
Dr. Rosenberg was a fantastic teacher for my calculus III course in the fall of 2018. He is an extremely fair grader and very helpful when you have a question about the material. His style of teaching mixes in just enough proof and intuition to help learn the content without getting bogged-down in technicalities, and his sense of humor is amazing. As far as the course layout goes, we were assigned four midterm exams, three tiny online quizzes, and eight MATLAB group homework assignments, and that was all for the whole semester. His exams are easy if you know the content, and the questions often give you hints as to how to approach them. Overall, Dr. Rosenberg is most surely one of the best math instructors I have ever had.
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A
Writes definitions slowly on the board, word for word, from the book. This frustrated me at first, but once I got used to it, I started enjoying his class. He is very fair and friendly. He doesn't curve his H levels but he does drop your two lowest quiz/hw grades, and he gives you a 4.0 for 90%, 3.0 for 80%, etc. If you do your reading and suggested problems, you should have no problem getting an A. Take the H level; he says it's just a smaller class to him, so it's the same difficulty as lecture, but with 30 people instead of 200.
David Hamilton

Plain terrible. He gave out an insane amount of Matlab compared to the other teachers, and he is the worst teacher. Only able to do well b/c I took multi in high school.
Frances Gulick

Expecting a C
Her ratings on this website really speaks to how terrible of a professor she is. She rambles on without attempting to give her students an understanding of the subject material. While other professors in this course give out a one page cheat sheet for exams, Frances asks, "Why should I?" and asks no questions when all her students fail miserably. Every day I find new reasons to hate her teaching style and mannerisms. If you want to try and teach yourself Calc 3, then I suggest taking a class with her. There are more reasons I could list, but seriously- save yourself a semester of grief and go with ANY other professor.
Melissa Macasieb

Expecting an A
Good teacher. Gives suggested homework problems that aren't collected, but are extremely similar to quiz questions. Quizzes are weekly, and the lowest two are dropped, but are fair. 4 Matlab assignments which are pretty easy, and she tells you all the commands you need to know to complete them. Tests are straightforward and should be easy if you did the homework and have done well on the quizzes. Gives a worksheet every Wednesday to make the 2 hour block a lot more bearable. She is nice and willing to help if you ask for it. If you need an honors version math, I recommend taking her.
Melissa Macasieb

Expecting an A
Good teacher. Definitely only got poor reviews because the students in the MATH220 class don't have a strong background or don't want to put in the work. Went quickly (because it was an honors class) but covers difficult material well, gives very good notes, and is very accessible for questions. No mandatory homework for 241H but problems are provided, as well as a practice test before each test and a Matlab (fairly simple) every few weeks.
Melissa Macasieb

Expecting an A+
Like some people have said, I don't know why she has gotten so many bad ratings. The only explanation I can fathom for her being a bad teacher is if you have no solid background in math. Sadly, lots of people think they're "good" at math even though they aren't. She is very easy to take notes from and is very nice overall. She does her best to explain things to students, but usually she won't explain things if only one or two students are confused. She expects you to come to her during office hours if you're confused, so take advantage of that if you do get lost. Definitely do the homework -- the quizzes are extremely similar if not the same.
Melissa Macasieb

She's an adequate professor. She knows the material, but she speaks quickly. You have to listen and take notes really well to catch everything. Do your homework. The quizzes are basically the homework. She's flexible with making appointments which is great. And she's very amiable out of class. And study for the final. You can get an A in the class if you get an A on the final.