Reviews for MATH241

Information Review
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
Single best person at teaching I have ever witnessed. Also a nice guy.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting an A
Awful at teaching ngl. Really good at math but not good at teaching unfortunately. Had a really hard second exam and just said that we needed to study harder for the final. Wouldn't recommend going to lectures if you end up taking him, Justin's videos on YouTube cover more than enough to do well in the class.
James Conway

Expecting an A
My glorious king. Easy to follow along lectures and makes concepts interesting and easily digestible. By no means is it an easy class, but Conway makes the experience much MUCH more enjoyable.
James Conway

Expecting an A
Pros: He posts lots of resources, so it’s easy to catch up if you miss some lectures (lecture recordings and copies of notes are posted). Very reasonable exams and Matlab projects, also you can work in groups on the Matlab projects which is nice. He went over a lot of example problems in class, and explained them well. Cons: Sometimes he made small mistakes while doing examples during lecture, which is generally not that bad but I think it made the lectures unnecessarily confusing for some people.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting an A
He is a decent lecturer if you pay attention. His exams are not bad at all. The homework can get tedious toward the end of the semester.
David Pincus

Expecting a B-
Pincus is a very nice, knowledgeable, and overall solid professor but his lectures are really hit or miss. He spends the whole time going through the textbook but essentially rephrasing it in a way that he likes better, and will therefore be testing on. To do well in this class you have to review the material before class, watch videos and read the textbook, and go to his office hours. He answered every question I had during office hours and was very helpful, but you have to take these extra steps to do well in this class. Overall you really have to be prepared and grasp the material because you won't ever go over the same material twice.
James Conway

Expecting an A
Conway gets straight to business during lectures, not that you really need to go to anyway. Posts lecture videos + notes. He has exam review lectures. The questions on the exams are very fair and expected. Curves the final grade which bumped me from an A- to an A.
James Conway

Expecting an A
Hands down the best math prof I have had so far. Lectures were a perfect mix of theory as well as applications, with a more heavy interest on applications which helped greatly on exams. Super kind during lectures and office hours. Exams were always fair the and matlabs were not too difficult thanks to the matlab slides he provides. Overall a great experience as his student, definitely take him if the opportunity is there.
Matei Machedon

Expecting an A
TLDR very doable class and fair professor. as of writing this, Machedon is the course head for 241 so he’s probably your best bet for this course. He is also just a genuine person and welcomes questions. There is a noticeable accent, but he is completely understandable. Any complaints about it are blowing it out of proportion. This goes for any math class, but I advise taking notes or even skimming the chapter before attending lecture. Machedon’s lecturing is straightforward enough that’ll you understand the very basic premise without prior review, but he can be confusing at times with more difficult concepts. Use this strategy and you will succeed. We just did practice problems in the discussion sections and I didn’t find my TA to be particularly helpful so I stopped going. Found it much more helpful studying on my own. Sudheer wasn’t my TA but he had effective review sessions for the exams. There is a curve on grades so I think 85 is already an A-. Exams are extremely fair. Very very doable. I never truly mastered how to parametrize surfaces and struggled w Stokes’ Thm, but I was able to pass with an A. Imo calc 3 is quite boring and tedious, but you will survive. General tips: master parametrization and know your quadric surfaces! It makes the vector calculus portion of the course a much smoother process.
Eric Kubischta

Expecting a C
(Had Spring 2024) Honestly, without him I would’ve not passed MATH241, he provides so much useful insight into what to study and how to. His office hours promote and energizes your knowledge in the topics. Especially since he encourages that failure can be an option and not just memorizing everything you need in the course. Thanks to you and Foivos you both are legit some of the best Math TA’s in the whole department. Wish you the best wherever you go in life.
James Conway

Expecting an A
Conway is very helpful to those who ask and is very patient. He's one of the best professors I've had at UMD. For Calc 3 we had 3 entire class classes for final review and at least one for each of the three exams. You don't even need to go to discussion because he teaches so well.
David Pincus

Expecting an A
I thought David Pincus was a pretty good professor for Calculus III. During lecture he would often go over the concept for quite awhile before getting to the practice problems, which I felt made class time drag a bit. I would rather he go over more problems in class as when he did he explained how to handle a lot of the problems really well. The grade is made up of quizzes, matlab assignments, and tests. The quizzes are quite easy and are mostly based on the homework, in fact most of the quiz questions are taken straight out of the homework. The matlab assignments are also fairly straightforward and mostly involve using code to solve problems similar to the ones from the homeworks. The tests can be quite challenging but the good thing is Pincus is a good grader and will generally not take off too many points as long as your process made sense and your work contains the proper steps, even if the final answer is wrong. Now for Calc III in-general, this course is about the same level of difficulty as prior Calc courses. It's very important that you know how to integrate and differentiate and also be able to visualize in 3-D, with those skills you'll probably do well.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting a C+
Great teacher. Actually taught relevant concepts and explained the difficult subjects well. I'm not great at calculus, but I would say taking him and the awesome TA Navarro did help my grade, even though there is no curve and the quizzes are challenging. Then again, I was able to pass, so...
Ling Liang

Expecting an A+
He is really good as a person. If you get a chance, just take him. His exams and quizzes are extremely fair. His grading is extremely quick. We would receive quiz grades on the same day as the quiz and exam grades within two days :)
James Conway

Expecting an A+
I didn't really go to his lecture much but the few I went to in the beginning were definitely great because he explained the concepts really well. I took multivariable calculus in highschool so I stopped going to lecture halfway through and just studied for like 10 mins before every quiz and got almost all 100s. For the midterms I just took a few practice exams and the actual midterms were definitely easier than the practice ones. Definitely a pretty easy class and a great proffessor too.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting an A
Nice guy but terrible lecturer. He gets way to into proofs and complex theories/formulas that you don't need to know instead of focusing time on relevant information. I'd recommend using Justin Wyss-Galifent's MATH241 videos on youtube (which are all really good) instead of going to his lectures if you want to to well in this class.
Matei Machedon

Expecting an A
He is a pretty good guy, but his teaching is pretty mid to say the least. He does not answer questions that well, so it is important that you speak up in discussion with your TA. Some may enjoy this, but there aren't many assignments. 3 paper homework assignments and 3 MatLab assignments. This means that every homework and every midterm will heavily impact your grade. His exams were pretty fair overall and the final even had hints on it. There is plenty of extra practice available on ELMS, so your grade is pretty dependent on the effort you put in. However, there is a lot of self teaching because his ability to teach harder concepts (like surface integrals) is a little patchy. Would not recommend him as your first choice, but not a bad pick if you don't have any better options.
David Pincus

Expecting an A
Good professor. He's super, super, super super super nice. Nice like if you don't understand a question or know how to do something on an exam, he will help you A LOT in the middle of the exam. Very very lenient grader and really wants you to do well. Homework is optional and not collected but you should really do it as much as you can because it will really help you, and the questions on quizzes and exams are usually the exact same format as questions on the homework. Not the best at actually teaching unfortunately, that's kind of his weak point. He's really not THAT bad though, not nearly as bad as any of the 1 star reviews say. If you're a hard worker and willing to put in the work outside of class to learn material you will do well. With the wealth of free online calc 3 content and lessons there is absolutely no reason you should do poorly in this class. Anyone can get an A if you put in the appropriate amount of effort a 4 credit class requires outside of class. If you're lazy and unprepared for the self-responsibility of college and don't do the optional homework you won't get the grade you want and that's your fault not Pincus's!
James Conway

Expecting an A+
Absolute GOAT professor. His class was so easy and he is also just a really good lecturer. I went to almost every lecture even though he records because of how engaging he was and how well he explains the concepts. There were 3 midterms but they were so easy. I didn't have to stress too hard for these exams because I just needed to review the notes and do a couple practice problems and I'd be good. The weekly quizzes were also pretty nice because they were easy and they kept me in check by making me study every week although just for 30 minutes. My discussion TA was also goated. Shoutout Eric. He would go over really difficult problems during discussion which helped me understand the concepts and also made the midterms 10x easier. Also the final was much easier than the previous years for some reason. Maybe goat conway had something to do with that.
David Pincus

Expecting an A
Really nice professor and understands the struggles of us students and our other classes. He has no curve but his grading is so lenient that it's basically a curve in itself. Quizzes are taken from homeworks, and if the class does poorly he'll offer corrections. Even on exams he offered corrections. There were multiple take home quizzes because Dr. P knew the class had a big exam the next day. He just really cares that you learn the material and get it down, which is why he's so nice. It may be hard to follow him in lecture sometimes with the amount of writing useless info but you'll get through with the help of the Justin Wyss-Gallifent's YouTube series. Also please make sure to do homeworks because it helps a lot.
Ling Liang

Expecting a B+
Never really made a RateMyProfessor account before, however, whoever the person was that commented that Dr. Liang was an absolute gigachad was correct! His exams were very fair and covered material that he would teach us. I also felt like he prepared us enough for our final exams. If you have the opportunity to take Calc III with this professor, I would definitely recommend it! Not a single regret.
Ling Liang

Expecting a B+
Funnily enough, the person who called Dr. Liang a gigachad and hadn't taken his class was absolutely right. Very understanding professor with fair exams based on the content his has taught us and I felt like he had prepared us enough for the final exam. If you have a chance to take Calc III with this professor, you should definitely do it! Not a single regret.
Matei Machedon

Expecting a B
He is a very kind person and really trys his best. Grading is mostly done by TA’s so you just have to get lucky with that. Some TAs are bad graders others are not. Discussions really depend on your TA some are great mine did the problems wrong most of the time so I stopped going. If you go through textbook and do practice problems from there you will be fine. I had an A all semester until the Final and ended with a B.
Ling Liang

Expecting an A
Weekly quizzes that most of the times weren't too bad and the tests mostly seemed manageable. With each chapter, he takes his time explaining the content, and may review the stuff next lecture. Sometimes he does go over the lecture time by 5 or so minutes, so if you're in a time crunch then take that into account. At the end of the semester, he gave our class basically a 5% curve (A- is a 85% and A is 88%). There are no homeworks in the class other than the Matlab projects, which means you might need to do his suggested problems from the textbook to keep up, but you can find websites to download the textbooks required. Definitely recommend him.
Ling Liang

Expecting a B
Weekly quizzes and exams are not too difficult. The exams had a few theory based questions but overall also not bad. Final was what we covered throughout the year. Extremely fair and helpful professor.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a B+
He is not good teacher! Chill guy but his style of teaching is heavily proof-based, and explanations are very difficult to understand and apply. Lectures are basically useless. Watch Justin's math241 series instead, much better explanations and examples. Discussion sections with the TAs are also very helpful and productive. Weekly quizzes are fairly easy, and 2 midterms were a little tricky but doable. Matlab assignments are super easy like 5 lines of code though, so that is a bonus. The final is worth 50% of your grade tho, so there's a lot of pressure. Overall, would not recommend if you want a good lecturer.
Patrick Brosnan

Please do not take him. Midterm averages are like a 60%, u will be on the edge of your seat abt failing the whole semester.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a B+
This dude's lectures are so useless I stopped going halfway through the semester. He only speaks in theories and proofs, and rarely does examples in class. His way of explaining concepts and new topics is so confusing. You are better off watching Justin's videos instead of going to lectures. The TA's are very good though and discussion sections are very helpful. Weekly quizzes are fairly easy, and midterms are not too bad, but the final exam is worth 50% of your grade so there is a lot of pressure on it. Lock in man
Matei Machedon

Expecting an A
He explains topics well and clearly knows what he's talking about. His lectures can be a bit hard to follow at times but if you do some work on your own (watch videos, do practice problems), you will be fine. Workload is light with 3 HW, 3 Matlab assignments, and 2 midterms in total. The midterms are also pretty straightforward.
Nicholas McConnell

Expecting a B+
Worst TA I've ever had
Matei Machedon

Expecting an A+
I find his lectures a little hard to follow (he doesn't do a ton of examples), but they are from the textbook so you can learn it on your own. I'd recommend supplementing the lectures with some other resources. Discussion sections are not mandatory, but the practice problems are helpful. His midterms are really easy, do a bunch of Justin's past exams and you'll be over-prepared. Matlab projects and graded homework are also pretty straightforward.
Alex Navarroa

alex was a very nice TA and listened to class feedback when the class was having trouble following the discussion at the start of the semester due to a fast pace. he also would periodically take time to connect what we had already covered in class to what we would be covering in the future so we could have the big picture of what was going on. my only complaints were that there was no feedback on what precisely we got right/wrong on the worksheets or homeworks (which i think that's more a flaw of the class structure overall) and he never responds to his emails (tho he seems very busy with his own classes so no hard feelings, i'd just recommend trying to make it to office hours). he's very understanding of when emergencies happen and worked very hard to help meet my ADS accommodations which i appreciated a lot. overall it was a good discussion and i think you'll be fine as long as you keep up with your homework if he's your TA
Terence Long

Expecting an A
He is single handedly one of the best professors I've had here. He loves math so much that it makes me excited to learn it. Would also highly recommend MATH206 which is an asynchronous one credit class that for MATLAB. If you're an engineer I'd highly recommend it, it's a free A and honestly I would knock out the modules in other boring classes, they were like little puzzles.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting an A
Safsten is great. He really enjoys teaching, and you can tell he genuinely really likes math. He's attentive at lecture, answers any questions you have, wants to make sure you understand the subject. He wants you to succeed.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting an A
Extremely coherent lectures. He does tend to front-load the material a lot and save the rest of the time for examples, which worked well for me, but just make sure you come to class on time and pay close attention. The weekly homeworks are required and can be time-consuming, but they’re worth the effort as the exam problems are of similar difficulty. Discussions include weekly group worksheets, which are harder than exams but graded on completion, as well as biweekly quizzes of reasonable difficulty, with the lowest two quiz scores dropped. The only critique I have is that the fact that there were no notes, practice exams, or solutions posted for anything, combined with homeworks and quizzes often being graded after the relevant exam, made it hard to gauge our understanding of the material before exams. The other positive aspects about this class made up for this, though. I’d give 4.5 stars if I could.
Eric Kubischta

Expecting a C
HE IS THE BEST! Genuinely an amazing TA who knows how to teach the material. He cares about his students and how they do. He goes out of his way for the students to do well. He is a veteran TA so he has REALLY valuable insight into what types of questions, topics, etc will be on exams and the final. Really accommodating for students being late and missing discussions or quizzes. He is just the cheat code for this class. Will I get a C? Yes. Without Eric? That's an F. Should you rearrange your schedule for him? I mean.....yeah. I owe him my firstborn son. <3
Clarke Safsten

Expecting an A
Fantastic teacher. Explains content in a way that makes sense, ties each section together, and clearly enjoys his subject. He made Multivariable Calc very digestible and practical in a way that I think has stuck with me. Midterms focus on understanding general ideas and often don't require very much calculation, so as long as you understand the content you should be fine. Homework, worksheets, and quizzes are all good at preparing you for midterms/final. In class, the notes he writes on the board are concise and make sense. I would highly recommend him as a professor.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B-
I would highly reccomend taking Jiang's class however there is a caveat. I found his lectures very difficult to follow, but his homeworks, weekly quizzes, and exams were all pretty fair. If you want an A in calc 3 follow these directions(I was about to fail the class, and then started doing this after the second midterm and brought my grade back up): - Sign up for jiangs section - Do not attend a single lecture, instead, go on youtube and find justin wyss galfients math 241 video series, each video corresponds exactly with the content of the jiang lecture, just see which textbook section he is teaching that week(he posts practice problems on canvas), and watch the corresponding video. - go to one discussion a week and take the quiz, do the practice problems beforehand if your are not confident on the material - Boom, easy A going to class once a week
Sudheer Shukla

Expecting an A
Honestly saves me in Calc 3. Sometimes he takes a while to get on track with his explanations, which can be annoying sometimes, but often it helps set up the proof. He has a good grasp on Calc 3 and explains it well. Def better than most professors.
Alex Safsten

Expecting an A
Safsten is amazing. He explains concepts very clearly in lecture and makes the most difficult concepts not seem so bad. The midterms are more than fair and are very manageable. The worksheets in discussion are harder than the problems on the midterm so if you understand the worksheets, you'll do fine on the midterms. I highly recommend him and would 100% take him again.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting an A
Safsten is amazing. He explains concepts very clearly in lecture and makes the most difficult concepts not seem so bad. The midterms are more than fair and are very manageable. The worksheets in discussion are harder than the problems on the midterm so if you understand the worksheets, you'll do fine on the midterms. I highly recommend him and would 100% take him again.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting a B+
Explains the material nicely and midterms are reasonable. Classwork is very doable for a 4 credit class. Alex N, my TA, was the goat and helped me understand the material. I can tell Professor Safsten loves what he does fs.
Sudheer Shukla

Expecting an A
You can genuinely skip lecture and learn off of Sudheer. Smart guy, can explain everything thoroughly and step by step. Lectures can often be confusing, but Sudheer makes it simple and understandable. He always answers questions, and clearly explains the material. Definitely makes this class 10 times easier, I can't thank him enough. Highly recommend!!!
Matei Machedon

Expecting an A
Lectures are complete, but with only 50 minute classes he has to cover a lot of content and often skips over examples and just gives formulas and whatnot with little explanation of how to actually use them. The work load is very reasonable, with only a few assignments throughout the year besides exams. Lots of partial credit on exams and curve applied where an 88 is still a 4.0 Overall great professor, would recommend for MATH241, but you will likely need some sort of supplement to his lectures, such as Youtube videos (Prof Leonard or Justin Wyss-gallifant are great)
James Conway

Expecting an A
My glorious king, where do I start. In all seriousness, he's a great math professor. He records and posts lectures on Canvas, so attending is not necessarily required though. I did find it to be more helpful to go though. He also posts his notes as well. He is obviously very intelligent and breaks content in an easy to digest way. Conway also is fantastic at answering questions during lecture. I personally found found the textbook problems he recommends to be much more difficult than any quiz or exam question. A good rule of thumb is that if you can do the textbook problems, you'll be set for the quizzes and exams. The MATLAB assignments are piss easy if you have any prior programming experience. Discussion is kind of useless, but that just might have been my TA.
Sudheer Shukla

Expecting an A-
I typically walked into Sudheer's discussion sessions very confused about the content from class, and always left with an understanding. He is very personable, and makes sure that every student is caught up in what we are doing. He is very well spoken, and answers every question asked with a well thought out answer, no matter how simple the question. Anyone who has him is extremely lucky.
Sudheer Shukla

Expecting an A
Sudheer is my current TA for MATH241, he is an amazing TA. He explains concepts clearly and is puts special emphasis on making sure that his students understands every concept thoroughly. Even when the lecture was horrible, Sudheer was able to save my understanding during discussion. Absolutely a great TA who is definitely saving my grade.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a C-
Brosnan is too busy doing proofs while all his students struggle actually understanding the content, with the averages on the midterms being 60%. Extremely unorganized, and almost never finished the examples. He does not prepare you for the exams or quizzes whatsoever, and with the final exam being 50% of the grade, this leaves students extremely vulnerable. The TA for the discussion was 10 times better than him and the only part of the class salvageable. Do not recommend taking any classes with him if you want a professor that is good at teaching or cares about his students. Save yourself the headache and pick someone else.
David Pincus

Expecting a B
Really nice guy and will answer any questions you have.... but he absolutely sucks at teaching. He makes everything so complicated for no reason. Its like he is transcribing the textbook onto a blank piece of paper, but with horrible handwriting. All I need is the equation and then 10 problems walked through, not a copy of the textbook in front of me. He also has little to no confidence when lecturing. He's a fairly easy grader, but if you mess up an exam your grade is cooked the rest of the semester.
Clarke Safsten

Expecting an A
Would recommend Safsten to anyone interested in taking any class he offers. Amazing teacher, explains concepts in a way that is easy to digest, is easy to understand, and his exams are reasonable. Makes a difficult class easy.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
W teacher and his jaw is as sharp as his mind. I want to be like Roohollah when I grow up
Jonathan DeWitt

He taught the content clearly, provided clean notes, and held office hours in which he was willing to answer any questions.
James Conway

Expecting an A+
Had him for both Linear Algebra and Calc 3, and after taking Calc 3 with him, I think his teaching style is absolutely great. Super understanding and patient with his students, and he's always quick to reply to emails. 100% recommend taking a class with him, I would take another class with Conway if I could.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Keeps pace with the syllabus, explains most things to a level that you're able to understand conceptually rather than memorize, and made himself accessible to students.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a C
I believe Professor Ebrahimian is one of the best math professors out there. I was struggling in the class for the last half, and he had so many resources available, from shorter YouTube videos, guided study sessions, and even held office hours in the Y occasionally. He is very approachable and will give you advice on how to move forward in the class if you ever come to him for help. For the class itself, he dropped 2 quizzes, which was very helpful. Also, if your lowest midterm was lower than your final exam score, he would take your final exam score out of 100 and replace the midterm score with it.
Foivos Chnaras

Expecting a B-
Truly the Greek god of Math. One of the best TA I had, explained all the topics in a much simpler form and was willing to spend extra time to help you do well in the course.
Jonathan DeWitt

He was a decent professor, who taught the content well and prepared us for tests. He was helpful in his office hours.
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting an A
He's great. Teaches based on the textbook, so it's very easy to know what to study/where to find extra information, but expands on what's in the textbook and make sit easier to understand. Quizzes and exams match exactly what he covers in class.
James Conway

Expecting a B+
Overall a good professor. Records lectures and uploads notes after class. No participation or attendance points, only need to show up to discussion for the last ten minutes to take the quiz. Quizzes are heavily based on textbook problems, while exams are a mix of lecture and textbook. His explanations usually make sense, however sometimes he thinks it's like intuitive when it isn't for others, so you'll have to read the textbook to figure out another way to do the problems. For the Matlab assignments, if you go to office hours, you will get at least a 90% on it. Regrading requests are very easy to complete and he usually gives points back if you give a logical argument.
James Conway

Expecting an A+
Professor Conway is the absolute best. He is an amazing lecturer and always explains things very clearly. His proofs for formulas are unnecessary for you to know, but they helped me understand concepts more. The quizzes (9) were definitely harder than the exams, but just make sure you really understand the topics being tested. His exams (4) were pretty fair and made me feel prepared for the final. He also made the worse exam weigh only 5%. He is a funny and approachable guy and is always happy to help during office hours.
Foivos Chnaras

Expecting a C+
Honestly the most goated TA. I had him for both Calc 1 and Calc 3. If you have him in any class as a TA or if you have him in the class but he’s not your TA go to him for help during office hours. He is quite literally a one on one tutor and is great at doing his job. He helped tutor me in Calc 3 when I was worried I was gonna fail since the professor does not curve. But with his help I scored above my past exam scores on the final and did extremely well. If he ever teaches any class as a lecture I would take him. He is so down to earth and makes sure he does review sessions before each test for the professor. I wish him the best in life as he’s extremely passionate about teaching mathematics, and I know he will have a successful future. Foivos if you read this it’s Duncan thank you for what you’re doing!
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting an A
I really like his lectures, he knows what he's teaching. Exams are very fair. My only small complaint which is there were a lot of 3 question quizzes, but there was a lot of partial credit given and the lowest ones are dropped so its not too bad.
James Conway

Expecting an A+
Records every lecture, reviews before every exam, no graded homework, drops 2 lowest quizzes and makes the lowest exam worth like 5%, provides practice exams and solutions. He's a great professor and explains things very well. 0 notes, every prof should try to be like him.
Foivos Chnaras

Expecting an A
Incredible TA for MATH241. He does so much to enhance your understanding of the material and is just a really chill guy to talk to in general. Foivos is the GOAT and I hope his pillows are always cold ong
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Ebrahimian is the ideal math professor. He's very kind, incredibly knowledgeable, and an engaging lecturer. He doesn't record but goes over everything on his YouTube channel anyways. Textbook homework is optional but good to do. I found that his explanations of concepts were clear and concise, and his examples are very relevant to what he tests you on. All in all, he was the best option for MATH241 and is probably the best for any class he's teaching, but I'll detail Calculus 3 in particular: - MATLAB: 4 projects, they're not time consuming and are very good practice for exams. You can resubmit in MATLAB Grader until you get everything right, so this is a free 12.5% of your grade. - Quizzes: Weekly, except exam weeks. A couple were tricky, most are easy, just look over lecture examples and you're good. He drops the 2 lowest ones as well. Another 12.5%. - Midterms: There are 4, worth 50% total. 4 midterms are a lot, but it really is the best way to subdivide the content. He provides 5 practice exams and a list of recommended textbook problems for each one. Do some practice and you'll be fine. Averages were 95, 86, 77, and 74. -Final: worth 30%, and also replaces your worst midterm if you did better on the final. Again, it's very fair. He gave loads of past final exams with solutions and they're the same difficulty. I doubt I'd have an A if I had Conway instead. I'd take Ebrahimian for any class, he mogs and has tons of aura which is even more important than how well he teaches.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a C+
First if you’re looking for a curve then you’re in the wrong place. Professor Erbahimian is a man with passion and dignity when teaching during lecture. He makes sure the class is engaged and that is the first time I’ve ever seen a math professor at umd do so. His exams were easy during the first two but quite hard for the last two. I’d recommend going to TA office hours as the two goats Foivos and Eric Kubischta were there to help at understanding any topic within the class. The final was surprisingly easy and Professor Erbahimian helped prepared you for it by making sure his exams have questions that were similar to what you would see in a final exam. Definitely would take again, i appreciate his time and commitment to the mathematics of multi variable calculus.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
GOATED Professor!!! All I gotta say is the average on the final was around a B (this is multi variable calculus) Great lecturer, answers every question, has online review sessions before every exam (including a 2 hour exam review before the final) He also has a YouTube channel where he goes over the content and runs through exams. You couldn’t ask for more out of a math professor. Go to lecture, take notes, do practice exams , watch some YouTube and you’re golden.
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting a B
I loved being in his lectures. Even when I couldn't, the posted lecture notes & recorded lectures made it pretty easy to catch up. Discussion quizzes were put well in advance on the syllabus along with suggested homework problems to do (optional, but very very helpful for exams). We had one singular MATLAB assignment which wasn't very challenging: most of the grade comes from the midterms (you take 3 and he drops the lowest one) and quizzes (10 quizzes, drop the lowest two). The exams are super fair, and if you do the homework problems and study the quizzes you'll have no issues. Can't recommend him enough.
James Conway

Expecting a B
Nice professor. Records all lectures and posts notes that are easy to understand. 4 tests all out of 50 points: the lowest is weighed 5% while the other three each are weighed 15%. There's three matlab assignments where you will turn in the entire code into gradescope (HAVE A TA CHECK IT!!) and the average of the three matlabs weighed 15%. There's 9 quizzes and the average is weighed 15% with the final being 20%. DO TEXTBOOK QUESTIONS!! They will prepare you for the quizzes and tests so highly recommend. The final this semester was brutal but it seemed to have been graded pretty nicely because the average was about a 70. He did do an additional curve of about 5% at the end of the semester. Overall, great prof and no complaints. Def take him if you can.
James Conway

Expecting an A
Professor Conway is a good person to take Calc III with. He goes through every textbook section you need to know in his lecture on his iPad. He records his lectures and posts his written iPad notes. He is accommodating when unexpected issues arise, such as retaking a discussion quiz with a valid UMD excuse. Although having 4 midterms can be tough, he makes it reasonable with 3 being worth 15% of the grade and the worst test being only 5%. He speaks very clearly and likes to crack jokes every once in a while. Of course, an A has to be earned in Calc III through hard work and attending discussion section quizzes, but overall Conway is a great professor to take a math course with. He won't throw any crazy curveballs at you. If I had another math class I needed to take at UMD, I would look to take it with Conway.
James Conway

Expecting a B
good teacher, very clear lecturer. bad grades like mine are usually because of student error or laziness.
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting an A-
This professor is good at giving lots of examples for various topics, but he wasn't great at explaining the chapter 15 topics. Overall he's a good professor that cares about the success of his students. He only gave one matlab which was good, and he drops your lowest exam grade.
James Conway

Expecting an A
Solid professor, I enjoyed his class. Exams are very fair and there's consistently a week's turnover to receive grades. He's also very approachable. Take Conway if you can - the subject may be challenging but he knows how to make it more comprehensible and easier to understand.
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting an A
The cutest man to ever walk this earth. You haven't lived if you haven't seen this man smile before the second midterm. His jou is my joy.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Nice guy to the class but pretty rude in one-one conversations
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting an A-
James Conway

Expecting a B
Jamie Conway is my hero. Take his class. Records every lecture, suuuuper lenient about making up work if you have any conflicts, are sick, or anything else. Also a genuinely nice guy who cares about his students and is happy to answer questions.
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting a B
Really well rounded professor. Exams and quizzes are fair and lectures are easy to follow and they are recorded too!
Roohollah Ebrahimian

I pulled an all nighter(never again) and decided to take an hour power nap, then my alarm doesn't go off and I run into the exam 30 minutes late. Professor Ebrahimian then allowed me extra time to complete the exam. I don't think any of my previous professors would have allowed this. On top of that he is an amazing teacher 10 stars
James Conway

Expecting an A-
By far one of the best teachers I have had. Extremely understanding, helped me to work around scheduling conflicts, and very reasonable workload. Matlab assignments are given plenty of time, exams are fair. Very good teacher and interesting to listen.
Pablo Cedillos

Expecting an A
Pablo is the GOAT! He really cares about teaching his students. He is so knowledgeable and helpful.
Jonathan DeWitt

Expecting a B+
I really like this Professor. He caters to different learning styles and posts his lecture notes and records the lectures.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a C+
[Took class Fall 2023] Fushuai Jiang made Calc 3, which material-wise is relatively easy as it is involves simple vector math and integrals that work out easy, difficult to learn and difficult to pass. Nothing about his lectures were useful or practical towards helping prepare you for the exams. He read straight from the textbook, wasting too much time on concepts. When it came to his example problems during lecture, they were often too easy or too hard. When they were too hard to solve mathematically he would simply give up and cut to the answer, skipping crucial intermediate steps, or not providing an answer at all in which he would say "just use MATLAB." If you were wondering, the answer is no, you are not allowed to use MATLAB on the exam. Here comes the best part of it all- the exams. As a fellow student aptly described in another one review, his exams alternated between being impossibly difficult and insultingly easy (exam one being hard, exam two being easy, and exam three being hard). The impossibly difficult ones were as such due to the fact that they were highly conceptual and not remotely straightforward in what equation should be applied, requiring derivation before you could apply any equation. Another obstacle to these exams was the extremely poor preparation material. The practice exams were essentially useless in application, and as stated prior his lectures are poor and don't teach you WHEN to apply any given equation. Fushuai's only redeeming qualities were that he did not assign graded homework and that he assigned MATLAB problems which were free points. In conclusion, avoid him if possible. If you have no other choice, skip his lectures and either go to Justin's lectures or just view and transcribe Justin's notes.
David Pincus

Expecting an A
I felt like it was impossible to learn anything from the professor. Learned the material exclusively through Justin Wyss-Gallifent's YouTube series and doing questions from the textbook after. Would not recommend unless he is your only option which he was for me.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
He always had great notes, was very understanding, and was an amazing professor overall. His grading was fair, as well as his curves were generous. He had online lectures to look back on, and many old helpful materials to practice with for all exams given. He was also very organized and followed a set structure. We never got behind.
David Pincus

Expecting an A-
Seems nice, not a great lecturer he just reads off a slideshow which is essentially just a textbook definition and example problem. He didn’t really explain things too well imo but you could keep talking to him and eventually he would say something that stuck. Basically went through the course teaching myself from the textbook, the tests aren’t too hard or tricky but there’s no curve so you can’t really mess up too much.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B+
Terrible teacher; however, if you watch all of Justin's videos and do the "optional" HW examples assigned in the textbooks, it's a "free" A in the class. Discussions are usually unhelpful as Jiang doesn't tell TA's much about how to format the quizzes they make. Quizzes and MatLab are free to grade booster (they dropped 5 of the 9 quizzes given). If you are reading this and are in STAT400, get a textbook, do the HW, and use outside resources, and you will be fine. Also, Jiang said he wasn't going to curve the class but is known for always curving at the end when the averages drop since his teaching is terrible when topics become more difficult.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B+
Really a great professor overall. I found him to be concise in his lecturing, but still thorough in explaining the material. Definitely made a few mistakes here and there, but it never messed up my understanding much, as someone would usually point it out and he would fix it. He uses the chalkboard extensively, which really helped me see the whole topic laid out. Also a generally approachable guy. Some of the topics did get a little 'huh?' to me later in the course, but I think that's more a fault of Calc III being a complicated course than anything he did.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A
I never went to lecture. I studied out of the textbook, completed the recommended practice problems, and went over his review sheets. Finished with a great grade, 10/10 great professor thanks Antoine Mellet
Foivos Chnaras

Expecting a B+
explained topics very well! made the material given in lecture must more understandable
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B+
Decent lecturer, just teaches out of the textbook and moves very quickly, hard to follow everything in lecture enough to ask questions (personally thought his lectures got worse as the semester progressed). Initially said no curve would be given, but gave one at the end of the semester due to bad performance on the third exam.
Pablo Cedillos

Expecting an A
Excellent TA. I only have good things to say about him as a teacher and person. He was available to help before and after discussion if you needed extra help and gave good insights into what to study for exams and quizzes. He also explained problems well. Wish he could be my TA for all my future courses.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
ABSOLUTE GOAT. If you get Justin as your professor, thank your lucky stars because you have been blessed. All jokes aside, Justin is a fantastic professor who kept my attention in lectures with his nice visual/verbal examples and fun stories. Genuinely learned so much and feel like I got a really good grasp of the material and content. Exams were also all very fair and similar to the provided pervious exams. I looked forward to going to lecture, and know many others in the class felt the same. Also- Pablo Cedillos, the TA, was fantastic and key to my success in this class.
David Pincus

Expecting a B
Pincus is friendly, but his teaching falls short. I learned only from the textbook and online videos since class materials are limited. He can not teach even if his life depended on it - all he does is post screenshots from the textbook and ramble on for an hour. You would learn more from reading the textbook than actually attending class. Daily quizzes boost grades but add lots of stress and force you to study the night before class. Exams are okay, but Pincus doesn't curve grades. If you fail one exam, you are basically done for. If you're good at self-learning, go for it; otherwise, think twice before signing up.
Pablo Cedillos

Expecting an A-
Pablo is a super nice guy. He is always willing to teach, write good examples, and explain hard concepts during office hours. I'm very grateful to have had him as my TA for Math 241. Thank you Pablo!
Pablo Cedillos

Expecting an A
Super nice guy, very helpful during discussions and office hours. Great at explaining concepts, fun and engaging in class.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
This course is the most difficult I’ve taken- I’m very glad I had the opportunity to take it with Justin.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a C-
Please save yourself and do not take this professor. The lectures are very boring and he sometimes does not know himself what he is teaching and does not highlight the important parts. I watched professor Justin's lectures all the time and they would be much more detailed and easy to comprehend. Also, The practice exams are not even close to anything to what is actually in the midterms/exams. Jiang is just a very bad teacher and very unorganized when it comes to teaching.
Terence Long

Expecting a B
Super entertaining and interesting guy. Jolly as hell. He has a great knack for lecturing and as someone who's not that fond of calculus, he definitely kept my attention during class. He'll replace your lower exam scores with the final if it's higher, and drops your two lowest quiz grades. One note I will make about Terence is that he LOVES to give out tricky, messy exam questions that magically turn out clean in the end. This is good as you can usually tell when you've done a question right, but it does mean that you will sometimes have to wade through some messy algebra or problem-solving on midterms. Despite this though, I'd still highly recommend him as he's a very lenient grader.
Terence Long

Expecting a B+
He's a great teacher and a very chill dude. He's a good lecturer, and there are bi weekly quizzes in discussions. He has his pandemic lectures recorded, so you don't need to go to the lectures, and the only discussions you need to go to are the ones where there are quizzes. The exams aren't too difficult, so if you study, you should do fine on them. The only thing is, is that he doesn't respond to emails at all, which can be somewhat annoying. But overall, I would take this professor again.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B
Jiang is a decent lecturer, he knows his stuff well enough but is also pretty boring. His lectures are heavily based on the textbook so I found it was helpful to reach the textbook ahead of time and come to the lecture to edit/review my notes. Basically 75% of grades are based on exams (30% final and 15% for each of the three midterms) which is annoying but the exams are okay as long as you study and he provides pretty good study material. There are also ten quizzes throughout the semester but he drops the lowest five, and the Matlabs are not bad either. His syllabus claims that he doesn't curve but he ended up curving my class about 10%, although I wouldn't necessarily count on him doing that again since I'm not really sure why he did it in the first place. Overall, he is not terrible but I would definitely try to get Justin if you can.
Antoine Mellet

All hell broke loose when we found out he was writing the final and not Justin. Antoine is extremely conceptual. Do not take him if you do not do well with conceptual questions. NO CURVE. Only drops 2/10 quizzes. Quizzes are only 10%.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting a B+
final was extremely hard for no reason. no curve at all
Antoine Mellet

Expecting a C+
Great professor! Very good lectures and good at explaining things. Tests are fair and so are quizzes. The only reason I didn't do super well was because of falling behind on the content. Also, his discussions aren't mandatory unless there is a quiz. The thing about this is that there is really no structure to the discussions, so you've got to keep ahead of things yourself. He did end up curving the class slightly though. I would recommend Mellet, hes excellent!
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A+
Mellet was an excellent math professor. He's very skilled at explaining difficult concepts, does several, helpful examples on the board for each topic, and is very open to answering questions during class. I think there was one time in the entire semester that I left lecture feeling at all confused about what we were learning. His accent took maybe a day or two to get used to, and then it wasn't an issue at all. There were three midterms, each worth 20% except for your lowest score, which is worth 10%. The exams are very reasonable as long as you do the homework (all homework assignments are recommended, but not required).
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B+
For about the first 1/2 of the semester, Jiang was pretty good. Not the best lecturer but he explained it well enough for the tests to seem fair—which could have also done more with it being easier content. The last 1/2 of the semester was, as others are indicating below, a train wreck. It’s like he forgot how to teach well and so many of the concepts were never fully explained. This is likely why the averages were wayyyyy higher for the first two exams compared to the second and the final. If you want an easy A, do NOT take Jiang.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A+
Mellet is a very good math professor. I recommend taking him for MATH 241 if he is available. He is very good at explaining the material and has a generous grading system. His Matlab assignments are very straightforward and are pretty much just for completion. He posts review sheets before exams which are helpful and if you do them you should be prepared for the tests. All textbook homework is optional but highly recommended as the class moves fast and only a few examples are shown for each topic.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B+
Jiang is not a great teacher. Nothing is organised all his solutions for the practice midterms are wrong. You have to waste all your time checking if your solutions is right or wrong. My TA is the only reason I did well in this class. My grade in the class started getting better when I stopped going to class and started learning from YT and my TA.
David Pincus

Expecting an A
Super helpful, responded to emails quickly. Sometimes the lectures can be a bit all over the place and "textbook"-y but he explains everything very thoroughly
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
If you ever get the opportunity to take one of his classes, do it. He's a phenomenal lecturer. His lectures made sense to me, which is unusual for me. His quizzes and exams were super fair (bordering on easy). I learned a lot from this class.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
Justin is a great lecturer. His lectures just made sense to me. His exams and quizzes were more than fair (3 of the 4 midterms were very easy). If you have the opportunity to take Justin for any course, take him, end of story. Don't overthink it.
Zhi Heng Liu

Expecting a B+
Zhi was a great TA! He was friendly and nice to all of his students and knew his way around the curriculum. He gave us practice problems that were very relevant to the content and proved to be very helpful for each midterm, especially the final. He's a real one for that.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting an A
His lectures are very similar to what the book says, with similar examples and definitions of concepts. Sometimes it gets confusing because he goes into proofs for all the topics only to find out that it doesn't matter for exams. However, the proofs are sometimes nice to know, but not necessary to write down, so it is probably in your best interest to just pay attention to try to understand, but not actually write it down. His tests are pretty straight forward, to where if you can understand discussion worksheets and lectures, you'll do well. I'm not entirely sure what the other commentors are saying, because as long as you try your best to pay attention, his lectures are not unorganized, just a little boring. But learning about calc 3 proofs at 9am aren't always the most exciting. If you don't understand something, either go to the textbook or search Justin Wyss-Gallifent on YouTube, or search up "UMD immortal" on google, and you'll find a very simplified summary of each chapter from Justin Wyss-Gallifent the goat aka the immortal.
Antoine Mellet

I found Mellet a very direct professor, however, he is very nice and understanding. He strictly stuck to the textbook and moved quickly through the topics. His teaching is fairly fast for my liking, but I suppose that's just how the course is. Before exams, he would give 9-10 practice problems for you to do and then he would go over some of them during class. I found these problems to be harder than what the actual exams were. The topics got marginally more difficult as the year went on, so Mellet's teaching wasn't as clear. In that case, I would watch extra videos on the topic and do more practice problems. Overall, a great professor!
David Pincus

Expecting a B
He's alright. He's a nice guy but pretty bad at teaching however he cares about his students and is always willing to answer questions and emails back really quickly. He's generous with partial credit on the exams and daily quizzes. Matlab projects are also easy.
David Pincus

Expecting an A-
Pincus's teaching style does not suite a lot of people. His lectures can be difficult to understand if you haven't revised the material beforehand. When it comes to answering students' questions, Pincus is great at clearing any confusion, and he really does go the extra mile to help you understand a concept if you ask for help. Overall Pincus was good instructor.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting an A
I really have no idea why so many people are hating on this professor. His lectures are just as organized as any other professors, and he’s fairly interesting to listen to. He teaches the theory first usually using pictures and demonstrations before going into examples so you can get a better understanding of the material and he does a good job at that. His review material for exams isn’t the best but he always provides practice questions and you can go back and look at problem sets (which are options) or quizzes for practice. His exams are extremely fair and very representative of the material with nothing that surprises you, especially if you go to his lectures. He drops 5 of his 9 quizzes and they’re again very fair, the TAs tell you ahead of time what’s on them and you go over similar questions in discussion. Overall good teacher. Again could provide better exam review and can be slight disorganized at times, but he makes up for it in everything else.
Terence Long

Expecting an A
terence is super chill and easygoing, but i personally did not mesh well with his teaching. he often went into tangents where he would derive formulas or do something the "difficult way", just to be like "wow that was hard... would be nice if there was a better way to do this... oh wait, there is!" before proceeding to teach us a special technique. he never distinguished when he was going into one of these tangents or when he was simply doing a practice problem, which made it hard for me to follow his lectures. he teaches almost straight out of the textbook (although he does skip certain sections or concepts), so i was able to learn from that instead. his exams were definitely tricky but reasonable if you had a solid understanding of the content.
Baidehi Chattopadhyay

Expecting a B+
I thought I was going to fail this class based on the lectures but Baide has been the reason I will pass this class. She is an outstanding TA. She deserves all the love.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
By far the greatest professor I have ever taken at UMD. Truly cares about his students and wants you to perform well. He posts all his previous exams and notes on his website and has a youtube channel. Technically you could only show up to class to take exams and still get an A but you should always attend anyways because he is just a phenomenal, funny and engaging lecturer. CS students are blessed with this man.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A+
Mellet is a great professor, always very enthusiastic to teach class. At the beginning of the semester he really went into depth on the chapter topics, but towards the end they started to slip a little bit but that could just be because they were harder topics. His exams are straightforward and easy to answer. Quizzes were simple and the lowest two got dropped. The homework wasn't graded but great practice and even though the MatLab projects were difficult they weren't overwhelming. Overall, would recommend you take his class for Math241, and remember to pay attention.
Antoine Mellet

The only bad thing about Mellet is his tests can be slightly challenging as they are often different than the review sheets, but other than that I'd highly recommend! The accent actually keeps you focused, and every concept is gone over well with plenty of good examples that really help on the tests. The quizzes are piss easy, and two are dropped. Would definitely recommend Mellet!
David Pincus

Expecting a B+
Pincus is a very nice guy. If you e-mail him, talk to him, or just reach out he is one of the nicest professors I have interacted with. But he cannot teach if his life depended on it. I exclusively learned the class material off of the textbook or online videos I could find. The slideshows and example problems we get are only one per chapter and you get thrown into the homework fire. You have daily quizzes at the end of class that are a nice grade boost but they cause a lot of stress if you do not know what you are doing as you spend all of lecture trying to figure it out. And the exams itself are alright, there is always one question that most of the class does not know. But the worst part is Pincus will not curve anything. You gotta tank it or just get a good grade. If you are able to learn alot by yourself and off minimal resources go for it, but if not I would not sign up.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
The best. He is one of the best professors in the math/cs department if not one of the best professors in the whole university. He is super nice, super friendly, and he will answer any questions you have. He teaches in such a logical way and explains things so well that it made calc 3 easy to understand. He has a quiz almost every week, but some of them are pretty easy and you end up dropping 3 of them. Also, he posts all of his lectures and notes on canvas, and he posts past exams, problems, and instructional youtube videos on his website. Plus, the exams have a similar format to the past exams, and if you do bad, you can even replace one of the exams with your final exam score if you get a better percentage on the final. He is so good that some of my friends with other professors just use his videos and lecture notes to learn. Also, he is very good at drawing and made it super easy to visualize a lot of calc 3 concepts. He is truly amazing.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B
Jiang is a good professor in my opinion. Hes fun and engaging for my style of learning at least. The classes are difficult and can be a bit tough to understand but honestly if you go over the notes after class and just do some studying you should be okay. He is a very understanding person overall.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a B+
Jiang is a pretty good lecturer, but he tends to focus on some wild problems for exams. Go to discussion and actually do the homework, and you should be fine for the class.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a C
Jaing's teaching style is a complete disaster. Trying to follow his classes is like navigating a maze with no exit. The lack of organization is astounding, and it's clear that he has no idea what he's doing most of the time. Example problems are a joke - Jaing messes them up so often that it's a wonder anyone learns anything in his class. I resorted to scouring the depths of YouTube to salvage my education, thanks to the lifeline of Justin's videos. It's a sad state of affairs when another teacher @UMD becomes a more reliable source of information than your own supposed teacher. Tests are a rollercoaster of inconsistency. They swing between insultingly easy and impossibly difficult, with no middle ground. It's as if Jaing delights in the sadistic thrill of watching students either breeze through or crash and burn. The review sheets, touted as a study aid, are nothing more than a cruel joke. They offer zero help when it comes to the complex tests, rendering the entire exercise a colossal waste of time. The only shining light in this abyss of incompetence isso TA Isabelle. It's a shame the rest of the teaching assistants seem to be equally clueless. It's a wonder how anyone can be expected to learn when those in charge of imparting knowledge are themselves fumbling in the dark. Avoid Jaing's class like the plague if you value your sanity and education.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting a C+
Jaing is a terrible teacher. Classes are very unorganized and he often messes up example problems. I had to watch Justin's videos on YouTube to learn the topics. Tests are either easy or extremely hard, not in between. Review sheets do not help for complex tests and are quite a waste of time to go to class. One TA named Isabelle is very good but the rest simply don't even know how to solve the problems either
Isabelle Stepler

Expecting an A
I don't usually write reviews for TAs, but Isabelle is truly exceptional. I learned basically all of the content in Calc 3 from Isabelle during discussion period. If anything wasn't clear from the lectures, Isabelle covered it. We knew what to expect on every quiz and could study the important topics--same for each exam. Before exams, she would gather practice textbook problems that we could look at and try, so we always had exposure to every kind of problem that was on the exams. Literally the greatest of all time--you're going to be a great professor, Isabelle.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting an A
Not a great lecturer as many of these other comments are saying. My TA teaches me most of the content of the course in the discussion periods. He teaches very much by-the-book, and I have my own reservations with the book's structure. Exams are very fair, and you can do well if you study (and he provides enough study material). He also drops your lowest 5 quiz grades, which is nice.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A-
Mellet is a really nice and understanding guy. His tests aren't too bad and he drops 2/10 quizzes and makes your lowest exam grade worth 10% instead of the regular 20%. His exams are fair with lots of room for partial credit. He also posts a review sheet before the exam to practice. I did notice he got worse at explaining the topics as we got farther into the year but that may just have been that we were doing harder topics. He does have an accent but you get used to it after the first week. Overall would recommend his class.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Probably his last time teaching MATH241 as he is moving on to computer science but I will say he truly is the best professor at UMD no one compares to Justin anyone who has taken a single class with him can vouch he truly is the greatest.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting an A
Professor Jiang is an ok lecturer, but he goes into proofs and tangential explanations without telling you its not necessary to know. The midterms aren't hard, but he doesn't curve the class at all. Homework is optional but not too difficult. Matlab is also not that hard. He's not someone to avoid, but if you can you should take Justin Wyss-Gallifent, whose videos on youtube helped me tremendously on the few occasions I didn't understand what Fushuai was teaching.
Fushuai Jiang

Expecting an A
Very unorganized on exam day. Also conducts boring lectures.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting a B-
Great professor, goes over the information quickly for a hard class but makes sure to explain it thoroughly and does many examples on the board. Tests are fair and quizzes are pretty easy. Very good choice in a professor.
Keith Mills

Expecting an A+
THE GOAT!! So nice, so helpful, so good a teaching. Even if you miss a class, and are too unmotivated to catch up, and you're falling behind, just tell him that in OH, and if there aren't too many ppl, he will explain the concept from scratch. Literally, wants you to be engaged and understand whats going on. He's positive, helpful, and understanding (and hella chill). The GOAT TA.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
so freaking goated 🤗
Sepehr Mohammadkhani

Expecting a B
Very nice man. Horrible professor. Got A's and above averages all sem and he rounded down my final grade. Takes off egregious points on exams. Took off points for using another professor's technique instead of the textbook's. Bad lecturer. Wrote very confusing quiz questions. Gave up on lectures and just started learning from the textbook and youtube. Overall, only take if you're totally self-sufficient in calculus. NO CURVE with low C averages.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan is a great teacher, explains the concepts very well and writes easy exams. My only complaint about this class is the amount of exams (4 midterms and final).
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
I struggled a lot with Calc 2, but Calc 3 with Stefan was a breeze. He's a really chill and friendly guy. Stefan is a thourough lecturer and his drawings are neat and clear. His exams are straightforward and directly reflect the content of the course. Four exams with the lowest one supposedly out of 50 instead of 100. The quizzes were also fairly simple and there was no graded homework. There were three MATLAB projects, which were a bit tedious but it's a lot easier if you have people to work with. Stefan's lectures combined with Justin's youtube videos really helped me understand Calc 3!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan is great! In the beginning of the semester, he said that he's not as amazing as Justin. I think they each have their own strengths. Stefan is great if you have a solid grasp on basic algebra and trig knowledge and you learn from doing a ton of practice problems. Justin is a bit slower and is more catered to the person who has a bit of a rough math background. That being said, I thought Stefan was great even though it had been 3 years since a last studied math. His exams are straightforward, if you know the topic it is an easy A. His group work can be quite a challenge, but with the help of your TA and peers, you can get through it (and its also graded on participation). There are quizzes almost every week, but they are also straightforward (they count for a good portion of your grade). There is no homework, but there is suggested homework. I'd recommend doing the ones for the topics you don't understand well. If you don't understand things, go to his office hour. He's super chill!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A-
Stefan is by far the best Professor at this school. His exams and quizzes are fair. For groupwork all you have to do is show up and put a little bit of effort in it and you will get a 100. His lectures are very helpful and he does problems very similar to the exam ones in class. If you don't understand the material, he will take time after lecture to clarify the information. His TAs are very helpful as well. He made Calculus 3 very easy to comprehend and I felt I genuinely learned a lot this semester. TAKE STEFAN IF YOU HAVE THE CHANCE!!!
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Solid professor, exams are very fair/easy, no mandatory homework. Completion graded groupwork on Tuesday and quizzes on Thursdays which were a pain.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
A professor who really knows how to teach, not just to complete the teaching task.
Stefan Doboszczak

Stefan is super organized and a super sweet professor! All his lectures are really clear and he's receptive to feedback and always happy to explain more as long you ask. His TA's are also super cracked and reliable :) overall I feel like I could have done much better in class than the bare minimum, but Stefan's tests/exams are really fair and he goes off of Justin's notes a lot. 🫡 Thank you for a great semester!
Terence Long

Expecting an A
Chill fun professor.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a C-
Good guy, looks like he's very smart, but confusing lecturer. His lectures and explanations got too wordy for me and lacked examples to see how the things we were learning in the class applied, and if we did have examples, they would be rather abstract and difficult to understand. Also, the grading system is wacky with 50% of the grade being the final. The first exam is "easy," but the exams after are not as easy and the discussion quizzes did not help your grade either. At some point, as did most others, I just stopped heading to class and watched Justin's Youtube videos. Would recommend avoiding this guy.
Xiaoqi Huang

Lectures are hard to understand but professor is very nice. He drops many assignments and big Matlab assignments are announced very early. Exams are fair despite the lectures being pretty bad and great overall. Would definitely recommend if you can self-study.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting a B-
TL;DR: Terrible lectures, forgiving grading Xiaoqi is probably one of the worst lecturers I've had so far the (optional, un-graded) homework usually did very little to prepare you for the lecture itself and his lecturing was very disorganized and was very hard to follow, the language barrier also did not help his lecturing but that was not the main problem with them. I stopped going to lecture after a few weeks once I found Justin Wyss-Gallifent's MATH241 youtube playlist. It is the same curriculum except taught better with more concise illustrations/notes. I'd recommend going to discussion as the TA helped me prepare more than Xiaoqi did. Assignments were fairly easy although kinda felt half-baked; Matlab, Quizzes and Groupwork are worth 30% of your grade and are easy points, make your life easier and do them. Exams were a bit hit or miss but generally were on the easier side
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A+
Professor Williams is an excellent professor. Stay on top of the suggested problems and complete hw/MATLABs, and you will do well. Most negative reviews are students complaining about his tests because they are not willing to put in the work to do well.
David Hamilton

Expecting a B+
Abominable lecturer, which he freely admits, and is no help at all to the students. Anything you learn in this course will be from self studying. In fact, it would just save you time not to come to class if you have the misfortune of getting stuck with this awful professor. 0/5.
Keith Mills

Great TA, explains things very clearly and is helpful when students ask questions.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
it was a hard class but he explained things pretty good.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
Great professor that makes all of his content easy to understand. Posts his notes online as well.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting an A-
Pretty quirky professor but he's not bad. Honestly just used Justin's video the entire time, but the best thing about Brosnan is that his MatLab are extremely simple and are the easiest of the Calc 3 professors. No assigned homework, but I would highly recommend looking over them before taking quizzes. Exams aren't too bad either as long as you study the review and understand the content.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
Lectures and learning: Boring lectures, even if you try to pay attention you won't know what's going on. Spends a lot of time going into in-depth proofs that aren't really necessary for the class. Unfortunately, my TA was not the best. Relied entirely on Justin's Calc 3 playlist on Youtube and that was enough for me to do really well. Homework: Takes many hours for each Matlab HW. You learn a lot from getting it done, and I think knowing how to use Matlab is valuable, but Matlab is not taught at all in class. He often waits until the day the HW is due to give students a hint in lecture. However, if you go to his office hours and are personable and ask good questions, he'll tell you everything you need to know (sometimes he typed the code for me). My TA didn't know how to do the Matlab assignments. Quizzes: Had hardly any. Tests: Mostly fair, Matlab questions were not bad if you have a basic understanding of code. Gives 4 exams, helpful for bringing up your grade. Overall: Don't go to lecture, just watch Justin's lectures online instead. Try to learn Matlab through the homeworks to prepare you for tests. If you know NOTHING about code and generally do good on tests, find a different professor. But if you're stuck with Rosenberg it's not unmanageable.
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A
He is a great lecturer but his assignments and exams are very hard. The average on his exams were Ds. He will say the exams are written like the textbook problems but they are much wordier and harder. He does not give a curve. The matlab and homework assignments are very challenging and even the tutors couldn’t help at some points. There was extra credit given, but this is an anomaly for his class and it did not boost your grade by much. The final is very easy as it’s written by Justin. I would recommend taking Justin if you can.
Tyler Clark

Tyler was very helpful throughout the semester, he was easily approachable and gave detailed responses both in person and through email. He was a great way to answer questions and fill in gaps from lectures. Quizzes always felt fair and sometimes included some extra credit questions.
Patrick Brosnan

Professor Brosnan is a very nice and well meaning guy, he does genuinely care about his students performance. This being said, I found his lectures a little scattered and confusing and oftentimes had few examples. I used his lectures alongside Justin Wyss-Gallifent YouTube videos which I found helped clear any confusion. He does make lectures light-hearted as he makes a lot of jokes and will tell some brief stories every now and again. His exams are almost exactly like the homework so if you do the recommended problems you should be familiar with the exam content. He does give 1 or 2 of his previous exams as practice for each midterm and held several review sessions during class before the final. The Matlab assignments are extremely easy and could be done in a few minutes. This semester (Fall 2022) Brosnan decided to only have 2 Midterms instead of the usual 4. This was meant to reduce the number of stressful exams across the semester, but in reality it just made the 2 midterms worth more and harder to study for as they covered more content. This was his first semester trying this so it may not happen in the future. Our final grade was curved.
Xiaoqi Huang

Xiaoqi is a great professor! He is extremely nice, his exams are fair, the Matlab projects are given well in advance, and he drops a decent amount of assignments. There is a language barrier that makes the more conceptual latter half of the class more difficult, but I think he gives plenty of room to succeed in his class.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting an A-
Nice and funny guy in class, but his lectures were very confusing so I stopped attending them. As many will tell you, the Justin Wyss-Gallifent videos are 100% the way to complete this class. If you watch them and actually do homework problems until you understand the material, you will be fine. His exams were pretty easy and the Matlab assignments are practically nonexistent. Just make sure you prepare yourself well for the final as it will not necessarily be the same difficulty as the midterms. From my experience, this class requires some self-control to actually make yourself watch the video lectures and complete the optional homework. Which if you are coming in as a freshman student with AP Calc credit might be a new experience. Overall, I think you get out what you put into this class.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
One of the best Math professors here. To this day, I'm convinced Calc 3 was easier than Calc 1 and 2 because of the way he taught the materials.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B+
Stay away from Professor Rosenberg. His lectures were very unhelpful - he placed a lot of emphasis on textbook proofs and definitions rather than explaining the concepts and providing examples. I would walk out of lectures not understanding a single thing, quite honestly. But discussion section usually clarified a lot - I had a very helpful TA who explained the concepts quite thoroughly and gave me a base-level understanding of them. If you rely solely on content from his lectures you likely will not fare well in this class. To study for exams (and even to understand most of the content in general) I relied on Justin's online Youtube Calc 3 playlist as well as Professor Leonard (a VERY good Math Youtube channel, highly highly recommend). This is what singlehandedly saved my grade in this class. Simply relying on the professor (and even the textbook, quite frankly) I don't know if I would have made it through. I think by far the most egregious part of this class was the exams. The exam questions were blatantly designed to trick you and often covered obscure content. In addition, the first two exams contained MATLAB questions that were nearly impossible to figure out - even our TA told us that he was shocked by the exam MATLAB questions, and that he may not have been able to do them either. Thankfully, the latter two exams didn't have such questions but the first two were enough to hurt my grade significantly to the point that it became very, very difficult to improve my grade in the class. The fact that the professor does not curve your exams in this class did not make it any better. As for the MATLAB HW assignments, they were absolutely ridiculous. Most of the assignments were tedious and incredibly unfun, each taking me many hours to complete. We were assigned HW groups but if your group wasn't able to figure out the assignments or, in some cases, not even willing to do the assignments, you would have to do it all on your own (which is what I ended up having to do for the final few assignments). We did not spend much time learning MATLAB in class at all so I had to rely heavily on online documentation. We had quizzes periodically. Most of them were on the very first week of a unit, basically right after the first one or two lectures of that chapter. I remember us taking a unit exam and being notified in class, during the exam that we would have a quiz the very next day on the next unit. Throughout the entire exam week, I (and presumably most other people) studied in preparation for the exam, not for the next unit, so I was quite unprepared (and we were only notified about our quiz the day before). Nevertheless, when I came home I studied that day for the next day's quiz thinking it would just cover basic concepts, things you would only be expected to know on the very first week of that unit. However, the quiz contained absurdly complex questions that you would only be able to figure out by the end of the unit. Nearly everyone failed this quiz (including me) - the average score was a 3.5/10. The professor, who happened to teach the discussion section on that specific day, even said out loud that "it's clear no one knows what they're doing" (you don't say), yet he did not drop the quiz. This significantly hurt my grade to the point where I could have gotten a higher letter grade in the class had it not been for this scheme. The purpose of quizzes should be to prepare you for the exams and to make sure you're on the right track by the time you're halfway through the unit. Instead ours were on the very first week of units, meant to trick us and catch us when we don't understand the concepts yet. It's clear the professor does not necessarily care about our success. I would definitely avoid this professor by all means, even if you find math to be your strong suit (like me). I highly recommend choosing Justin Wyss-Gallifent as your professor if you do take Calc 3. From what I've seen on his online playlist, he's amazing at explaining the concepts and giving ample examples to build your understanding. In addition, I've looked at a few of his exams and they seem a lot more fair and test you directly on core Calc 3 concepts. I liked Calc 3 as a subject, but Professor Rosenberg in a large way ruined what could have been a much better experience for me.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting an A
Take this professor if you want an easy MATH241 section, and not if you genuinely want to learn. The lectures are not great, given that proof explanations are half-baked (or just not finished in many cases), and class engagement doesn't exist. However, the assigned textbook problems are very good for review (they're much harder than most problems on quizzes and exams), the weekly quizzes and groupworks in discussion sections help greatly, and the exams are very straightforward for the most part.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting an A
Professor Brosnan is a weird but really fun guy. However, for non-math majors, his lectures are difficult. They are full of proofs and very few examples. I just watched Justin Wyss-Gallifent's lectures on YouTube after our first exam, and I did great and had less of a headache doing the homework each week. Overall, we only had 2 exams which were comparatively the easiest out of all of the 241 professors this semester. If you do the homework, you will do fine on his exams and TA quizzes. Matlab was also simple--each of the three took a total of maybe 10 mins each, which had my friends in the other 241 classes cursing at me over their 5 hour matlabs. Would recommend for the easy tests and quizzes (and no graded HW) as long as you are disciplined enough to do the suggested HW problems and sit down with some classmates during class time to watch the lecture videos on YouTube.
Tyler Clark

Expecting an A
Tyler is a great guy and is super personable. I did not go to lecture and watched videos instead, and Tyler was a great help if I got stuck. He answered emails quickly and was always available for office hours. Unfortunately, I found his discussion sections a bit messy and unprepared. But his quizzes were fair and had extra credit problems that balanced out harder questions.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
I came in to this course with some knowledge on multi/linear algebra, but I think he provides students with all the necessary tools to succeed. His lectures follow the textbook pretty closely, so it's easy to go back and review topics that I was confused on. However, I benefitted from his lectures because he went more in depth on topics and gave good examples in class. The exams are quite easy, with lots of partial credit, as long as you understand the topics. I averaged a 97 on exams, and my studying mostly consisted of reviewing equations and doing practice exams. The final also wasn't bad at all, and it follows the practice exams very closely. The only annoying thing was that discussions were pretty much mandatory attendance on thursdays, as thats when quizzes/group work were assigned. Hes a nice guy and knows his stuff.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
Genuinely the best lectures on campus. Have no hesitations in taking him if he is available. In-depth, beneficial, and entertaining lectures. As long as you show up to lectures and discussions, any student has the opportunity for an A in this class. Deserves all of the positive reviews he has received, and I wish I could have him in future courses. Brilliant lecturer
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
This course was extremely challenging and required a lot of work, but if you did the work it wasn't too terrible. Lots of homeworks, quizzes and matlabs, but this helps extremely with the difficulty of the exams. His exams are harder than any other professor, but they will do a good job of preparing you for the final. He was a great lecturer and always made classes engaging. Explained concepts very clearly, and if students didn't understand them he would take the time to go into greater depth during the office hours. Beware that almost nothing will ever be curved in this class, even if the class average is a 55.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a B-
Professor Brosnan is a nice guy, however, he can be a very unorganized professor and frequently goes on tangents. He focuses mostly on the proofs that bore you, slaps an equation on the board, circles it, and never explains how to actually do the problems. I learned 90% of the content from Justin's videos and just grinding the homework. Most of the class quickly stopped attending lectures because we realized he didn't actually teach us the content. His final was 50% of the grade which was also rough as the average was a 65, however he did curve all of our grade by 10%. Only two midterms with the second covering way too much material, I'm a A/B student and if it wasn't for the curve I would have ended with a C-. Not because I didn't understand the content, but because he does not curve midterms because "its too much work" and fails to prepare us for what he puts on his exams.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B+
He's overall a good teacher. His lectures are very good; he writes big and legibly on the board and takes time to go over problems from the textbook. The exams are extremely challenging and almost always uncurved though, but he does a fantastic job at preparing you for the final. For example, this semester we had 3 exams and my average between all three was 74% (counting a small curve we got on the 3rd exam), but on the final, I got a 94% which brought my grade up in the class to a B+. Also, he offered extra credit at the end of the semester which was a lifesaver. Overall I'd say you definitely have to put in work for this class but you will leave it feeling much more confident in your abilities with calculus.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a D+
The only positive thing about Professor Williams were his in class lectures. His handwriting on the chalk board was big enough so that even in the back of the class you can see, he spoke loud and clear so that everyone heard him, and you can ask him question's throughout the lecture if you are confused. Those are the only good things about him, unfortunately he makes calculus 3 a much harder class than it actually is. Our homework's and math labs were very challenging and time consuming, working together is the best thing to do for these assignments as well as asking your TA's. Your TA can really make our break you in this class as well. The quizzes, were usually straight from the book and honestly are the easiest part of the class. In my class a lot of people dropped after exam 2, his exams are very difficult, word problem's these are nothing like the exams other professors were giving out. Most of the exams even if you studied it wasn't enough, now the really smart students still did well on these exams but the majority was getting a 60 percent or below. At the end of the class he did not round and or curve the final grade instead he released 7 extra credit assignments before the finals which were locked 48 hours after each one was released. This was his was of saying he "curved" but personally it was unfair to lock them that fast. Overall do not take him unless you are really smart, he will stress you out till the very end and don't waste your time on him. This class is only do able if all your other classes are very easy, you will need a lot of time study and he does not reply to emails.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
PLEASE TAKE HIM as Justin is really the only competent calc III professor UMD has. Also, while his exams are fair and his teaching style is amazing, the final is going to be very hard so some examples he never went through like problems involving trig subsitution, integration by parts could be on the final. DEFINETLY REMEMBER YOUR CALC II STUFF FOR THE FINAL.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
What can I say that hasn't been said already? He's that guy! Brilliant personality and lecturer, very grateful for the experience.
Xiaoqi Huang

Expecting an A
To be honest, this professor is a genuinely kind and understanding professor. There is a bit of a language barrier, but the main issue is that his lectures are just him writing notes on the blackboard and it's hard to see and stay awake. His exams, I'd say, are relatively straightforward from what I've heard compared to other professors like Rosenberg, but you do need to do lots of practice. Exam 4 (on chapter 15) was difficult, the other three were pretty reasonable. I think you can manage to get by without going to most of the lectures and watching Justin's youtube playlist instead—which is what I did for the most part. Be careful when studying for the final though because all the professors make the final together, so the straightforward exams from the beginning may not be enough when studying for final. We had 4 exams, 2 Matlab assignments, and then the final. There is a group work and a quiz in discussion every week, but the lowest 2 get dropped and our TA graded pretty leniently so they are not much of a concern.
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A
He is energetic and enthusiastic during lectures and was never boring. His explanations were a little too wordy (full sentences that seemed like they were straight out the textbook) and I wish he spent more time explaining new things conceptually. If you put in the work and do all the suggested textbook problems you are practically guaranteed an A. The quizzes are almost exactly like the textbook problems. The exams were challenging but he did give a curve and enough extra credit points to bump you up a whole letter grade. Overall, he isn't the greatest at explaining things but he gives you all the resources you need in order to succeed (suggested textbook problems). However, it is hard to do well in the class without spending hours each week doing the practice problems so don't take him if you don't want to commit to that.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Listen. He's not that bad. Compared to other calc 3 professors, he's not the best, not is he the worst. I would say that you learn more with your TA, but that was not the case for me. Your final grade is composed of 4 midterms, quizzes/groupwork (1-2 dropped), 9 matlabs (1 dropped), and the final. The content was not that bad, but his lectures sometimes made concepts more confusing than they needed to be. However, one can overcome this issue by watching Justin's lectures and teaching yourself/spending time with the textbook. The exams are relatively difficult compared to the examples we did in class (and the final), so just be prepared for that. The sad thing is that there is no curve on the midterms. So, if you're stuck with him, it's totally fine and manageable.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B+
Williams is a good lecturer (loud, good handwriting, charismatic) and explains concepts well. Came out of this class understanding Calc 3 really well. Homeworks are challenging but really reinforce material solidly Matlabs suck but there's only 2. Tests are very challenging (much more so than other teachers) but manageable if you study well and do suggested problems + homework + go to discussions. Overall good teacher but sometimes work can be a little too hard (especially tests) and definitely need to put in work outside of class.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a C-
my grade is my own fault, Justin is the goat.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
Dr. Williams is an extremely caring, and pleasant professor to talk to. If you stay after class and talk to him about questions in relation to course material, or college in general, he loves to talk about it with you and do his best to help you succeed. He's an awesome guy and I really owe a lot of my confidence later in the semester to his support for me. His lectures are great. He's nice, to the point, and you can leave class with a fairly concrete understanding of the material. The problem is that his exams are hellish. I know he does this in good faith, because he wants to challenge us and ensure that we have a deep understanding of the material, but this unfortunately has its repercussions. The exams are not taken directly from the book, as he says, because he turns them into word problems. This is not bad on its face, but very often word problems will add another layer of complexity that we are NOT prepared for in any way from the suggested problems in the textbook, and often times once the word problem has been worked through and deciphered, the actual math still isn't exactly simple. I really wish he would tone down the word problems some, because that's why our class had exam averages in the 60s, whereas other calc 3 professors had exam averages in the 80s. Again, it's done in good faith, but it kinda sucks getting bad grades on exams over and over again, and yet still somehow being above average every time.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B+
Decent professor, just uses MatLab way too much. The MatLab homework he gives you doesn't help with understanding the material and is just a waste of time. He also included MatLab questions on the exams with arbitrary directions. Besides those, the four exams were a reasonable difficulty. Each with three questions, and as long as you knew the material you were fine - there were no trick questions or anything. My TA was horrible, they often messed up problems in discussions, did not know how to use MatLab, and blatantly admitted to not knowing the material they were hired to know during discussion. Rosenberg is fine, but your discussion sections might be miserable.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a B
While Dr.Brosnan is an extremely kind and charismatic professor, he has been one of the worst professors I have ever had. He is the only MATH241 professor (to my knowledge) that changed the structure of the class to two midterms (15% each), weekly quizzes (15%), A matlab assignment (5%), and a final (50%). Both midterms were only 4 questions because he "didn't want to have to grade another question". The first midterm was taken the same week as the other class' first midterm and the second was a combination of the second and third midterms. Our class average for the first midterm was around a 88% and the average for the second exam was a 63% (with the median being 61% meaning more than half the class received a failing grade). While taking the second midterm, NO ONE (out of a 150 person class) had finished at the 45 minute mark and everyone was visibly struggling, Dr.Brosnan then announced to the room he was leaving for another class and left before the exam was over. This struck me as incredibly unprofessional and cowardly of him to leave so he could not be confronted about the unfair exam. I am an engineering major and have taken hard/unfair exams before, but the professor always had the decency to talk to the class about it with the students. When confronted about the exam in class, Dr.Brosnan justified the exam by saying it "wasn't that bad" and when someone mentioned that the average was a D he said that "a few students did very well". I do not recommend Dr.Brosnan as a professor to anyone. Most people end up not going to lecture and watching Justin's video lectures off of youtube (the average attendance every class is around 40 students). You're much better off with a professor who cares about the success of their students and is dedicated to their work.
Patrick Brosnan

Do not take Professor Brosnan's class. He deviates from the standard math curriculum of four exams, worksheets, and homework. Instead, he only does two exams and jam-packs the material into those two exams. The reviews previously stated that although he only has two exams, they are relatively easy to make up for the sheer amount of content in each exam. However, the average for the second exam was around 60%, and he refused to admit or curve the exam. This left the students extremely vulnerable going into the final, which is weighted 50%, unlike the students who have other professors. He refuses to add more exams claiming that it is easier for the students, which in reality, reflects his laziness as a professor. With that, there are difficult quizzes every Thursday created by the TAs, so there is no standard on which everyone is being graded on. These should be helpful to our grades to outweigh the exams, but, instead, they do the exact opposite. His in-person lectures are disorganized. He rarely can complete examples of the content and then expects students to be able to know the entire process. His ego and laziness get in the way of recognizing his mistakes, and he does little to combat that. He tries to tell the students not to worry about grades and there will be some kind of curve at the end, but he does nothing actually to provide actual comfort to students. He refuses and is unwilling to accept his mistakes and recognize that he is making this entire process horrible for all students. He is, for the most part, unavailable for students outside of class, and it is apparent that he does not really care about students' success. I am truly shocked that he has managed to get this high of a rating with how catastrophically horrible this semester has been with this class. Even though he comes off as friendly and funny in the beginning, he is the worst professor I have ever had. If you end up having him, I would recommend not ever going to class as it makes everything more confusing, and instead, watch Justin's youtube lectures. I
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B
he's alright, his lectures were usually boring and confusing. we had 4 tests, a final, and 9 matlab assignments. each test had 3 questions and i found that they weren't that hard as long as you study well. jonathan does not go over the matlab or gives much in class help with those, so you kinda just do some coding and hope its right. my TA was not good, he often made mistakes during discussion and made things more confused. calc 3 is cool, but maybe not as cool with jonathan.
Tyler Clark

Expecting a C-
Super nice guy and a very helpful TA, I honestly never attended lecture and just watched online lectures but Tyler did a great job at clearing up concepts and going over helpful problems. Generally made the class environment super welcoming.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
He's fine, his lectures can be a bit confusing and rambly at times, and the exams are challenging, but as long as you pay attention and know when to space out on a tangent, he won't be too bad to deal with.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
While he was a very good lecturer and conveyed the material well, we were never fully prepared for the exams. We were given suggested problems in the textbook that would state clearly what equations we needed to use, and what specific process we needed to follow. Dr. Williams said the exams would be made directly based off these suggested problems, yet the exam questions were not clear or specific about what was being asked. The exam questions were often too long to complete within the allotted time, and many tutors I went to for help agreed. When I would approach him for help, he would simply tell me to do more practice problems, and disregarded me when I stated that the wording was confusing. He told me at one point that the homework questions would never appear on an exam as they were too hard and time consuming, then put a homework question almost word for word on an exam. In addition we were given the same exams as the honors sections, despite not signing up for the honors class. I want to make it very clear that he was a good teacher, and conveyed the material very well, and I feel quite prepared for this final exam. However I do not think the exams were fair, or representative of the material covered or the practice questions/exams given.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
Brilliant lecturer and extremely fair exams
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A+
Excellent lecturer, exams are challenging but possible if the work Is put in. Plenty of free points (quizzes, mat labs, hw), and extra credit is offered.
Patrick Brosnan

He's an alright professor. I mainly learned the content by watching Professor Justin's videos and reading the textbook because his lectures can be slightly confusing and his handwriting is sometimes hard to read. However, his exams are extremely straightforward and are often directly based on the suggested homework problems (all of the homework problems were optional). The MATLABs are also extremely easy and never took me more than 30 minutes to complete, and the weekly quizzes helped boost my grade.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
Justin is THE king of teaching. Literally, make your entire schedule around taking his class-it's worth it! Lectures were great since he made complicated topics very easy to understand. He did thorough examples and answered questions well. He was also excellent and telling people with off-topic questions to go to his office hours and didn't waste class time. Don't skip lectures, but if you have to miss class, all of his covid youtube videos are up! Or if you need to review examples again, the youtube videos are awesome. His exams were very fair but challenging. Do all the old exams if you can. He didn't curve since the averages were all very high. The optional hw questions from the textbook were also very helpful, especially to build up to being able to do the practice exams. There were group worksheets every Tuesday which were doable in a group and by asking the TA questions. The weekly Thursday quizzes were challenging but fair, plus the lowest 4 were dropped.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A+
Professor Ebrahimian is genuinely the best math professor I could have asked for. He has incredibly well-structured lectures and is always very well prepared for the class. He is concise and clear when explaining topics and has a very good teaching style. His exams aren't too difficult either. He makes sure to review practically all the different kinds of questions he's gonna ask on the exam so if you go to class and just pay attention, you'll get an easy A. For my class, he took a lot of quizzes but they only helped me out more cause they made me actually learn the section he was gonna quiz us on. If you can take him, TAKE HIM. I highly doubt there's a single math professor at UMD that is as good as and cares as much as Professor Ebrahimian.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Dr. Ebrahimian is a very good professor. His lectures are very informative and it's very useful if you go to them, however he does post some summarized lecture notes that are useful to know what you missed. You can also use this lecture note PDF to know what topics may fall in the quiz (as the weekly quizzes cover material from the previous Wednesday to the Monday preceding the quiz). As for his exams, they're overall fair. He provides a very generous amount of review material for every exam (even the final!) which you should ABSOLUTELY study. If you know every topic on those practice exams, you're near guaranteed to do well on his exams. He does teach fast, but he has to due to the sheer amount of material there is. Lowest exam is dropped for your final if it helps your grade, and your lowest 2 quizzes are dropped as well. One thing to note, the MATLAB assignments start off really easy, but the last couple can be challenging, so don't start those too late. If I'm recommending a good time to start and do these assignments, do it while you review for your exam! They're normally due shortly after an exam, but the content on these assignments are really helpful when it comes to understanding how to set up your integrals and the topics you should know. I found myself doing them AFTER the exams then being upset I didn't do them earlier!
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a B+
His lectures are well organized, does many practice problems to solidify our understanding, and he is very knowledgeable, so he can answer almost any question that is asked. One thing to note is that he does not grade homework, but it is very important to do
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
The best teacher ever!!! Form your entire schedule around taking his class--it's worth it! About the class: - Weekly groupworks on Tuesdays: these are worksheets based on material from the previous few lectures and you work in groups to complete them - Weekly quizzes on Thursdays: these are based on the worksheets from earlier in the week and are fairly straight forward - MATLAB assignments: there are 4 assignments on MATLAB grader which are very easy to complete if you read the instructions - Homework (optional): the textbook problems from every section are a good way to reinforce the material taught in class (do them if you have time) About Justin: - He is a very funny and caring, which makes his lectures very entertaining and informational. He gives the best examples to reinforce the topics he taught and structures all his lessons in a way which is very easy to follow. Even some of the more difficult topics were a breeze because of Justin's phenomenal explanations. Some of my friends who almost failed Calc 2 last semester got an A in Calc 3 this semester because of Justin! As for his exams, be prepared because they are not easy. But he has all his previous midterms posted on his website, so if you do at least 4 or 5 of them as practice before your exam, you are more or less guaranteed a good grade on the exam. On the rare occasion you might be confused in his class, you can watch his youtube videos in which he goes over every chapter topic in even more detail (and with more examples). - He does not curve because his exam averages are high (range from a 75% to 85%) but he does drop your lowest 4 quizzes and group works, as well as replace your lowest scoring midterm with your final exam (only if it helps your grade). These is a reason his man has almost a 5 star rating with 161 reviews.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

He is a very good lecturer and explains concepts very well. He also answers any questions you have during lecture without making students feel embarrassed about asking complex or simple questions. The class is very fast paced but if you go to class you will learn everything pretty well. His tests and quizzes were also extremely fair.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Good notes and his exams are very similar to past exams and he provides answer keys for them too.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Dr. E is incredible. He teaches fast, but well and truly cares for his students. His tests and quizzes are fair, and he explains the material clearly. Can't go wrong with them. Definitely take him if you can, he is great.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin has way higher averages on every exam than other professors, so he doesn't curve. however, this is because he makes course content easy to understand. Justin has discussions and quizzes down to a T and it really helped my understanding of the course material. I'm sure you already know this but if you CAN take justin, then you should.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Lives up to the hype! If you're not an engineering/math major though I will say there's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to figuring out how to study and make time for this class. You don't necessarily have to go to lecture because Justin's YouTube videos are just as good, if not better (there are more examples on them since he doesn't have a time limit). But you should because he explains things very clearly and isn't boring. Also has a cool accent. Dropped the 4 lowest group works and quizzes. MatLab projects are super beginner-friendly but I would recommend starting them early just in case you need to work out tiny bugs in your code. They are easy 100s though! For exams, DO THE PRACTICE EXAMS! They are so helpful and he has solutions uploaded for most of them. Couldn't recommend him more!
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
God of the math department, take his class!
David Hamilton

Expecting an A
Listen. You can get through his class. But only if you know you have the motivation to put in the work to watch other people's lectures outside of class and practice. He is hard to understand, especially in a class of people just trying to pass and not necessarily looking for high level math conversations. His notation and wording is not beginner friendly. I have never attended lecture, its only necessary for the review sessions(he tells you exactly what will be on the exam). Also, the Matlab projects weren't cool: it was complex coding handed to a lot of kids with 0 zero experience and we were provided no help whatsoever. Its a rough time, if you have to take him I would make sure you have the time for it. Certainly don't do it with a high level of credits.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
Justin deserves his reputation as the best UMD professor. He isn't overhyped. In fact, he should be hyped up even more than he is already. His quizzes and exams are challenging, but since he's such a phenomenal teacher, it doesn't even matter how difficult his assessments are because you'll have learned the content thoroughly. He has a gift for explaining things clearly and is excellent at visual demonstration. He makes the course content seem simple because he doesn't needlessly convolute or overcomplicate anything. I pity anyone who graduates from UMD and has never taken a class with Justin. He is a world class professor and must be protected at all costs.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting a B+
Great guy very smart his lectures were a bit confusing he literally teaches pretty much straight from the text book so if you wanna do the best skim it before class.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B+
His exams are very fair and the averages are always higher than other professors. If I could, I would take every class with Stefan. The way he teaches is very clear and makes me want to go to class. He enjoys what he does and kept me engage each class by doing relevant examples. He is hands down the best professor at this university and deserves the world.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Great professor. He's very organized and responsive. I've never had an issue with approaching him with a question. He seems to really care about his students. Ebrahimian's quizzes and exams are fair. His expectations of students are also very reasonable.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a C-
He is very good at public speaking but he seems to not be able to empathize with the students that are struggling through the course. This tells me a lot more about who he is as a teacher than what his lecturing style lets on. To be a good teacher who have to know what it is like to fail and then the endurance needed to overcome that failure and sadly I don't think he understands that yet.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Best math professor I've ever had at UMD. As long as you pay attention to the classes and practice sample exams, you are on a good scale. He explains stuff so clearly and breaks down the hard stuff well. I really enjoyed his classes and hope I would have chance to take more.
Yijing Wu

Expecting a B-
I had her for math 241 in fall 2021. After a few weeks, I realized I was never going to learn anything from her lectures. I never went to a lecture after that. I watched all of Justin's youtube videos and took notes by the schedule of Wu's lectures. Didn't do great on quizzes and classwork because I never watched the videos in time, but if I did it would have been completely doable. In general, if I stayed on time with justin's youtube, I would've ended ended with probably a B+.
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A-
Dr. Ebrahimian is an awesome professor. He always explains the concepts very clearly. He is happy to answer questions, and answers them very well. He gives very useful practical examples that help to explain the content better. He’s also a very nice guy and you can tell he cares about his students. He grades his exams and quizzes very fairly and the difficulty is also reasonable. I highly recommend Dr. Ebrahimian for MATH241.
Terence Long

Expecting an A
Entertaining professor with very accommodating grade curves. He also cuts out a lot of extraneous/useless material from the course, definitely take his course if you want to learn what you need and have fair grading.
Terence Long

Very cool guy. Makes the lectures more digestible. Provided copies of the lectures on youtube. Fewer exams than some other professors.
Patrick Brosnan

Expecting an A
Dr. Brosnan is a really nice professor. He assigned few homeworks.
Nathaniel Monson

Honestly the best. Had a sense of humor and made me feel I wasn't alone when problems got frustrating. He was very accommodating and caring about my medical and mental health issues this semester, and genuinely wanted to help me get my grade up at the end.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
The best professor in UMD!
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
As everyone likes to say, the best professor at UMD. He taught extraordinarily well, communicated everything, forgiving grading with tests that weren’t overly challenging. As a math major I wish I could have him for all my math classes.
Patrick Brosnan

Good dude, he is really knowledgeable in mathematics but has a hard time expressing his ideas. Watching another profs videos on the topic was more beneficial than attending his lecture but he's not a bad choice. He's really nice though which is always a plus.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting an A
Stefan was great. Decent lecturer and would focus on the important information and not waste time on overly wordy proofs (unlike Gulick for Calc 1 and 2). The course structure was amazing. There is a great balance between non-exam and exam grades. The grading is clearly outlined and followed throughout the semester, we even got more quizzes dropped in the end. The discussions were very organized with a groupwork worksheet on the first day of the week then a quiz on the second discussion of the week. Exams were extremely fair and usually followed very closely with Justin's exams, which makes studying for them very intuitive. I would go out of my way to take Stefan again.
Terence Long

Expecting an A
Best professor ever! He is so nice and his lectures are great. Take him!
Yijing Wu

Expecting an A
Considering the MATH141 reviews she may seem that she’s a bad professor but she’s not bad. She answers questions in class and reviews stuff from calc 1 and 2 before you expand on this class. Midterms are very fair, if you practice Justin’s exams and did the homework, you’re guaranteed a B at least. Matlab assignments are really easy just use Justin’s guide for matlab. Although she’s not perfect. As mentioned in a MATH141 review, she tends to not finish class on time. Her lectures can get confusing if you can’t understand her accent or she moves around a lot in her notes. Her pacing in lecture is kinda slow so that by the end she doesn’t get to write down most of the example(s) for the homework. (She hurries up and sometimes doesn’t finish and sends the finished example in ELMS). All in all, after her cons, she makes the class easier compared to other MATH241 sections and is fairly manageable, just keep up with hw and ask TAs for help.
Yijing Wu

Expecting an A-
Despite most of the reviews here are for math141, she is a really decent professor for math241. The midterms are always fair as most of the examples we do in class show up in a similar way on the midterms. She always answer questions when asked and she always goes over some of the algebra/trig related stuff before continuing the calculus. My only small complaint is that the Matlab projects need to be printed out and turned in by hand.
Patrick Brosnan

Fantastic man, you can tell he really has a passion for mathematics and he brings energy to his lectures. However, the quality of learning you might get from his lectures for calc 3 are far below the quality of the videos posted on youtube by Prof Justin on exactly the same topics. Often I find myself skipping lecture just to go straight to watching a 50 min video at 1.75x speed. In class there is a lot of waiting around for examples that don't show too much, and often are hard to even keep track of because of his handwriting. It's not so bad for me because I also have screenwriting but some other students may struggle.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Excellent professor and is understanding of student's concerns and was flexible with due dates if students thought something was wrong with the class pacing and the homework. His exams are relatively straightforward if you practice his old exams.
Brandon Alexander

Expecting an A
For the pandemic summer section of MATH241, over 8 weeks, there were 8 homeworks, 4 midterms, a matlab, and a final exam. One homework was due per week, and midterms were roughly every two weeks. Lectures were asynchronous recorded videos. The lecture videos are pretty good, and in a Khan Academy format. Midterms were open-note, open-book, open-lecture video, and we had 24 hours to work on them. The midterms were hard, but there's always time to go back and learn how to do a question you're stuck on. Homeworks were also hard, but he is very accessible in answering questions (I'm talking "responds to your 9pm 'am I doing this right' often in less than 20 minutes" accessible) and the feedback is very helpful in improving your understanding. The matlab is pretty easy as long as you follow the guide and ask for help when needed, even if you have no coding experience.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
I feel like reviewing Justin is kinda pointless because it's so clear he's literally the best prof in this school. I have never had anyone explain anything to me as clearly as Justin teaches math, and on top of that he's a caring and understanding person. Really could not ask for anything more.
David Hamilton

As a naive freshman, I ignored all of the reviews on here before registering for David Hamilton’s MATH241 course in Fall 2019. Biggest mistake ever. On the first day, he jumped between integrals and dimensions and I was completely lost. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying and his handwriting was atrocious. His syllabus was one page and made no sense. After that class, I felt so stupid. I dropped the class immediately that night and was able to snag a spot in Justin’s class. How lucky is that. Justin’s MATH241 class was a delight. Biggest finesse of my college career.
Kendall Williams

All I can say is thank god we had P/F this semester because there was no way most of our class was making it out of this with their GPAs alive. He gives zero damns about tech issues, if you happen to have one say goodbye to half the assignment's points. The online lectures are not the best at all, so I had to watch Justin Wyss-Gallifent's. Maybe he's better in person but I can confirm the online experience was 100% certified trash.
Stefan Doboszczak

Expecting a B
Honestly one of the kindest professors I’ve had at UMD. I wasn’t a fan of Justin as a math professor but Stefan really set the bar high! We writes notes during class and later uploads them + a video. Office hours are helpful too and exams are fair.
David Hamilton

Expecting a C
Wow CS majors are vocal about this professor and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way Hamilton gives lectures and the whole self-teaching. I guess they were holding out hope for a good shift to online classes. There's even a petition that's garnered 10s of signatures to have the professor changed. Obviously that won't happen but it shows how unhappy they are.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A+
Very interesting material thought he could teach pretty slowly at times. He tried to make the material as understandable as possible and usually succeeded. The exams were easy if you do the suggested practice problems because the exam problems are literally the same thing with different numbers
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A-
His lectures are somewhat hard to follow, I ended up watching Justin's videos and reading the textbook, but the exams were fair and graded somewhat easy
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
Williams overall was a good lecturer. Neat handwriting and follows along well. His formatting of online has been one of my favorites so far. He posted asynchronous lectures for the week but also held live problem sessions during class times that were optional. His exams dealt with fully understanding a problem even if we hadn't gone to that extent in class and the time limit on them was extremely difficult. He did not give minuses unless you were to at a very high plus ex. C+ rounded to B-. He provided 2 MATLAB assignments and 2 HW assignments which took time but were a good grade booster. No leneancy for technology issues, however he was consistent with everyone.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A
*class was fully online due to covid* I signed up for Dr. Wong because he had a 5 star rating, and he deserves every bit of it. His lectures were clear, informative, and full of examples to help you better understand the relatively difficult content of the class. He writes his notes out as he explains things, which can leave some awkward silences, but it also means he moves at the perfect pace for people doing handwritten notes. All quizzes and exams were take home, unproctored, and untimed (24 hours for quizzes and 48 for exams). There was no homework other than the matlabs, which were a complete pain, but I think it was just something the department required of the class without a real reason as to why. Overall, great teacher. Highly recommend.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Exams were all take-home during the pandemic. The lectures were very easy to understand and told you what you needed to know.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A-
Dr. Wong is a very good math teacher. The content is challenging as the semester progresses, but his notes provide a good foundation. In discussions, Dr. Wong provides the TAs with examples to use which are very helpful to use when studying for quizzes and exams. Virtually, exams and quizzes were opened note and due in a 24 or 48-hour period, so timing was not an issue if stuck on a problem. The only issue with Dr. Wong is that his notes may be messy at times but for the other 99% of the time, his notes are clear and easy to follow
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Perfect. Both live and recorded lectures. Exams were challenging, but they were take home.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
Personally, I learned absolutely nothing from his lectures. He added in a lot of extra physics applications that were irrelavant. I never paid attention in class, I just watched Justin's youtube videos to learn the material and then used the practice problems from my TA to study. However, he is a pretty easy grader and I still got very high grades in the class so depending on your style it may be worth it.
Kendall Williams

Williams is a very good lecturer. He often does not spend time on the unnecessary details (like evaluating integrals) and focuses on the really important material. He was also nice and respectful when communicating with him. However, his exams were much too difficult. He made them stressful with rough time limits, and the questions were often unrelated to practice problems from the textbook. They were generally much more abstract, and he really didn't go over similar types of problems in lectures or problem sessions. He also did not curve them despite low averages on them. Additionally, he was very strict about submissions errors with online exams, as if you experience any technical difficulties he usually will just give you a 0 (unless it was specifically his fault for the error). Overall, I'd definitely take him again for his lectures, but do beware for tough exams.
David Hamilton

Expecting a C
Do not ever take this professor. Bad lectures, impossible tests, horrible hw. Do NOT take him
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A
Williams did a pretty good job in his lectures, making the concepts relatively easy to understand. He did not explain all concepts though, sometimes just giving formulas and explaining when to use them and giving a little bit of intuition, which is how some prefer it. His tests were a little difficult but not impossible. He seems to care about his students and what they have to say, and always responded to questions and complaints we had.
Kendall Williams

Expecting an A
Dr. Williams is a pretty chill guy who was very approachable and willing to listen to our concerns. He explained things in his lecture videos well. He also hosted problem sessions each week where he would just work through some problems, some of which were exactly like the ones that would be on the next test/quiz. There are very few assignments outside of tests/quizzes, but you definitely need to do all of the practice problems which aren't graded. The quizzes were usually easy, but some were insanely hard. The tests were generally harder. The final was also unexpectedly difficult compared to previous finals, though he probably did that since we could use our notes and look things up online. The grading on the tests/quizzes was usually pretty lenient, though. In fact, the TAs only grade 1 of the 2 questions on the quizzes, so if you mess up badly on one question you can still get 100 if they only check the other one. Matlab also sucks big time.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
Very fair grader, but his lectures are useless unless you are math major as they are very theory heavy and more complicated than they need to be.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A
Amazing lecturer with concise notes and explanations. Also very generous to his students, and never tries to make things harder than they need to be. 10/10 would take again
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A-
Easy to follow lectures and he's very fair with quizzes and exams. Adapted to the online environment really well, too.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
Just absolutely fantastic. Extremely accommodating and wants all of his students to do well. His lectures are amazing. We need more professors like Justin. He's extremely approachable and always answers questions. The amount of work that he assigns is reasonable and his matlab projects have some of the best documentation I've ever seen.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting a B
Great professor, but not very accommodating. His lectures are very detailed and have plenty of examples that he works through. My only complaint is he is not very considerate of personal issues. I had a death in the family just before a test and he was not willing to work out an alternative timeframe for me to take the test. Other than that, great guy.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
Dr. Williams is a solid lecturer. His tests and assignments were fair and not too hard, but could be challenging at times. There was almost no graded homework, but you have to do the suggested problems to do well. His style of teaching is mostly writing down definitions and doing examples, but when he does explain things more, he does well.
Terence Long

Expecting a B
Great professor. Funny, easygoing and full of energy. He explains the material very well and makes the class engaging. The exams are very fair and he always discusses what will be on them. You've still got to know your stuff but he makes it a lot easier to.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A
Wiseley is hands down the best math professor I've had. His lectures are very clear and organized. He always told us what questions would be on the upcoming quizzes and exams at the beginning of every lecture so we would know what to focus on.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
He is not overhyped. Best math professor I’ve ever had.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
everything great about justin has already been said, but he was especially great this semester w COVID -- super understanding, lenient deaadlines (3 days for the final), and excellent lecture videos. absolute tank
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A
Great lecturer, easy to keep up with. Doesn't have too much patience with students sometimes though
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A+
Easy to follow; very detailed in explanations; moves quick but keeps the notes up for a while; is very open in office hours. Quizes and exams are easy.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A
Great lecturer, easy to follow, and makes everything simple. Tests are reasonable.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A+
He teaches a little fast but leaves notes up for a while so you have enough time to understand everything. He also does an expert job explaining his process working through a problem, so it is easy to follow. Quizes and tests are very easy.
David Hamilton

Expecting an A+
I don't he's as bad as most reviews would lead you to believe. He isn't the best teacher and can definity be hard to follow. But he does go over exactly what every question on the exam will look like the lecture before the exam (so don't miss that review). It's literally the same question with different numbers. So you usually know how you'll do exam before. Also all of his quizzes and homeworks are extra credit which help a lot.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
David Hamilton

Expecting an A
Hamilton is legitimately the worst professors one could ever have for a Calculus III class. He teaches very little of the material in a coherent manner, as his primary teaching style is writing formulas or diagrams on the board and expecting us to understand what he is conveying. His assignments generally consist of long MATLAB assignments that have minimal relevance to the course at all, many of which are so confusing that the TAs themselves do not know how to solve them. I knew his teaching was bad, but I did not realize how truly awful it was until I sat in on one of Dr. Long's lectures and realized the meaning of a competent Calculus III professor. There are times I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat after having a nightmare that I am in Hamilton's class again. Learning how to do multivariable calculus is not something you will achieve if you have this professor, and I deeply urge you to find literally anyone else. If you do have the unfortunate situation of taking Professor Hamilton, I wish you the best of luck. I'm quite sure you will need it.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
An absolute gem of a professor and human. Couldn't have learned more in this one semester. I would take a class I didn't need to just to take it with him.
Matei Machedon

Professor Machedon has an incredibly thick accent and his handwriting resembles the writing of a 2nd grader. His Calc 3 exams consisted of 5 questions each worth 20 points(4 realistic ones and 1 problem which he considered "fun"). The "fun" one was incredibly difficult and I would just chuck down as many formulas that I could remember to hope and pray that I'd earn a few points. Luckily, my TA was great so I found discussion, office hours with TA, and constant practice problems to scrape out a 75%. I got 95 percents in calc 1 and calc 2(that was in high school and I know college courses are harder) however, there was no reason this class should've been so hard for me. Try your best to avoid him(I've heard great things about Wisely Wong and Terrance Long).
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A+
He was very thorough in his teaching and writes everything on the board, usually a lot of examples. He tells you what the questions on the midterms will be, and does a lot of practice for the final. MATLAB assignments are very doable.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
Justin is great! As long as you do the homework, attend lecture, and review concepts here and there, I firmly believe it’s possible for anyone to get an A under this man. He is prepared every lecture and explains concepts in a simple and clear way. His drawings are neat and really enable you to understand 3-D space. The way the class is setup with group work also helps reinforce concepts. Quizzes and midterms are super straightforward without any curveballs. He is also very approachable and helpful during office hours. Basically, if you have the opportunity to take a class with him, do it. He always shows up as TBA, so check reddit if he’s teaching that sem and sign up!
Matei Machedon

Expecting a B
Doing the book problems and previous exams from the testbank are the best way to study. You could probably get buy with these instead of attending lecture tbh.
Matei Machedon

Expecting a B
Professor Machedon is a nice person that cares a lot about his students. However, he can be a little hard to follow while explaining the more complicated Calc III concepts. MATH241 with him wasn't bad, but having a condescending and ineffective TA (Maia) made it a lot harder.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A+
Justin is the best human being on the planet. As a great communicator, each lecture is planned exceptionally well and each concept is explained thoroughly. He's charming and relatable, and manages to crack some jokes in each lecture. The assignments are easy; the class is no harder than it needs to be. I didn't do any of the optional practice problems from the book and pulled off a 97. The exams are straightforward, just study well and put in the time to succeed.
David Hamilton

Expecting an A+
Hamilton is not great. However if you think you can self-teach and have the motivation to go to his review sessions before tests and go to all discussions, you can succeed. His teaching style is very theoretical, which explains why many students (myself included) struggle in his classes. When it comes to test prep...GO TO THE REVIEW LECTURES!!!! He does problem by problem that mirrors what is on the midterm/final. I started the semester with a D, and worked my way to an A+.
Wiseley Wong

Expecting an A
Dr. Wong is an amazing professor. He knows the material very well and is very good at explaining it. In class, he basically gives an overview of the chapter and proceeds with multiple examples. Exams are fair. He is always willing to help, especially during office hours.
Casey Cremins

Expecting an A
I think Cremins gets a bad rep. He clearly covers all topics thoroughly in a way that is representative of the exams. Regular quizzes that are pretty easy. He does go fairly slowly through examples but I don't think that's always a bad thing. He also is a little boring, but at the end of the day, it's a math class not a movie. He might not be very entertaining but he's a good lecturer.
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
He is pretty good at explaining the topics at hand. His handwriting is great and goes through the topics just fine. Nice guy, my only real gripe is with his tests. His tests are a real time crunch. The actual questions are not crazy difficult if you know the material but his tests are long. Basically, if you see a problem and do not know how to immediately solve it, you are not going to finish.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
Justin consistently comes to class prepared to teach the material, and his expertise combined with his clarity of instruction enables him to be an excellent lecturer. He is always professional and down-to-earth with his students, especially during office hours. He deserves his consistently high ratings and I strongly recommend taking him when given the chance.
Terence Long

Expecting a B
Not a bad professor, but he can be very skimpy at times and go over difficult material very quickly. MATH241 is also heavily reliant on TAs so if you get a bad one you kinda get screwed, but he's a good teacher overall.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Best math professor on campus.
David Hamilton

Expecting an A
Worst professor I’ve ever had avoid at all costs! Doesn’t do +/- grades so you’re screwed if you’re right below the mark. Lectures are awful and only end up confusing everyone because of the massive disconnect between the content he teaches in class, the homework’s, his exams, and even a disparity between his exams and other professors exams. I would give zero stars if possible.
Ke Xue

Expecting a B+
Great instructor, if you put a LOT of time in the class (which was easier for me since I took his class over the summer). He's very helpful at office hours, can explain concepts well, and can go over examples/scenarios of certain problems which really helped me do well on the exams. Do practice as much as you can though because that's the only way this course will run smoothly for you. I slacked and got a 50 something on my first exam, but once I got into really practicing everything until I understood it, did his recommended homework problems and asked him questions at office hours, I was able to do way better on the other exams and pull a B+ in the class (no curve or anything). However I did take this course in the summer though, and before that, my friends told me he was an amazing TA for when they took Calc 1 so I was slightly more at ease going into the summer term. Highly recommend because he does want you to succeed, but only if you're willing to put in the work, so use him to your advantage! He's there to help :)
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting a C+
He seems like a nice guy, but meh as a teacher. He writes everything down really fast and flies through examples making it hard to follow lecture sometimes. That said, lecture is pretty much him explaining concepts followed by doing examples all class. On the bright side he doesn't grade homework for 241 (at least when I took it in fall 2018).
David Hamilton

Do not take him for 241. The homework assignments he gives do not relate to things that we have done in class. He does not curve even we everyone does poorly. His lectures are dry and he does not explain the content very well. He does not post grades on elms. Overall just a miserable class.
Terence Long

Expecting a C
Roohollah Ebrahimian

Expecting an A
Great teacher! Extremely useful lectures.
Terence Long

Expecting a B
Lazy ass fuck. Didn't post the final exam location up until the final day. Emailed asking a few questions never replied back. Mailed about make up exam cause I had another exam but never heard back. Stupid fuck
Kendall Williams

Pretty good lectures, incredibly difficult exams
Kendall Williams

Expecting a B
His lectures are good, and I learned a lot and understand all his concepts. However, I often am not taught how to apply these and that is what the tests are all about, and there’s no test bank on which I can practice from.
Tessa Thorsen

Tessa is very good at explaining, especially when you go to office hours. She's cheerful and patient, making her a non-threatening TA resource.
Wiseley Wong

Excellent teacher, great office hours, always willing to go the distance for students. Will take again if I can for higher level courses.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A+
I just wanted to preface this by saying that I did indeed get an A in Dio's class, and a pretty decent grade on the final (188/200). Not trying to brag, but I'm just showing that he's a pretty solid teacher. Dio is a good lecturer if you like his teaching style. He goes very fast and draws a ton of diagrams, but doesn't really slow down for people who like to ask questions or perhaps take time to understand things. If you went to lecture and did hw problems as soon as the lecture was over (or, at least before the next class), you'll be more than fine. He stresses that you should do the problems. You should - they're vital to your understanding of more complicated topics like Stokes or Greens theorems (to name a few). I failed the first test - 21/40. Luckily, he drops your lowest exam, and also your lowest quiz grade. I think he just made the first test intentionally tough to weed out the kids who weren't serious. That being said, the next three tests were a joke with regards to difficulty, and I got straight 40/40's on all three, making my test average a 100. Legit, doing the problems, as well as looking at his pasts tests on koofers, gets you through his tests. The final wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad either. That being said, Justin's average was a cool 6 points higher than Dio's, making me believe that perhaps Dio's teaching style didn't really suit everyone. I stopped showing up to lecture because once you miss one, he moves way too fast to keep up with - I just watched professor leonard on youtube. With regards to TA's... well taht's a toss up to be honest. You may get lucky with a good one, or unlucky with a bad one. Either way, the material is easy to self study if you find yourself behind for a quiz, and there are plenty of resources online necessary to do so. Finally, they do bump letter grades if you were a good student and did well on tests/quizzes (for those who don't do super well on the final). For instance, one of my friends got bumped from a B+ to an A- for his final grade. I also have friends who had 91.0 and up who all got bumped to A's. Just keep a nice relationshpi with your TA and you should be fine. All in all, Dio was good. Grades weren't super hard to get and he's a good teacher. But if you can, take Justin. Seriously, that guy's a legend.
Zeyad Emam

Knows the material well and is a nice guy. Would recommend to anyone.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin Wyss-Gallifent is a god. No one shall attempt to defy Justin Wyss-Gallifent. You shall say Justin Wyss-Gallifent's full name when referring to him or else you'll be punished by Justin Wyss-Gallifent himself. It is said that even Chuck Norris has kneeled down to Justin Wyss-Gallifent. Take Justin Wyss-Gallifent's class to succeed and learn Math. Justin Wyss-Gallifent has already taken his own gracious time to step out of heaven to teach math to plebeians like us. Please consider his time and efforts.
Michael Laskowski

Expecting a B
Knows his material, entertaining lectures, typical MATH241 exams. Best of the bunch, I'd say.
Timothy Pilachowski

Expecting a C
What can I say about this guy. I honestly think he belongs teaching at an elementary school. Very unprofessional. Shows up to class 10 minutes late, and he has to rush through his lectures because he's so late. Speaking of which, his lectures notes are pretty bad. And a lot of the time when we are doing example problems in the packet, he skips a lot of them because "we should know how to do them." Hands down, the laziest and most apathetic math teacher I have ever come across. One day the projector wasn't working, and he legit spent the whole class trying to fix it instead of writing things on the board. It doesn't end there, if you dare ask him a question he will give you an attitude 4/5 times. Hey Tim, you are a teacher how about you freaking teach us??? He also refuses to answer any questions during DISCUSSION. The whole point of discussion is to get help and understand how to do problems but noooooooo We have to "discuss among each other." How am I going to ask anyone else for help when the whole freaking class doesn't know whats going on! Oh yea, he also shows up late to his office hours! Good luck trying to get help from him... Now here is where things will take a turn for the worst. HIS TESTS. In 50 minutes, we take a test that's 8 QUESTIONS long, all of which are extremely hard. All the other sections have the same amount of time, but only 4-5 questions per test. Talk about an unfair douche. He also does this thing where he counts down to zero at the end of the test. If you dare turn in that test a millisecond after he says "zero" he will penalize you. Some final notes, He is really apathetic about his job, very lazy and could not give a damn about his students. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT SIGNING UP FOR PILACHOWSKI, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. The only people that actually do good in his class are the geniuses that would get an A in the class no matter what teacher they had. Seriously look for a better teacher. I honestly don't understand how this bum has good reviews.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
He is a great teacher I highly recommend him, but you can obviously tell that by his rating.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
He's a really funny guy but I was definitely scared to ask questions in class because he made fun of like everyone who talked in class. His exams are fair and although he said there wasn't a curve at the beginning of class, there ended up being a small one because I had a 91.6 on ELMS but I still got an A
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
Justin is one of the best, if not the best professor I have had at UMD. He always comes in prepared, and since he has been teaching this class for years, he knows and stresses all the places where people tend to make mistakes, so you won't make them. He has a step-by-step approach to solving every problem you will run into. In addition, he is also very kind and makes jokes throughout the lecture. If you ever have the chance to take him, do it. I promise you won't regret it.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin is awesome! I had the pleasure of him being my TA as well as lecture teacher. He is by far the best math professor I have ever had. He is understanding about making up quizzes, and makes his lectures interesting. He wants his students to do well. Justin answers e-mails so quickly, and can always provide helpful answers. He always gives 2 study guides with the solutions for each exam. His exams were all fair. Not easy, but everything that was on the exam was thoroughly taught. I can't stress how awesome of a professor he is.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Amazing professor. One of the best in the Mathematics Department. His exams are very straight forward and you WILL do well if you do all of the recommended problems. Make sure you get on your TA's good side. At the end of the semester, Dio sits with his TAs and goes through his roster and asks his TA what grade each student deserves. Dio really wants you to learn and if you ever have the opportunity to take him, TAKE HIM!
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B
Dio is really a great teacher. He is passionate, and clearly loves to teach. His tests were graded a bit harshly, and one test with stupid mistakes was enough to drop me to a B. That being said, I think his expectations were fair and he did a good job of imparting the material. If you're the type of person who doesn't feel like going to every class, you could certainly get away with it. It wasn't very hard, and from what I've heard he's the best Calc 3 teacher you're going to find at UMD.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin is the best professor I've ever had in my entire life. He teaches step-by-step and makes otherwise difficult concepts easy to understand. He also makes me laugh every single lecture. Best professor I've had the pleasure of working with. 11/10
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin is a little overrated as a professor, but he's so highly rated that that still means he's awesome! He's cool, he's funny and he's an engaging speaker. You'll come out of the course really understanding the material and his tests aren't super easy but they're very straightforward and lots of practice tests let you know what to expect. If Justin is available TAKE HIS CLASS!!!!
Melissa Macasieb

Expecting a B-
Melissa Macasieb is an okay professor. I had her for calc 3 this past semester. She is extremely hesitant as she teaches, and makes at least 2-3 mistakes each lecture. She is organized, but teaches directly out of the book. I mean it. The examples she uses in class are literally straight from the book. Her exams are pretty straight-forward and are parallel to her practice exams. Overall, she is an okay teacher, but she does not seem to have much confidence in front of the class, which always made me question her knowledge of the material as she was teaching it. I don't recommend her, but she isn't the worst. Hope this helped.
Melissa Macasieb

Easily the worst teacher I have had in my life. She refuses to answer questions during office hours if you ask about something that was ever covered in lecture. She messes up 5-6 times every lecture because she is going too fast for the class and herself. Very rude to students during lecture, overall a poor teacher. I highly do not recommend her!
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin is the ideal professor- knowledgable, understanding, and entertaining. He makes the subject easy and simple. Exams are very reasonable. Definitely take Calc III with Justin if you can.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Dio is an excellent lecturer. He is very engaging when he speaks and is never boring. He is also very easy to understand and writes clearly on the board. He is also hilarious, but usually at the expense of one of my classmates. The only reason I was hesitant to give him five stars is that he will destroy you in front of the whole class if you ask a question, no matter how legitimate it might be. Nonetheless I still enjoy his class and have learned quite a bit. The TAs are also excellent. I often learn as much in discussion as I do in lecture. The grades are fair. You do not have to turn in homework, but it is an excellent study tool. Also, the exams are not overly challenging. I would definitely recommend Margetis, just try not to provoke him.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting a B
Poor lecturer. Barely a curve. nice guy. hard exams no more cheat sheets given. find another professor
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting a B+
Very poor lecturer, I still go to lectures but I feel like there was no point going in the first place. I absorb very little information from his lectures. His notes are very unclear as well. I ended up going to D. Margetis's lectures instead, however Grillakis's test are EXTREMELY fair, he sends out a review before each test, and if you understand the review you should be able to get a good grade on test. He is lenient and easily awards you back points if you feel like you were graded harshly.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A+
He seemed very nice, but as mentioned before his lecturing was not great. He did focus on theory, but often gave examples. I still found them helpful and he did try to help his students succeed. My TA was great and reexplained certain topics. His exams were for the most part relatively simple and fair. He curved the grades at the end.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
Very nice teacher, but a pretty poor lecturer. I learned very little and ended up going to Margetis's lectures because I didn't have class during Margetis lectures. Grillakis is a very cool dude and will give points back on your tests if you think TAs gave too little partial credit.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting a B
His lectures cover the material on his exams pretty well, but his accent is so thick it is very difficult to understand. His handwritten notes on the chalkboard are also difficult to understand sometimes. His quizes and tests are pretty straightforward and fair. He does allow formula sheets for the tests which makes a world of difference in a class like Calc3.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
Great prof. Works through examples in depth and is easy to follow. If you go to discussion and do the homework/MATLAB you should be fine.
Casey Cremins

Expecting a B
YES. He talks in monotone the whole time and is boring but he definitely is a nice guy. He didn't put anything unexpected on the exams; do the assigned homework problems. There were quizzes every week in discussion sections and I think we got to drop 2 quizzes (there were 12 quizzes). There were 4 MATLAB projects which were super easy. 3 midterms and a final. Unlike other MATH241 classes, we DID NOT get to bring a formula sheet to the exams (except for final) and I found it VERY unfair. Also, grades were posted on canvas throughout the semester but we NEVER got to see our grades online; he muted them and never unmuted the grades even after the final. I misplaced few quizzes so I had no idea what grade I had until the final grade was posted. VERY ANNOYING. Overall, the class wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I would take it with Justin if I were to take it again. I had to take his class because Justin's class didn't fit into my schedule.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting a B
Terrible, terrible, terrible lecturer. Not worth going to lecture if you have him. If you can't teach yourself the material or if you do not have good friends that can teach you, you are sunk. He is a really cool guy, and is pretty approachable, but he cannot teach..period. Now, his handwriting is neat, so his drawings are always clear, but even with that you can't follow him at all. He will say "Is it clear what I did here" a good thousand times a semester, even though it is evident a handful of people have any idea what he did. Do yourself a huge favor and waitlist Justin, even if 40 people are ahead of you.
Manoussos Grillakis

DO NOT TAKE GRILLAKIS!!! He is a very nice person who wants to help you out, but he is probably one of the worst lecturers that you will come across at this University. He focusses way too much on the theoretical side and the stuff that is not important. He also focuses on teaching the concepts rather than doing examples. He will also make you fall asleep with his monotone voice. On a positive note, Tests are very fair and pretty easy. He is also VERY generous with regrades. In fact, this semester, he only gave out 550 points tests (4-100 point midterms, lowest counts for 50% and a 200 point final) and matlabs. This kind of sucks because there are no HW or quizzes to buffer your grade. The thing with Calc III is that it is pretty much easy to teach yourself all of the material. I guarentee you, IT IS NOT WORTH COMING TO CLASS IF YOU HAVE GRILLAKIS!!! It will just be a waste of your time. Try to get a good TA, or be prepared to teach yourself the material.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin is more or less the ideal math professor. Energetic, engaging, and interesting, his lectures proceed at the perfect pace with exactly the right balance between examples and theory. Just take him already. Think of a complimentary adjective that could apply to a professor and it probably applies to Justin. Seriously, if it's a choice between Justin and someone else, it's not a choice. Justin all the way. Why are you still reading this? Go to Testudo and register for his class already.
Melissa Macasieb

I took her for both MATH241 and MATH461. I received a C and a B, respectively. Teaching Style - Extremely structured and organized, which is something I highly appreciated - Uses a chalkboard and writes very large, ensuring you can clearly see and have time to write everything down in your notes - Dry and no nonsense. There is literally no personality inserted. I liked it. Testing Style - I never got the hang of her exams. - Always seemed more difficult or trickier than her practice problems - In MATH461 ridiculous amounts of justification (citing theorems) were needed in exams. Just plain annoying and not a good reason to get points taken off. Also, not something she emphasized, so beware that it is, in fact, expected of you. Grading - grades are not uploaded on canvas, as the math department thinks it's special and uses it's own website - I would suggest making an excel spreadsheet to keep track of your grades for yourself A note about MATH241 -it is very difficult material -beware of matlab -I struggled with this class and ended up getting a C. I'm not fantastic at math, though. A note about MATH461 -the material is ridiculously easy - I paid no attention to this class whatsoever and still got a B
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting a B
Grillakis is a professor who really knows his stuff and thinks that you should be just the same. He'll often charge through problems in a satisfactory manner BUT ONLY IF YOU CAN KEEP UP. He doesn't always explain his steps and goes through his explanations very methodically but that's not a bad thing for everyone. Keep in mind that he's also kinda boring. Personally, I almost never understand a thing he says in lectures and I usually just wait until the discussion section the next day to learn. I had Maxx Cho as a TA and you really had to be an idiot not to understand the material he teaches. Overall, the class itself isn't too difficult. There's a lot less material than there was for MATH141. No HW, no quizzes, 4 (or 5) Matlab assignments, and a couple exams.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A+
Great teacher! As many people here have mentioned, he does have a French accent, but it you can clearly understand him right away on the first day. Also, he is great at explaining the topics, and his tests are extremely fair. Always the same format and rarely any tricks that you didn't see in class or in the book. I would definitely suggest taking MATH241 with Mellet if you can!
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A
Very good teacher and moves through the material at a good pace. He does have an accent but I didn't find it difficult to understand at all. Exams are very fair and don't throw and curveballs.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
TAKE JUSTIN FOR ANY CLASS! He is literally the best professor I've had at Maryland by far! He explains concepts really well and he even adds some math humor into the lectures sometimes. Even though calc 3 wasn't always easy, he explained things very well and there was never a moment in class where I felt lost. His exams are very fair if you pay attention in lecture, and do the suggested but optional homework problems he posts online. Definitely go to discussions because there is a quiz at least once a week in discussion. The quizzes in discussions are 10 points each and add up to be 100 points of the total point value of the class. There are also 3 Matlab projects throughout the semester and 1 Matlab quiz, each worth 25 points, also adding up to 100 points. We had four exams in the semester, each exam worth 100 points each. The final exam this year was written by Justin and was also fair, no surprises. Overall, I really enjoyed Calc 3 with Justin and I would retake another class with him if I could.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A
Cool, chill teacher. Has a relatively thick, but surprisingly easily understandable French accent. Only four MATLAB assignments, simple exams, weekly quizzes, optional homework. Legible notes and slightly fast-paced lectures. Very simplistic teaching style and is always very concise.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Great person, even better professor. You don't need to get the textbook, he will teach you everything you need to know in class and dumb it down for the people who really know nothing about math (which is not the best for some people because if you go into higher math later, it is possible that you won't able to deal with some of the complex proofs and derivations since justin's version of 241 is so simplified). Very reasonable exams; he only gives you problems you have seen before. Has weekly quizzes in discussions, four matlab projects (actually 3 and then 1 matlab quiz), four exams, and a final. Nothing is too hard in this class; everyone should be fine.
Melissa Macasieb

Expecting a B
Okay I am reviewing Dr. Macasieb because I read GoTestudo!'s post, and thought to myself "Hmm D. Macasieb was not great, and going to class made me seem stupid." She does allow one page of notes (front only) for each calc 3 test and one page notes (front and back) for the final, but believe me that did not make taking the tests a sure shot of getting an A in the class. To be honest some of her tests had quite the curve ball, or a little trick that needed to be understood in order to solve the problems, but like GoTestudo! said her tests were straightforward, and at least 75% of the problems were easy that means 3/4 problems. So don't mess up one problem or you are down to a C. It is true that this course drops your lowest test score, but I wouldn't count on only getting one low score because like I said the course isn't easy. In my case the class was not easy, and I found myself learning more from the TA than from Dr. Macasieb because she writes too fast on the chalkboard while explaining the concepts, so it makes it to get a thorough understanment while you are frantically jotting down proofs. Dr. Macasieb's matlabs are dated exercises from another UMD Professor's matlabs, but they are not that simple. Most of the matlabs are very thorough, and require a considerable amount of time. Take my word I had an indian friend help me, which I am grateful of. The quizzes are generally homework problems straight from the book. If you want to do well in this class I cannot stress more than practicing the homework problems, it is vital to your health and grade in this class if you want to come out decently on top with a B or A. But if you want a C forget about doing anything in this class because you most likely will get it with Zero effort. Why? Well fortunately there is a curve at the end of the class that revitalizes everyone's demeanor and restores happiness at the end of the semester. My advice for the final is to fully understand the last chapters of the book and do all of the practice exams.
Melissa Macasieb

Expecting an A
Dr. Macasieb was great. Her tests were super easy and straightforward, thanks to open notes policy that went into effect for Calc III students this semester (Spring 2012). Either way, she made the class less intimidating than I thought it would be. Overall, she does a great job at teaching the material. I often found myself going to class because it was easier than learning from the book. She teaches what you ought to know without going too much into theory and all that jazz. Excellent teacher, I would definitely recommend her.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
I took Justin for Math 241 fall of '11, and have to say that he brought back a love of math I thought UMD math teachers had sufficiently killed off in me. Justin is a great math teacher. He is not only approachable but a genuinely nice guy who teaches because he loves to teach. He is a lecturer, NOT someone who is being forced to take time away from their work to teach the class. My biggest recommendation is a simple one. Swing by his office hours and say hello. I found myself practically living out of his office once I started going. It was a great place to get math work done, get extra problems, or just chat, and Justin is a great source for math help as well as random facts and entertainment. In addition to everything I've already said, I want to point out that for anyone afraid of Matlab, Justin's are very reasonable, and his guides will get you through most of them without any problem. Justin is also very fast about answering emails with questions, especially as MATLAB assignments approach their deadlines.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
David Yang
Great professor indeed. But gotta say his exams were way too easy, including the final. Getting an A in this class is easy as long as you attend all the lectures, read the book, and do a lot of practice problems.
Tobias von Petersdorff

Expecting an A+
Good lecturer, fair exams. However, he gets an anxiety attack anytime something goes even slightly wrong like writing the wrong thing on the board. He will erase and rewrite the whole thing multiple times. The exams weren't hard if you did the homework. The MATLAB assignments he gives out can get really ugly and painful if you don't know MATLAB. Overall, the class wasn't too bad.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B
I came into Calc 3 having audited it at my local community college over the summer, and I found the lectures did not help me at all, and I knew the material pretty well already. To be completely honest, I stopped going after two classes and just showed up for exams. But I did put effort into this class. I took notes on every single chapter in the book, and went to every discussion (which helped me MUCH more than the lectures). The ten-point quizzes each week were easy, just making sure you understood the concept taught in that chapter (I had Ioannis as my TA). The exams were extremely difficult. But the final seemed really easy to me, probably because the exams had been so impossible. Important: Make a friend who is good at MATLAB! There are THIRTEEN MATLABs to do for his class, and he includes MATLAB questions on the first two exams. Basically the last chapter (15, Stoke's, Green's, line integrals) really screwed me over, because I didn't go to lecture and my summer class didn't cover that material. And I was sick for three weeks and fell a little bit behind towards the end. tl;dr: He's extremely hard if you haven't seen the material yet, quizzes are easy with a good TA, exams are IMPOSSIBLE (except collaborative final), Ch. 15 is very hard conceptually, make a friend that can do MATLAB well.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B
This class should have been an A :( Dr. Margetis is one of the prominent research professors in the Math department who happens to be a terrific lecturer. At times he may go a little too fast but his hand writing is pretty clear. The last 2 chapters are the difficult ones. Good Luck.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a D
In talking with my friends, I regret that I didn't have Justin. Justin's exams were more straightforward compared to Dio's this semester. I could not rely on just his lecture material to prepare me for his exams. There were times that I didn't follow his notes, but I would never dare ask him to explain it in front of the class. Asking for any kind of help from him would be too intimidating.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Dr. Margetis is a great lecturer and is wonderful at teaching the content of the course. His exams were exceptionally easy, however, which ended up being a bad thing because of the difficulty of the combined final.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Wrote very clear, organized, detailed, and neat notes. Would not recommend him if you like to ask questions in class and mind being made fun of. I also doubt he is someone you would want to ask for help from during office hours.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B+
Justin is hands-down the best math professor I have had at this university. He knows how to explain the topics without confusing the class with worthless proofs and MATLAB. His sense of humor is great and it is apparent he really cares for his students. I recommend going out of your way to have Justin as a professor before you graduate.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B
Eddie Wong
Advice: Absolutely wait for another semester with another professor to take this course. Explanation/Experience:In my opinion, In the classroom Professor Rosenburg makes easy concepts more difficult than they really are with unnecessary variables, disorganized lectures, and spontaneous proofs. Like what many other said his lectures don't actually help you do well on the exams. Matlabs are self taught through his readings which are good. Options: if your reading this too late in the course to drop. Learn through MIT lectures, Khannacadamy, Reading textbook paragraphs, But above all to prepare for exams, use UMD test bank. These will help solidify the material you already practiced with. He curves in the end? I read? Conclusion: Calc III is still cool regardless of him making it ugly
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
One of the best teachers I've ever had in my life. (Possibly this will hold true for the rest of college!) He writes precise notes with great handwriting and pictures and explains topics in great detail. Doesn't grade homeworks but they are helpful! Has about one quiz per week in discussion but they're mostly up to the TA. Assigns three MATLABs where he gives tutorials for all of them so it's basically an application of it and there's one super easy quiz on it as well. Four tests and a final and his tests should be easy since you get a cheat sheet as well
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B+
If you are taking Math241, take a different professor than Rosenberg. I came into the class with 5's on both AP Calc tests and math was always easy for me to pick up quite quickly. This class has been difficult for me, his notes are almost useless (very cryptic), the textbook just as cryptic, and the tests are not that easy even though you get a cheat sheet. The saving grace for me has been my TA, Maxx Cho; he has helped so much in me learning the material, but I definitely not learning the material like I should be, just learning it enough to scrape by on the tests with Bs. The lesson to be learned is take someone different, or really devote your time to learning the material on your own, because you really won't learn it from Rosenberg.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
Mr. Rosenberg is the perfect teacher to take if you already have a vague idea of Calculus 3. If you are taking this class as a "breather" or have genuine interest in math, this class will engage you very well. His diagrams and proofs build on any preexisting experience you may have had with Calc 3. However, if you have no experience with Calculus 3, I by no means recommend taking this class. You can expect to have few to none basic "foundation", or concrete ways to do problems. If, however you are stuck taking this class due to scheduling problems, learn to "zone out" the first half of class to not get confused, and after he start writing formulas, try to pay attention to examples he gives.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Jessica Liu
Love him. Everyone would attend his lecture even at 9am. His style of his exams are exactly the same thing as his review sheets. No webassign and only matlab which he gives tutorials on. This guy is the best. Take any math class with him.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a C
if you want a fast track to depression take Rosenberg. I pulled many all nighters just to get 70s on his exams. They are extremely difficult compared to other calc 3 professors. Not to mention i had the worst TA. He was from Russia and just did not know what was going on. If you have Alexey as your TA be ready for quiz questions that are harder than test questions. This is the worst class i have taken at UMD so far.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A-
This guy is clearly THE best professor you can have at UMD. Also, for a guy with PhD, he is really humble and really laid back. His notes are very clear and organized. He teaches the class with theory and lots of examples. His notes were so good that I only opened my book to do the hw. His pace with the syllabus is reasonable but faster compared to other professors because Justin wants to spend more time in the latter chapters. Those chapters are crazy so it will benefit in the long run. His exams are easy and follows the sample exams he posts before the exams. There are three easy matlab assignments. The fourth one is a short matlab quiz. All matlab related hw/quiz is easy. The final was not that bad. But do not underestimate the finals. You still need to work hard. Do not miss out on taking a course with Justin.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Prof. Justin teaches the material by going step-by-step through each example and he even goes over examples of harder problems (which other profs rarely do). He is very down to earth for a person who holds a PhD. Assignments: 4 exams (none dropped), 4 matlabs (the last was a quiz counted as a matlab to make sure we were actually doing our own matlab assignments), 12 quizzes (2 dropped), and the final. Doesn't really curve grades since the average is usually high for a math course (low 80's).
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
Justin was as good a math teacher as I could have expected. Not only was his class entertaining, he also was an excellent teacher. If possible, you should try to take a class of his. You won't regret it.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting a B
Not only is he the best math professor I've ever had, but he is the best overall teacher that I have ever met or had the pleasure of being a student to. Great class, great professor. Take it with Justin.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Probably one of the best professors you can have at the University. If you get the chance sign up for one of his classes.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
This professor has some of the neatest chalkboard handwriting I have ever seen. This really help when taking notes and drawing 3D diagrams. He is a good professor even if he does talk in monotone most of the time. He is very kind and is very approachable if you have a concern about your exams. He allows one page of notes on the exams (except the final). The matlab assignments are incredibly easy as it is mostly just copying and pasting what they give you. However some symbols don't copy over correctly and might throw an error if you don't catch them. Overall he is a very fair professor and would recommend him. He not the best professor I have seen but he is a pretty good one.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Look at all the reviews... This guy is a rockstar with a piece of chalk. He's really understanding, approachable, nice, and really funny. I actually LIKED to sit up front (everyone tries to get to class first to sit up front). This guy is arguably the best professor on campus. Take his class, even if it means changing your whole schedule. You will NOT regret it. Justin - You are the man
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Good teacher. He explains concepts well and goes at a reasonable pace. Lectures are primarily example driven, which makes concepts easier to understand. Weekly quizzes and monthly(ish) MATLAB assignments which he gives a full tutorial for. 4 exams, which is more than average, but it is for good reason, as the last chapter is the hardest, and therefore gets its own test. Curve is very light, 4 percent this year, but class was easy. And you don't really need the textbook. He gives example exams which are close to the real thing, and the discussions help too. I didn't buy one and got an A.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting a C
Lectures honestly put me to sleep. He wasn't engaging in the material, which made it cumbersome. However, he makes up for this with his grading policy. He drops your lowest of the four exams, and we had eight quizzes and he dropped the lowest three. Homework is graded on completion. A flaw in his style is that he allows one page of notes for every exam, but not on the final. So if you train yourself to rely on the notes, your setting yourself up to fail. Average Professor, student-oriented grading system.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin is a fantastic professor, the best I've had so far at Maryland. He is really engaging and he makes the class understandable and manageable. His tests are straightforward and easy to study for, as many of the questions are modeled off ones from practice exams posted online. He covers a lot of material in every lecture, but not so much that you ever feel overwhelmed. As long as you put in the necessary effort, this class should be no problem.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
Kevin Garcia
Compared to most of the math professors at UMD (excluding Justin, of course), he's great. He's clear, concise, and relays the information in the book well. He doesn't just recite the text verbatim. He has very good handwriting, making the 3-d concepts easier to understand. Has a slight accent, but doesn't get in the way. He does tend to be a bit monotone and he likes to start every lecture with, "Let me remind you..." For the exams (excluding the final), he allows you one page of notes for reference. If you have a good TA, there's no way you'll less than ace every exam. He's extremely friendly and very laid-back when it comes to grading and his approach to teaching. I chose him as my faculty adviser this semester, and he helped me greatly. If Justin is unavailable, take 241 with Grillakis.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting an A
Professor Mellet did a great job teach Calc 3. His thoughts were clear and backed up by intuitive pictures. Furthermore, he taught by using lots of examples, which makes it much easier to understand what he's trying to do. While my TA was good, it was mostly about hw problems and the hw quizzes. I didn't find discussion helpful since Mellet was good at teaching. Matlab assignments were very easy. Most of them were copy and paste from the assignment. They were not nearly as confusing and obnoxious as many Matlab assignments tend to be. His French accent is cool too.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
By far the best professor in the math department
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A+
Great class, great professor, easy A. He drops the lowest 2 of the 12 quizzes, and the lowest 1 test of the 4 chapter tests. He also curves this class, which makes it very easy to get an A. His TA's aren't helpful at all, however, the homework is mainly graded on completion and if you have a nice TA this should be a guaranteed 100 points. The first three tests are easy, but the last test is very hard, so if you need this grade you may want to study for the last test. The final is okay, but luckily I needed around a 60% to get an A in the class, so no worries.
Richard Wentworth

Expecting a B
The class was pretty straight forward and not bad. Only one matlab assignment the entire year and it was extremely easy. The practice tests are similar to the real exams and if you do the homework and study a little, you will do fine.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
tests were extremely easy, maybe too easy. the people who said that his tests were fair are being ridiculous. he pretty much told us which questions would be on the tests as he was teaching the material, and during the lecture before the test he would give many hints. the best part of class was when he would completely rip apart the people in the first few rows when they would ask ridiculously dumb questions. margetis can be quite funny in these outbursts, but if you are the target you might be embarrassed in front of ~200 other people. Overall he is an excellent 'teacher', from what i have heard a brilliant mathematician/physicist, and quite the entertainer. Although he may rip you apart for a dumb question, if you ask a bright question or make an insightful point during lecture he will praise you and ask you your name in front of ~200 people. and those are definitely rewarding moments. basically, choose your questions and comments wisely during lecture. Final was hard, though. avg. in my section was a 120/200.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
Rosenberg very clearly knows his stuff (as everyone else has said), but the main thing I noticed about this course is that he tries to force MATLAB down your throat, so be sure that you're at least mildly acquainted with programming (I'm not, and it was a hassle for me to correct syntax on literally every problem). He's a very intelligent professor and does most of his lecture with the examples listed in the book; and as others have said, he's almost exactly like what one would expect out of an older mathematics professor. One word of caution: if you're going to take his class, be prepared to do extremely well on exams. His exam averages are significantly lower than the other professors', but since they use the same final, I've been told that Rosenberg uses the same cut-offs -- hence his 10% A distribution for this class. If you want to know how to use MATLAB rather comprehensively and you're willing to put the effort in, take him. You have one quiz and MATLAB a week, and out of the 13 of each, he drops 3. My TA was Dave Shaw, and in the first couple of weeks, he seemed somewhat incompetent, but give your TA time and you'll get to know them a bit better. Make sure you either attend lecture or read the book; he lets you have a page of notes on exams, so if you know how to apply the equations, then you're good to go.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A-
I feel like this class was unnecessarily stressful... it was really hard to get a good grade on his tests, even if you knew the material like the back of your hand. Most people's grades were salvaged because of the final, which was MUCH easier than his tests (albeit, not exactly easy...). However, his lectures by no means prepared us for the final- the only reason that the class generally did well was that we studied like crazy because we all needed to bring our grades up!
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
Grillakis is a very nice guy, but not a particularly engaging or effective teacher. I went to every lecture hoping that for once, I wouldn't have to pull out my textbook and start taking notes on my own. Unfortunately, he never failed to nearly put me to sleep, and I would sit in class reading about whatever topic he was making unnecessarily complicated. Everything I learned was from my TA or from the book. Other than that, the quizzes and tests were very fair, as was his grading policy.
Richard Wentworth

Expecting a B
Good professor, knows the material but can go a little fast at times. Says stuff like "math should be natural" which is of no help at all but provides a little comic relief to an otherwise boring subject. Take him if you don't want to have to do matlab assignments. He had one at the beginning of the semester but then forgot about it. Tests aren't too difficult, he lectures for his tests so if you pay attention in lecture it isn't too difficult.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting a B
Mellet is pretty good as far as math professors go. He doesn't need a microphone, he talks to the class instead of the board, and he writes legibly. MATH241 -- His grading policy is pretty awesome (he drops 3/9 quizzes and 2/6 Matlabs), and his tests are at the same difficulty of the examples from class and the textbook. Having a formula sheets for the tests just makes it easier. MATH461 -- Relatively straight forward exams and once weekly homework. Not having quizzes makes it unnecessary to attend lecture except for tests and test reviews. The homework was pretty easy since the textbook is decent and I had a good TA.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a C
Rosenberg is a intelligent professor and knows all the material, but he knows it so well it effects his teaching methods. Instead of actually showing how to do calculus 3 problems he shows proofs and explains where the equations in the book come from. Honestly I could care less about where they come from and want to understand how to apply them. He acts like the concepts he shows in class are easy and cannot explain them to students without complicating the problem to the point of confusion. This is an honest review, not a good professor in my opinion.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
When you think "stereotypical older math professor" Dr. Rosenberg should come to mind. He's really smart, knows MATLAB like the back of his hand, and his lectures are BORING! That being said, with a good amount of studying and grinding out problems the exams aren't too bad. When I took MATH241 he made one problem on the second exam truly impossible to lower the "really high" average on the first exam, which was a rude gesture. However, there were people who got A's on that exam. His class is hard, bottom line. But if you take the class with Rosenberg there is all but guaranteed to be a generous scale/curve and you will for sure be extremely well prepared for the common final exam/future math classes!
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
Just look at this man's grade distribution. He gives out more C's than B's and A's combined. He truly doesn't want his students to do well. His classes are incredibly boring and often off topic, and he rarely gives you a good answer to any question you may have. His tests range from reasonable to impossible, and that's how he likes it. Even my TA said some of his test questions were "not possible" and he gave hard tests just to lower the grades. I don't know how bad the other Calc 3 teachers are, but they can't be worse than this.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a C
Lectures are nearly impossible to follow.. if you can stay awake. Tests are ridiculously hard. As an mechanical engineering major, I thrive on problems with numeric and physical practicality. But, Rosenberg explains things in a very theoretical manner which will leave you feeling very confused. Rosenberg also helped write the textbook.. which means definitions and examples are equally cryptic and confusing. Additionally, He clearly enjoys failing a good percentage of the class. There is a reason he has a 20% drop rate! DO NOT SIGN UP FOR HIS CLASS.
Dionisios Margetis

Great professor; will burn you in class if you ask stupid questions. Engaging and fair tests (sometimes). If you have a good TA, then you are in for a easy math semester, if not, you probably have to do extra work out of class :T But overall, Calc III was fun with Margetis! :D
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Good choice for Calc 3 Dio is excellent at teaching the material and lecturing. I was able to follow his lectures and not have to read the book for almost the entire course which is very uncommon for me. His grading and tests are very fair and his website is organized. The only problem I had with him is that asking questions in lectures usually resulted in a condescending or hostile answer and sometimes he even ridiculed the student asking the question. I understand this is just his personality but it made me reluctant to raise my hand in lecture.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Overall great class. He's a good professor and very straightforward. His tests are fair and are based on problems gone over in lecture or in discussion. He doesn't collect any homeworks and doesn't give any quizzes in actual lecture so there is no incentive to go. Absolutely take Margetis, he's the best for calc 3.
Antoine Mellet

Expecting a B
If you're like me, you basically want to know if you can skip class and just learn from the textbook. And the answer is yes. Can't say I have been to many of his classes, but from the ones that I did go to, he was following the book pretty closely. This class was much easier than calc 2- no webassigns, and matlabs are like once a week- maybe even less than that. And they're easy- he tells you what to type in. Quizzes and tests are closely modeled from the book. He lets you bring a cheat sheet on tests. I wouldn't know how good of a lecturer he is, he seemed okay. My friends in the class liked him though. He posts what he's going over in class online and when stuff is due, so you know what days to go to class and to turn stuff in.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B
He's a good professor. He's very straightforward about the concepts, and has a great sense of humor. However, he doesn't bring anything else to the table that you couldn't find elsewhere. I stopped going to lecture pretty quickly. The examples he gives are similar to the ones in the book, and although the explanations of the concepts in the book don't make much sense, you can find good ones online (I recommend Paul's Online calculus Notes). He doesn't grade the homework, so there isn't much incentive to do it, but I would recommend doing it anyway since a lot of the tests problems are very similar, if not exactly the same as the ones he assigns for hw.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a C+
I went to about three lectures since 10am is a bit early for me. He is a very articulate speaker and knows how to explain the material well to even non-science/math majors like me. I'm horrible at math but still managed a C+ despite never getting above a 50% on my tests or quizzes.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A+
Rosenberg's an alright professor. He's crazy smart and clearly knows what he's doing, but sometimes his explanations are too complicated if you don't have a PhD in math. His lectures are also pretty boring (he goes over proofs) and often irrelevant to the class. However, he's very approachable and a nice guy, so you can ask him questions during or after lectures and he'll explain it. MATLAB sucks but its not graded too hard so it boosts your grade. Contrary to what other people have said, his tests are reasonable; they're harder than the problems you do in class but if you do all of the problems in the textbook than you'll find that his tests are about the same as an average textbook problem. If you work hard and go to discussion then you can get a good grade.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Overall, an excellent professor. He focuses on what you need to know for the course, with an occasional dose of humor. Takes 3/4 highest tests, 7/8 highest quizzes and 4 Matlabs (worth 7% of the overall grade). I also happened to have a terrific TA, so that definitely made the experience great. If you are going to take Calc III, I can't think of a better person to take it with.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a C+
Rosenberg may be very smart, but he is not a good teacher at all. He teaches in a way that is only suitable for a math major, and as an engineering major, his lectures were very boring and pointless, not to mention confusing a great deal of the time. He enjoys failing the class, he likes his test averages around 50-60 range, so that he can make his stupid curve at the end, which if you haven't seen is awful compared to any other teacher, and while it may be a normal curve, it is ridiculous compared to his tests. Also he decides to make his tests extremely hard, especially after everyone does well (about an 70-80 avg) on the one before. Sometimes he decides to get creative with questions by asking them in the most complicated and confusing way possible. Another problem is Matlab. He makes you do Matlab so you can buy his book, and his assignments are not too bad since you can follow his online instructional, but when he puts matlab questions on tests beware. DO NOT TAKE HIM under any circumstance.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B
Absolutely wonderful Professor. Extremely articulate and teaches lessons beyond just Calculus. Was an enjoyable class to go to and never felt like I was wasting time by going to lecture. I don't see how a professor can get much better.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B
Dr. Rosenberg is extremely smart. In lectures he teaches more proofs and theory while the actual problems are taught in discussion. The lecture is sometime hard to follow, but overall not that bad. I definitely would have been lost without discussion though. Also, there are weekly quizzes but they're not too bad. There's a lot of matlab and it just gets progressively harder so even though he drops three, definitely do the first ones because you'll want to skip the later ones. Exams are okay, the last two were really hard but he curved a lot. There's four exams during the semester and a final.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
This class was exceptional. People taking the other professors classes (Rosenberg) were dealing with 60-70 test averages and our test averages were a cool uncurved 80. Dio made the material very easy to follow with no required homework. There are quizzes in discussion that are easy and matlab homework that's basically extra credit (and only 4 of them). He also drops a test and a quiz. Also his English is very articulate and easily understandable unlike other teachers you run into at UMD. The tests were also much easier than the tests I saw from Rosenberg... The tests did test the material but they were not unreasonable so no real surprises. Sometimes you had to think but you weren't stretched too far. Also has his TAs give very reasonable partial credit. Overall: Wonderful class.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B+
Great teacher i would definitely recommend this instructor to other students. Fair grader, fair tests and he actually cares about his students, unlike manyyyyy manyyy other teachers on this campus. He wants his students to do well in his class and as long as you go to his lectures and solve the recommended hmw you should definitely be able to do well in class.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a C-
Professor Rosenberg is the worst teacher i've had in a long time. With that said, my definition of a teacher is someone who can help students understand the material and prepare you for the examinations. He does neither; in fact, his examines started off easy for our MAT241 class and the last two examines were extremely difficult (3rd test avg : 65; 4th test avg: 50). The only reason i've managed to progress through the class is my textbook, and TA. The lectures are boring and most of the time i ended up dreaming about sports or whatever I was going to do after the class! Don't get me wrong, Professor Rosenberg is a nice person and means well. But at the end of the day, your employer/parents/whoever don't care if your professor was nice, all they care about is if you learned the material and have a GPA to show for it. With that said, i would look for alternative Math teachers before registering for any class with the last name Rosenberg teaching it.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
He might seem a bit crazy at times, but to be honest it makes him a better professor. He will yell, but not at the students, it is for emphasis which is great in a morning class. He also allows for a one page one side cheat sheet on every exam and two sides on the final, it proves to be very useful. If I could get another course with him as the professor I would.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting a B
This guy is terrible, his lectures are not only boring, but they are taught in a very confusing manner. He is unclear when he teaches concepts and his examples are extremely simple relative to what he expects on quizzes and tests. He gives the hardest tests out of all the 241 professors. He loves MATLAB like its crack or something. He gave us 13 MATLAB assignments while other professors gave 4, not to mention that the MATLAB assignments were difficult and included zero instruction. Another word on MATLAB, he likes to put it on tests to trip people up. He sounds like a smart guy (no doubt, afterall he IS a professor) so maybe his upper level classes better, but for 241 and under don't take him.
Jonathan Rosenberg

Expecting an A
Jonathan Rosenberg was a terrible teacher for me. His lectures were very difficult to understand and it was a struggle to stay awake everyday. He taught in a very abstract and theoretical way. This way of teaching may be good for a math major, but as an engineer major his lectures did not help me to learn how to do actual problems. Rosenberg is in love with MATLAB, so he includes MATLAB in a few of his lectures. He also tends to include MATLAB code for the last question of his exams. His exams are fairly difficult and he is a pretty tough grader--he is not afraid to give 61% of the class a C or D. Moral of the story is switch out of the class if you can.
Manoussos Grillakis

There is no way this guy is a 5 star professor. He is an average math professor, not the best, not the worst, just average. I learned little to nothing in the lectures I stayed awake in...I learned most of the material on my own. There is a quiz every week in discussion which usually isn't too bad. The exams have been mostly fair...just do the suggested homework problems on the syllabus.
Manoussos Grillakis

Expecting an A
suggested hw only. easy quizes. drops lowest test. tests are fair but might be long. look for simplification tricks. classes are all proofs with abstract examples. some number examples would help a lot but that's done in recitation so you really can't ask for anything more from him. he's a good prof with a well run class.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Awesome professor. very energetic guy and talks very loud which makes u pay attention. gives 4 exams (drops lowest) and about 8 quizzes. every quiz is announced about a week in advance. just go to class becasue his exam questions are the examples he gives in class, just different numbers. overall, very good class
Tobias von Petersdorff

Expecting a B
von Petersdorff is a good professor in my opinion. If you go to class and take good notes, you'll have a good idea of what's going on even if you don't pay attention. However, his exams are in no way easy. If you want to do well, you'll have to do the homework even though it doesn't count towards your grade. As with all math courses here, having a good TA can make a HUGE difference in how you do.
Kasso Okoudjou

Expecting a B
He is a pretty good teacher; he always tries to get the class to understand, accepts any question in lec and is in general a nice guy. He posts prac test with answer keys (unlike other prof) and these are pretty close to the actual tests, which are fairly easy. 1 quiz/2 weeks, which actually help towards exams. Lectures aren't thrilling however.
Kasso Okoudjou

Expecting a B
He doesn't grade homeworks, and like the previous review said, he drops the lowest 3 quiz scores and exam. He let us use a page of notes for each of our exams except the first one, not that anyone needed one. I liked his accent, and his lectures were pretty straight foward. He gives practice exams a week or so before the actual exam and they are pretty similar. If you spend the time to do the homeworks, you should pass his pop quizzes with ease. He is a pretty average professor, but I would say he is one of the better ones. He was always willing to answer questions (except when he was short on time) and seemed like he actually wanted the students to understand. I always found it funny when he asked us if he should finish doing a computation, like Calc 1 integrals. He almost always got no response from the class, then he would walk away from the problem, then walk back and finish it anyway, or get halfway through it and just write "do it".
Tobias von Petersdorff

Expecting a B
Dr. von Petersdorff conducts his class in a manner that is suited for math majors only, and fails to realize that the majority of people in the class do not necessarily have the same aptitude for math that he does. He fails to explain concepts that he deems simple, instead spending most of his lecture time on proving equations instead of actually teaching the class why those equations are useful. Few examples are shown, and those do not at all cover the breadth of problems that students are expected to answer. He is very disorganized, hard to contact (when I e-mailed him from my school address he never responded), and is overall a poor teacher for large introductory classes. On the other hand, if you have a really good TA or spend a lot of time learning the material yourself, his tests are generally pretty easy. Unfortunately, most of the class does not understand the material, and the median for our last two tests was in the mid-sixties. He's not curving the class. If you have other options and want a good math teacher for lower-level classes, don't pick him.
Kasso Okoudjou

Expecting a B
After having a professor who wanted his students to cry for Calc141, Okoudjou was a reminder that some professors actually want you to learn. His hand writing is hard to read at first, but you get better at reading it pretty soon. He also gives reasonable tests (and allowed us to have an equation sheet!) and was very willing to stop and answer questions during lecture. He also drops one test grade and 3 quiz grades and offered 20 points in extra credit with MatLab assignments. Also, I LOVED his accent; it's so bouncy and it just makes me happy to listen to him talk.
Richard Wentworth

Expecting a C
As a person he seems like a nice guy, approachable at least. As a lecturer he was average, not good or bad. If you went to lecture you would learn the material and if not you could learn it from the book with some effort. Exams were kind of hard and he looked for understanding of the material. Lack of any real MATLAB assignments was a definite plus. Decent curve, but test averages were pretty low so in the end it doesn't help as much as you'd expect. Like I said, not a bad professor to take, but not the best either.
Richard Wentworth

Expecting a C+
He rushed towards the end. The exams were harder than average since he pushed for understanding of material. He compensated with an OK curve...but I would've not taken the class with him.
Richard Wentworth

Expecting a B
Wentworth was on a mission to prove that he is a tough professor because this was his first semester at umd. he said he didnt care if our grades were bad as long as we learned things. unfortunately if, the whole class fails, everyone has to retake it anyways. if you have a choice, take any other professor.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Dio is awesome! His lectures are incredibly easy to follow, which is especially necessary at 9am. His homework is optional, he takes no attendance, and the quizzes aren't bad, either. Gives plenty of warning for upcoming exams and possible exam problems during lecture. His tests can be tricky if you don't prepare well enough, but his notes + the book gives you more than enough information. One of the best professors at Maryland.
Richard Wentworth

Expecting an A
Tests were very fair if you took the time to do the homework. Lectures were decent. Granted, the average test grades were relatively low, but he did curve in the end. Take him if you do not want to do a lot of Matlab assignments.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
He's really charismatic and his explanations are simple and he repeats the important things. His tests are also significantly easier than other professor's tests.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Genuinely wants to help students. He posts study guides and sample exams to help... Arguably, one of the best math professors in the university.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B
great lecturer, and fair grader. does not go over the top on the tests, if you know the basics it will be easy. no tricky stuff or senseless complication. probably one of the best put together courses i have ever taken.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A+
A very good teacher. He makes all the concepts easily understandable, perhaps to such a great extent that it gets a little repetitive. That said, I would defiantly recommend him. He also talks loudly so you will pay attention, but also makes jokes, which make the class more interesting.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
One of the best lecturers I've ever had at UMD. He was very engaging and explained the material very well. His exams and quizzes are very straight forward. 4 exams - drops lowest one, 6-8 quizzes, drops lowest one. Some problems on exams and quizzes came directly from problems he showed in lecture. He will tell you during lecture which problems he thinks are "hot" for an upcoming exam. He's also a really funny guy and cracks jokes quite often, but not enough to seem unprofessional. I highly recommend Dr. Margetis for 241.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Great professor. Wants you to understand the material. Teaches straight from the book, but helps you understand it a little better. I cruised by the class. Consists of 7 quizzes (you can drop 2 of them) and 4 tests (you can drop 1). NO HOMEWORKS, DOES NOT TAKE ATTENDANCE, AND ANNOUNCES THE DAYS OF EVERY QUIZ AND EXAM AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR. Exam and quiz questions are just examples he gives in class with different numbers. If you are good at understanding math you dont even have to show up to class and can teach yourself with the book like I did. If you make a stupid mistake on something but otherwise set a problem up right he will only deduct a few points. Definately try to get Margetis if he is teaching your class.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Class is relaxed, tough material but Justin makes lectures fun and easy to follow - he writes in complete sentences :) Lectures and discussions are necessary, sometimes missing one makes it hard to catch up.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
Dios is an incredible professor. Every morning i wake up looking forward to his early lectures, cause thats when he drinks coffee, and it makes him super energetic! even at 9 am he still cracks jokes, but he still gets right down to work and explains every section thoroughly. to all of you i recommend this professor for calc III!
Dionisios Margetis

Dio is the man!! i am very blessed to have him as my calc professor. he is great at lecturing the material and he grbs your attention. his tests are really easy, and the quizzes aren't too bad either. i highly recommend him.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
I wanna say that he's a really bad teacher so that his classes won't be full when I have to register!! But he is the BEST mathematics teacher ever. Unlike other professors, he is very detailed and uses simple analogies and other forms of explanations that makes it easier to understand the material. He doesn't regurgitate the textbook to you at all. You just sit in his lectures and the material will just seep into your brain.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
I don't know if my compliments are enough for the guy. As a professor, he gets everything down to the point. Every lecture session reinforces the previous session, so you won't be clueless. The guy tries very hard to make sure you knows the topics. As a person, he's a funny and caring guy. He throws jokes quite often and so there's not always a tense studying environment. He's easily approachable and will help if asked. His tests and grading policy in my opinion are a little too easy, not that its a bad thing, but he does teach well and you will come out knowing the material of the course IF you try. Take him if you can. I highly recommend him.
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting an A
He's a great teacher! If you can get him, definitely do. His explanations are usually really good and he gives examples in class that are very similar to those he puts on the exam. If you do the recommended homework problems, you'll definitely get A's on the exams. Overall, it's a great class with him.
Justin Wyss-Gallifent

Expecting an A
Justin = GOD. this guy is amazing, i would recommend him over ANY math professor. he is so organized, the sample exams are very similar to the actual ones. He's very humble, and does not assume you to know more than you should know. If he's offering a class, take it! The whole 'Justin' experience is something you should not miss out on!
Dionisios Margetis

Expecting a B+
This professor is a very charismatic guy. He often yells when presenting the topic, which keeps you awake. He is a good teacher and explains things very thoroughly The grading is fair and as long as you do practice problems then getting an A is really not very tough.
Michael Laskowski

Expecting a B
good prof. I would have had an A if i went to more lec and stayed up with the book. The material is not very interesting and sometimes confusing but his tests are fair and the quizzes and MATLAB's really help pull ur grade up in the class. He is one of the better prof in the MATH department.
Casey Cremins

Expecting a c
teaches it clearly and straightforward
Michael Laskowski

Expecting an A
Really a great professor.. def knows how to teach... really awesome lecture... has a diff way of teaching tho :)
Michael Laskowski

I did not appreciate the way that he just made up random terms, and used very strange definitions of theories. He did not just dumb down the calculus concepts; it seemed as though he dumbed down the english language as well. Lecture was especially painful to sit through, but the tests were not too bad. Five tests (plus final), five matlabs (one is a freebie) and quizzes are left up to the TA, so it was not a very difficult class. He seems very nice, and always (somewhat overly) excited to teach. Unfortunately, I just did not like him as a teacher. Sure, it's a dull subject. But I would rather learn the material than spend a semester talking in fake terms.
Michael Laskowski

Very good professor. Clear in his explanations, and he really seemed to enjoy teaching the material. The subject matter is dry so there's only so much he can do, but he tried. Fair tests and grading.