Reviews for ENGL101

Information Review
Eliamani Ismail

Would recommend overall. She has the aura of being strict, but she’s actually really nice and understanding. She’s clearly passionate about English which was adorable lol. Enjoyed her and the class overall. Got an A with a bit of effort as well.
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting a B-
Take the course with a different professor. If I had known when I selected this section during orientation how the class is, I would have switched immediately. I was doing hours worth of work and received minimal grades. When I approached her for a question, she ignored me to my face. My roommate would get easy A's on her assignments with putting in no effort. Do research before taking classes with specific professors. I would not recommend taking a course with this professor. Save yourself and your grade, just select a different teacher.
Esthus Amos

Expecting an A
I had his class for FC at 4:30-5:45pm. Assignments are in order and neat. I was able to follow through with the class and get my work done. His grading is kind of strict but not so strict to remove most of your points as long as you do well. If I remember correctly, his feedbacks on my essays are helpful, I was able to notice flaws from my writing that I overlooked. He's also pretty laid back. The class can sometimes get really philosophical. However, if you do not want a teacher that never responds to emails or takes ages to respond to emails, then Professor Amos isn't for you.
Catherine Byrne

Expecting an A-
TLDR; She's a nice and even funny person, but DO NOT TAKE FOR AN EASY A. (If you consider yourself a GOOD to VERY POLISHED writer (and doesn't mind the possibility getting a B or C), go on ahead. But if you suck at English and don't care to improve, FIND SOMEONE ELSE I WARN YOU.) To start, I'm typically a person to get straight As but in this class I was struggling. (ALSO, I'm a writer and my stem friends who had other teachers DID BETTER THAN ME). Like everyone is saying, she is way too harsh on grading drafts-- you have to treat the draft as seriously as the final draft. I definitely appreciated her long comments/criticisms, but sometimes it was impossible to even please her because I would correct something and she would still say it's wrong. If you don't mind some mental torture (I mean self-improvement is a strenuous task) to really awaken you as a writer, this is the professor for you. But I warn you again, if you take this class, the grade you expect to get on some assignments is probably going to be 1-2 grades LOWER. The positives: She really is one of my calmer, funnier/wittier professors, I always felt at ease in her class (minus the impending doom of grades). If you have to take her for whatever reason, ask her to clarify things for you, she'll be very nice about it.
Sabrina Islam

Expecting a B-
Ms. Sabrina is a very sweet professor and I really liked her. However, her class was not engaging and the TA was weird with grading. She is very accommodating but, I felt I had to email her a few times to actually get a time to meet with her.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
He is an angel. He would sometimes end class early because it was "too nice outside" and he would always be available to meet whenever. It is an easy A with an amazing professor. I CANNOT RECOMMEND HIM ENOUGH truly.
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting an A-
This teacher was super passionate and enthusiastic about teaching the class which was nice. The workload felt like a lot and she was a harsh grader for just an ENGL101 class, even when i dedicated a lot of my time an effort into the essays. I feel like if you are an English major or someone who likes this subject, this teacher is very good because she doesn't just give you an easy A on essays and gives valuable effective feedback. Otherwise, I'd recommend a different teacher if this is just a required class. She is very understanding and responds to emails really fast, and the class isn't that hard for an A, you just need to try a bit more than you'd think.
Edward Daschle

Expecting an A+
Professor Daschle is a really nice guy; he's pretty soft-spoken but he definitely knows what he's talking about. I can't really say I learned much taking this course, and the essays were SOOOO long, but that's the same with any other english class. If you attend class most days, and participate occasionally in class, you'll probably get an A. I really liked him as a professor actually, because I felt like he could actually push the class intellectually if he wanted to, but he recognized that nobody really cared about the class since it's just a gen-ed. That being said, I am excited to take Professional Writing with him because I feel like he did get to know students fairly well and cared about our class (as in not overwhelming our mental capacity). He also was very accommodating with an extension or two if you were really in a pickle. I highly recommend him.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
He is a literal king. If you want someone who is not stressful but helpful and makes this class fun, he’s your guy. The absolute best professor! Grading is not harsh!
Erica Cochran

Expecting an A
Just a lot of busy work that isn’t relevant to the big writing assignments and takes forever to grade the big writing assignments.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
Dr. Batts is seriously the nicest guy. I really enjoyed his class because I could tell he wanted his students to learn and created great activities for us to do so. He let us leave class early a lot and cancelled class when we had big assignments so we could use our time to work on them. The only negative is that the course load was a lot and I was constantly working on huge projects. All in all a good experience!
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A-
Very sweet and cares about how you're doing inside and outside of the classroom. She always encourages people to go to office hours and keeps the class engaged. There is a good bit of assignments but since her classes have been TuTh with Thursday being async, you have enough time to complete those assignments. She will help you every step of the way so take her if there's an open spot for her class.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
Truly the best English teacher I've ever had. She is super kind, understanding, and really cares about her students. She's awesome- love, love, LOVED her.
Liam Daley

Expecting an A+
GREAT PROF and overall great person!! He is a very interesting, engaging, and funny lecturer. Workload wasn't a whole lot compared to other ENGL101 classes my peers told me about, and he was avalible to speak after class or in his office. Gave great feedback on our drafts and was a very fair grader in my opinion.
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A-
The only pro to taking ENGL101 with Professor Crawford is that she is very lenient with due dates, pretty much leaving it up to the students to decide whether they think they need more time to complete any assignment. I would say she is always open to assist you in any way but even if you attend her office hours, meet with her 1on1 to review your essay or project personally, and attend professional writing workshops, she will still find a way to give an 85 or lower. Following her directions to a T? Fix her critiques on your rough draft? Too bad -> 85 or lower. Additionally, the busy work is way too much for an 100 class and, again, she grades all your final projects/essays like it's a 400 class for english majors, when it's a GenED... Since 100s on the busy work is automatic if you complete it on time, you're pretty much guaranteed at least a B+ but unnecessarily difficult to get higher because of the previously mentioned problems with her unstructured grading. All in all, do NOT take if you are looking for an easy A due to heavy busy work and grading problems.
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting a C-
She is truly the worst professor ever. NOT understand at all. grade super harshly
Mariko Carson

Expecting an A
Dr. Carson was an awful professor. She never gave any directions on major assignments and pretty much expected us to know how to do them. She also didn't grade anything until the end of the semester, so I never really knew how I was doing in the class. We would spend every class watching some useless TED talk and then answer questions about it that didn't even make sense. Then she would quickly go through her slides which she expected us to take pictures of because she was too lazy to post them on canvas. She also expected us to remember everything on those slides even though she would spend like 30 seconds total on them. She was always so surprised when nobody raised their hand after she asked a question! Like of course we don't know you don't even teach us anything! There were many times when the syllabus didn't match what she would say in class and the due dates were always changing. You know she's the problem when the entire class was always confused about what was going on. There were many times where we would have little notice on major assignments, and everything was so rushed because she never communicated properly with her students. Sometimes I would look at the syllabus and see that something was due soon but she would never bring it up in class. Her class was so much extra work for no reason so save your time and avoid this professor.
Mariko Carson

Expecting an A
Do not take her class she's an awful professor and it's not worth it!!! She never gave clear instructions on major assignments and gave us little notice on them and sometimes didn't even mention them. She would never teach anything meaningful in class that would help us with major assignments, she just expected us to know how to do it. Every class we would watch a TED talk and then answer some questions that never made any sense. Then she would very quickly go through her slides and expect take pictures of them because she was too lazy to post them on canvas and expected us to remember everything from those slides. Her class was so much extra work for no reason and the worst part was we never knew how to do it because she would never really explain anything. She was always changing her due dates and the syllabus never matched what she said in class. There were many times where she didn't even mention major assignments and I would see it in the syllabus that it was due soon and nobody ever knew about them! Everything was so rushed in that class and because of her lack of communication with her students. She also took forever to grade assignments so I never really knew how I was doing in the class. You know she's the problem when the whole class has no idea what's going on. Save yourself and take literally any other professor.
Dylan Carpenter

Expecting an A
This was genuinely a great class. As a person who doesn't generally enjoy English that much as a subject Dylan made the class really enjoyable. It was clear that he really cared for his students and wanted them to excel. Yes at times it wasn't the most interesting but you can tell that he was really invested, passionate and clearly extremely knowledgeable about English. When it came to grading assignments he definitely did a meticulous job but he gives great feedback for further assignments. As long as you're generally prepared for each class and do your work you'll do great. I definitely recommend him as a professor overall
Yvonne Roe

Expecting an A+
Super sweet professor! Very understanding of students' needs and I believe she was flexible when students had personal issues and needed extensions on papers. She does call on people in class randomly though, so make sure to pay attention.
Olutoyin Adeyemi

Expecting a B+
Worst teacher I have ever had. Do not take. Discouraged questions, always had to be right no matter what, didn't help you succeed, and took forever to grade. When asked about grading and why she was three months late, she said "I am working at 3 colleges and managing a startup so you are going to have to be patient". But when she decided to move our 5 page essay deadline up to that current day and we questioned her, she simply told us " this is college guys get used to it" Do not take.
Mariko Carson

Expecting an A+
Dr. Carson is very nice and grades easily, but the class itself was incredibly disorganized. It was hard to keep track of when assignments were due or where to submit them. Every class, she would tell us to check the syllabus, but the due dates there often didn’t match the ones on Canvas. The lectures were also so useless—you don’t really learn anything. Most of the time, you just watch a TED Talk and answer a few questions. Additionally, the major assignments were very time-consuming. You’re required to write a 15-page paper, and there’s another assignment where you have to visit a location in the DMV area, provide proof, and write about the experience. I felt like I wasted a lot of time in this class. While her grading is lenient, she takes forever to return assignments—she didn’t grade anything until after the semester ended. If you take this class with Dr. Carson, be sure to follow the due dates in the syllabus rather than the ones on Canvas to avoid confusion. Good luck!
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
He was a really good professor. He was approachable, flexible with timing, and really wanted his students to learn. The course had a reasonable pace and he made the class enjoyable. I would highly recommend this professor.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Had him in 2021. He was a very lenient professor as I submitted assignments late and I never got a harsh penalty. he provides useful feedback and is proactive in improving your writing.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting a B+
She's a nice person but her class is a lot of work for a gen ed and she's a harsh grader. That being said, if you attend her office hours before a paper is due she will read through the entire thing and make specific comments about what to improve, guaranteeing a better grade than if you didn't go. If you put in the time you should do well!
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
She is amazing and passionate about English and the readings she assigns. She is so caring and gets to know everyone of her students to the point that one day I was a bit quieter than normal and at the end she pulled me aside and checked in on me. Grading is very easy but in this class she does not want to trick you. If you can write decently and you hit everything on the rubric you will get a good grade. Don’t be stupid with using AI though because one person was caught and then she made us all hand write everything. Just do what you’re told and participate and you will get a good grade.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
Dr. Batts is very thorough and makes the instructions for assignments very clear. He is very chill and would often let us out of class early or give us occasional asynchronous classes to do work. However, I felt like he graded rather harshly. Despite consistently taking class notes, closely following the guidelines in the rubric, and turning in work that I had carefully crafted and proofread NUMEROUS times, he always gave me a 90%. He never gave feedback as to why I only got a 90%, even though the rubric reflected all A's most of the time. Due to the fact that he didn't give feedback I was never able to improve my papers and got 90%'s on each one. In general, he seemed like he rushed through the grading process of my papers and never gave me adequate feedback on how to improve my grade.
Aubrey Zinn

Expecting an A+
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting an A+
She doesn't make the course all that easy but that is partly the department's fault and all the papers you have to write are within reason. She is a strict grader but completely follows the rubric that she provides. If you go to class she will basically tell you what she is looking for in your writing and if you ask the right questions she will give you a very explicit explanation of what you need to do. Her grading is strict but has a lot of options outside of assignments to get more points. I even asked for her to increase my grade at the end of the semester and she was very willing. If you participate, pay attention to what she says about the assignments it is very easy to get an A.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A
Unpopular opinion but I liked his course's focus on Beowulf. It's his area of work and he's quite passionate about it, which made it easier for me to feel interested in it as well. Yes, some of the readings are a little difficult but if you listen to his lectures, he explains nearly everything in detail. Just talk about those topics in your essays and you'll be totally fine. Overall, very solid course, super nice guy but a little unique. His class is intended to be social but my class seemed to be the bar-going type. No judgement, they clearly made great friends and had lots of fun, just not really my thing. Other than that, there isn't really anything I would change about this course and I'd highly recommend. It isn't a ton of work and you learn a lot about translation, the transition between Norse mythology and Old English writing, etc. etc.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A-
Radford was very nice, and he really cares about what he's teaching and always wants to give feedback. I had him online one day and in person the next so in person lectures were dull because I mean its English lol. I will say his class was laidback, but he was kind of a harsh grader I never got full points on any paper or assignment other than discussion boards not even for the participation points. So just be mindful of that because that does add up but other than that he's very nice and chill and gives you grace to turn stuff in like 2 days later than its due on pretty much every major assignment.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
I honestly loved him as a professor and thought he really cared about his students. He focused on the Beowulf text the whole time - we had to write a summary, bibliography, rhetorical analysis, and present 10 minutes about it, which honestly wasn't that bad. Each of these had a draft assignment that was graded on completion and class time dedicated to peer reviews - the final assignments for these would be submitted in a group. He keeps class fun and he will definitely help if you ask him! Overall I think he was a great professor and I would definitely recommend to any people taking ENGL101.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
Grading: she’s a very fair grader and is clear about her policies, you have one late pass for assignments which really helps. Homework: the only homework besides the stuff that has to do with big writing assignments is reading-it’s very manageable Communication: responds to emails well and is generally clear about due dates The reason I did four stars was because she does have a tendency to bring outside problems into class. Sometimes it does make the classroom uncomfortable when she gets emotional about politics and her religious efforts. Overall she’s personable and it’s not a tough class. Highly recommend
Paul Cote

Expecting an A+
Dr. Cote is the most wonderful professor I had in my first semester! His labor-based grading system means that as long as you actively participate in interesting in-class discussions and turn in all of your work you are guaranteed an A. There are very few assignments in the course, so work doesn't pile up unless you let it. If you want a laid back ENGL101 experience, Paul Cote is the right professor.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Blended learning! Wednesdays usually just had a very simple discussion board post and we met Mondays and Fridays but there are no points docked for attendance. Only 3 real major writing assignments the whole semester with plenty of time to work on it and get feedback or help with. A super nice and understanding professor who wants you to succeed and understands that ENGL101 is not your only focus and priority! Amazing amazing professor.
Chauncey Dennie

Expecting an A
Chill professor, nice guy, really understanding too relatively easy readings and number of readings. Only 6 major writing assignments, and he doesnt take attendance. Only issue I have with him is that hes a slow grader but makes sense. At the time of writing this I only have like 3 grades back from him 2 of them being the first two major assignments in the year and the third one being my thesis statement rough draft for the final research paper. Only the rough draft has feedback on it, the other two dont, and I dont think my writing is flawless like that so idk whats with that. I'm guessing if you want timely feedback you have to go into his office hours.
Mike Kolakoski

Expecting an A
High workload, but most of them are completion, just do the work and you'll be fine. The major writing assessments were not hard. Seek help when you need it, he's always available. Stay on top of the work, but also don't be afraid to reach out since he's really accommodating.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting a B
No essays which is unlike other English professors. Every assignment was a group project with drafts that he gives 100% if you turn it in on time. The only thing you really learn about is Beowulf and Tolkien. He's an interesting and weird guy but I highly recommend.
Yvonne Roe

Expecting an A+
professor roe is super sweet and cares about her students. although i never asked for any extensions, i believe she was flexible with other students and was open-minded about what her students needed from her. she takes in a lot of input from her students and oftentimes made her thursday classes asynchronous which was super nice! the course is mostly made up of essays and a few other assignments such as reading notes and discussion boards on canvas. her requirements for her assignments are very clear and she goes over what the rubrics are in class in-depth. she does occasionally call on students randomly in class, so u need to pay at least some attention in class. would take her again :)
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
I really liked having Prof. Olsen this semester. He's a super chill guy who I think genuinely cares about the well-being of his students and helping them to improve. Some other reviews have said that he takes a while to grade, which was true in my case, but honestly he was very apologetic and even gave us a little grade boost to remediate. That being said, if you struggle with deadlines, he's very understanding and cool about it. Fun class.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
She is the nicest woman and really wants to interact and connect with you as a person. She runs this course more similar to how a high school teacher would, meaning she takes attendance, has entry/exit tickets, and tries to have class activities. While you really have to go to class, the work is super manageable and isn't too hard. If you can self motivate about your grades and take it upon yourself to ask for help and go to office hours you will get an A. No matte the assignment or due date she always made time to meet even outside of office hours and ALWAYS read my entire paper with detailed comments for editing. I really suggest you go to her office hours as she will give you comments you need to do well on the assignment. I would definitely recommend taking her she is really sweet and is invested in you succeeding in her class!
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Super chill guy and definitely welcomes people to participate during the classes. The half synchronous and half asynchronous was also very nice because you didn't really have to pay attention during the online portion. I never did any of the readings and that was never an issue. He pushed back a lot of the assignment due dates and was understanding if you communicate with him that you need more time. In general I hate writing so the big writing assignments sucked for me but I'm sure it would be like that for every teacher.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A+
Reminded me of Sikowitz from Victorious, but with less comedic affect. I thought he was funny tho, and a good teacher. Vague with directions but if you ask then he explains it clearly and will help you out. There are group assignments throughout the semester which I didn't like because then your grade is based off everyone elses but he was cool overall.
Preet Bhela

Expecting an A
The professor overall is super nice and very understanding. If you do all the assignments with decent effort, he will give you pretty high grades. However, for a class that was primarily filled with STEM majors, I found it kind of annoying that there was so much work for this course. I also felt he forced his writing method onto the students. For an example, I do not usually plan in depth before writing; however, you will be forced to do so. He does allow an assignment to be turned in a day late without any penalty if the load becomes too much, but I feel like if he just assigned less work overall that wouldn't be necessary. Overall, a very nice guy who clearly loves English and is easy to talk to. Would recommend taking this class with him.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
Professor Bolgiano is incredible! She is so kind and really cares about the wellbeing of her students. She isn't a harsh grader and her class really isn't a ton of work. I don't love writing, but this class was enjoyable because she gave us the opportunity to pick whoever we wanted for our apology paper and whatever topic we wanted for our research paper, within reason, of course. Take her class if you can! She is truly the best!
Dalton Greene

Expecting an A
Professor Dalton Greene is the GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, for starters, Dalton is a very chill guy and legit wants to see you succeed in this class and other classes. Therefore, while this class makes you work for the grade you want, it's not too much and can be easily balanced with other classes; this comes as a relief since I never really wanted to take English in college anyway. You know, what's funny about this statement is that he made it the best class I've had so far. Every lecture was meaningful and helped me either hone my writing skills or collaboration skills, the assignments given were not bad such that they were easy to complete and doing well in this class means giving your effort at its level best. Overall, a fun time, and Dalton is a chill dude to be around as well. 10/10, would take this class again. Did I mention final project instead of exam? I'm quite happy I took this class. I believe that he will be just as good, maybe even better, in future semesters (this is his first time teaching here and he absolutely nailed it). Hats off to Dalton!!!
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
Love him so much!!! He was so sweet and accommodating!! Only downside is how much time he takes to grade assignments.
Mike Kolakoski

Expecting an A
Professor Kolakoski is extremely attentive and helpful! He cancels class or moves it online at least once a week but he always has time available for questions. Grades take a while but it makes sense as he had at least 5 sections with hundreds of essays. If you show that you are making an effort you will do well. :)
Rashi Maheshwari

Expecting an A
The only negative about this class is that it was at 9:30. She's flexible with deadlines for papers and projects. Overall I'd highly recommend taking a class with this professor as she genuinely cares about helping you improve and express yourself in your writing. This feels less like a boring gen-ed and there were many days where I got out of bed knowing I could've skipped lecture just out of respect. Overall this was my best class this semester, I'd 100% take a class with her again in the future.
Sabrina Islam

Expecting an A
Professor Islam is a good professor who does not grade harshly. I would recommend taking her if you can. There is a consistent TA in this class but the only downside is that it takes forever for things to be graded. The class grades are based off of five major writing assignments, and everything else you do in the class is pretty much a completion grade which exists for the sole purpose of preparing you for the upcoming due assignment. For example the classes often consist of her speaking about a portion of the textbook that teaches about the current writing assignment. You do not have to do the readings. The class is not hard to do well in as long as you put in the effort.
Olubukola Salako

Expecting a B
This class was so unorganized and had no logical flow. English is my strongest subject but this class was the one I dreaded going to the most this semester. Compared to what I heard from students taking this course with different instructors our class was always weeks behind. She's a nice enough person but her feedback on all essays is incredibly vague and is copy and pasted from the rubric and she doesn't tell you in what specific spots you messed up. For an introductory course, she grades way too harsh and is very unclear about what format she wants for each assignment. We always did random activities in class that had nothing to do with the assignments that were due that week and were worth significant portions of our grade. She also takes forever to put grades in. I took this class despite her bad reviews because I thought it was impossible for an English 101 class to be that bad but I would absolutely not recommend this instructor if you don't want to be unnecessarily stressed over a course that is supposed to be a relaxed somewhat easy A.
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting an A
For someone teaching this class for the first time she was a very chill professor, her classes were blended (one day zoom and one day in person) but she ended up making a lot of days asynchronous which was nice because I could focus on my STEM classes. However, she assigns a lot of reading after every class on top of the assignments and will random call on people regarding those readings in class, which can be a little annoying if you didn’t get a chance to look over them. At the beginning of the semester there was also basically no opportunity to do group work or interact with other people in class which made the class dynamic a little awkward. But I think she caught on to that mid semester and we ended up having a lot more group work towards the end. Coming from someone who did a lot of research papers/writing in high school, this class wasn’t conceptually challenging as the major writing assignments are pretty straightforward. The writing is definitely tedious but that’s just the nature of the class, I would recommend her especially if your major has a heavy workload and you just need the english credit.
Annemarie Ewing

Expecting an A+
She is the absolute best professor I have ever had in my entire college career! She is the sweetest, most kindest professor ever. Her feedback is so helpful and she helps you to build your ideas up. I highly recommend taking Annemarie no matter what writing level you are on because she will help you. This is also one of the easiest classes I have ever taken. It was an easy A because she simplifies the content in a way that is manageable. She also made sure we didn't have to buy the textbook and she would print the pages out for us. She is a 1000/100! You will not regret choosing her.
Dylan Carpenter

Expecting an A-
pros: - will help you out a lot if you ask him during office hours or after class (genuinely wants to help his students succeed) - harsh grader when it comes to the essays (its a pro in the sense that you will get meaningful feedback) - very understanding bc if you ask for an extension or have a legit reason to miss class/assignments he will give you ample time to turn it in at a later due date - genuinely wants to know his students (makes the class atmosphere more welcoming) cons: - harsh grader - very fast-paced (he talks pretty fast and goes through the lesson material quickly but does not dismiss class early) - ENGL101 has a lot of essay assignments :/ - textbook readings are a requirement bc he will call on students to see if the class read the textbook or not overall, Mr. Carpenter is a pretty chill guy but the only thing is he will critique your essay very closely bc he passionate in english
Tom Hatcher

Expecting an A-
Nice guy, but loves to hear himself talk and dumbs everything down way too much - to the point where I felt like I was in middle school. He started grading incredibly harshly out of nowhere, and not a single person in my class got a 100 on reflections. Will leave comments on your papers asking a question about what something meant, when you literally answer that question in the next sentence. All in all, nice guy but would not recommend.
Olubukola Salako

Expecting an A+
DO NOT TAKE HER. IF SHE IS THE ONLY OPTION - TAKE IT NEXT SEMESTER. First off, I would like to echo the things below. They are all true. I cannot believe she still works here. She needs to be fired. I would give her zero starts if PTerp let me. 1. She lied to us saying how ahead we were all semester, then dumped two papers and a major project PLUS 3 homework assignments the last week of class. 2. Imagine a world where you follow all of the directions on Canvas, compose a perfect assignment, and then get points off things she wanted you to do, but you didn't. For example, an APA cover page on a ONE PARAGRAPH DISCUSSION POST!?!? WTF? It's shit like this that makes her class terrible. You spend hours going to the writing center, having your own mother read over your papers, and you get points off because of ridiculous things. 2.a. There have even been cases where I ask her questions in class, she tells me what do to, I do that, and then I get points off. YUP -- this happened to me -- first example that comes to mind is my Academic Summary. I am telling you, she is praying on your downfall. Yes, she is a nice person and I enjoy her as a person -- but -- as a professor, this was most stressful college class I have ever taken. So much homework, so many ridiculous things she want us to follow. It's not even like a style guide, she just makes up her own. One time she described to us exactly how we needed to do it [[APA Cover Page, Page numbers, single spaced]]. She's not even teaching us English, she just wants us to spit out work exactly as she wants it. I hated this class. It caused me so much stress. DO NOT TAKE HER. PLEASE. Learn from my mistakes.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Before I begin I think that prof. Skudrna is one of the nicest and most geniuen human beings on Earth. He seems to geniunly care about his students and he really cares about the class. However, I think that the class set him up for failure. Most of the material in class doesn't make you a better writer in anyway. Much of class is spent reviewing material that should be common sense. Pay attention to citing sources and try to get your essay reviewed before you submit it. The assignments are not hard, participate as much as possible. However b/c he grades out of 20 and the high score was often 19 there is very little room for error. Try your best to plan accordingly so each major assignment is well written and organized. I think in any other setting prof. Skudrna would teach an awesome class and I wish I could have had him in a highschool class but engl101 as a whole sucks.
Aubrey Zinn

Expecting an A-
she's is amazing so and helpful. she truly wants you to do the best highly recommend her.
Olubukola Salako

Expecting an A
I would not recommend this professor to anyone. For a required, introductory-level course, she takes things way too seriously but doesn’t seem qualified to teach. She often seemed confused about the material and was very unclear with assignment instructions. Grades were given with no rubric, and when I tried to discuss my grade, she became defensive and wouldn’t reconsider. Meanwhile, my friends in other ENGL101 sections got A’s for simply completing their essays, but not in her class—it honestly felt like she preferred giving out C’s. Assignments were also a mess—she never posted them on time, so you never knew when new homework or essays would be assigned. On top of that, she’d give huge assignments and then expect them to be due just two days later. Now, at the end of the semester, she dumped five projects on us all at once. Compared to other sections, we had far more work. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR HER.
Olubukola Salako

Expecting an A-
To start off, if you are taking English 101, please do yourself a favor and choose another professor. I am confident that she has good intentions and is a good person at heart, but she should not, by any means, be a teacher at this institution. UMD is highly regarded as a prestigious institution, and I would have expected to have better professors my freshman year. Her ELMS page is completely disorganized, and it is extremely hard to navigate and find certain assignments. She also changes her instructions( which are almost always unclear) on a daily basis, and will say one thing in class, and send an email saying the opposite. She also does not provide effective feedback at all. She will write one word or phrase comments that make no sense, oftentimes just copying and pasting from the rubric. She is also very unprofessional, and arrives to class 5 or more minutes late every class. She also has discussed her political views, as well as repeatedly asking students to express their political views. She is a very harsh grader and makes it very difficult to get an A, but will not explain why the paper isn’t worthy of an A, even if it is very well written. This is an introductory English class, and I know many of my peers have MUCH better grades on writing assignments even while taking the same level course. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from registering for her English 101 class. I truly think the university should take action and maybe provide Dr Salako with more training or switch her position, because I do not think she is capable of teaching at the university level.
Olutoyin Adeyemi

Expecting a B
Just a un helpful teacher. She discouraged questions, she had a lot of political bias during class discussion, and she acted like she was better than her students. Do not take this professor
Olutoyin Adeyemi

Expecting a B
Bad teacher, thinks she is a saint and better than her students. Ignores the syllabus and doesn’t grade on time for feedback or essay improvement. DON’T TAKE THIS PROFESSOR
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting an A+
Not an easy course, but definitely not hard. Professor Ismail is nice. She’s actually very lenient overall (extends a lot of extra credit options, extensions, feedback, said verbatim she hates giving anyone below a B) BUT she is a hard grader so that evens it out. I do think I left the class a better essay writer however. This is not an easy A class, but you can still get one with ease.
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting an A
Understanding, fun professor and fair imo. Clearly cares about her students. Class itself was lowkey tough though bc no one read/takes 101 seriously, but clearly not her fault. She has a little elms page where she organizes everything by week so the class is really easy to keep up with. I do think she does take 101 a littttle bit too seriously for a class literally no one wants to take, but she seemed super passionate about writing so I guess it’d be weird for her to make this a nonsense class. I had a friend take her for a creative writing course and they loved her, hoping I can do the same next year.
Tom Hatcher

Expecting an A
Hatcher assignments are straight forward. tbh he does too much with the reflections and grades them harshly. Just show up to class and the workshops and you should be fine grading-wise.
Rachel Cote

Expecting an A
Professor Cote was great for ENGL101. If you do all the assignments correctly and put in effort, you will get at least an A- in the class. You have to frequently participate and go to class in order to get above an A-. It is easy to participate, however, as Professor Cote creates an inclusive class environment. Professor Cote gives a lot of feedback on papers so you can actually improve as a writer. You also get to do a lot of group in-class activities, which I liked. The only complaint I have about Professor Cote's class is that some of the class discussions were very boring, and I didn't feel as if they helped me with my assignments. Overall, I would recommend Professor Cote!
William Pittman

Expecting an A
Professor Pittman genuinely cares about his students. He does this fun socialization bit at the beginning of class and because of that I've made some good friends here as a freshman. He's open to talking about things outside of academia and shows you a way to incorporate that into your essays and assignments. Just do the work and participate and you'll be fine.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A+
Dr. Cote is a must if you are taking English 101. His grading is labor-based, so you are pretty much guaranteed and A if you submit the work. He covers a lot of writing styles that I hadn't covered in the past, so I liked that I wasn't penalized when trying new things. Dr. Cote wants you to learn and try new things, not fail. He is super helpful and will give feedback at any time, and lets students choose their due dates as well. You are missing out on a really good class and an A if you don't take his class.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A+
I loveee him. I always had fun in this class but that's probably because I met one of my best friends in this class. He is super understanding about late assignments. I think he's easy on grading. However, he takes forever to grade and doesn't return papers with feedback before the next paper is due. That being said, I thought this course wasn't difficult at all. Just a little time consuming.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A
- Does not have a ton of work and is graded relatively leniently - He offers little to no help and the directions for assignments are usually unclear - Kind of an odd/funny guy - Entire course revolves around Beowulf and things written about Beowulf which gets annoying - There were really only 4 major assignments and then a few readings in addition to Beowulf - Class gets frustrating because of how little he helps but is definitely easier than most of the other engl101 classes that my friends have had
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A
As a person he is nice and understanding but as a professor he is super slow on grading and does take points of of some small things. He struggles to explain certain assignments and it was harder to improve on writing because he hasn't given feedback for any assignment because we receive them late. But he is chill and gives an extra day if you email him for it even if he doesn't respond. Just stay on top of work and you will be fine.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Best professor of all time, take him if you want to learn while not stressing about your grade.
Eliamani Ismail

Expecting an A
This is a tough one because she is a very intelligent and nice professor, but I don't think she taught our class well. This was her first time teaching ENGL101 however, so take that with a grain of salt. Everyone in my class would go dead silent whenever she asked a question, so eventually she just started cold calling on people which sucks. The assignments weren't too difficult, just very tedious, and she did grade them pretty harshly imo. The best way to go about this class is to participate as much as you can and use her as a feedback resource as much as you can. That way she can tell that you actually care about the class and your grade, and will be more willing to help you. Almost all of the assignments included a "peer revision" process that would rarely help because everyone would be too scared to critique your work. Getting an A is doable, but you definitely have to be more outgoing and proactive.
Eric Baker

Expecting an A+
I'm a horrible writer and absolutely hate English but TRUST ME... Professor Baker is the best. Really really easy grader (you will get an A as long as you do the work and follow the rubric). Super chill guy and sometimes he even brought us coffee. Really understanding person who genuinely wants everyone to succeed. Would highly recommend him over any other ENGL101 professor. I've heard the other ones aren't great but Professor Baker is the GOAT
Mariko Carson

Absolute terrible professor. She doesn't utilise canvas at all, meaning you're left in the dark in terms of what assignments are due when and what are the expectations for them. She also hasn't graded any assignments including first drafts where you know, you're supposed to get feedback from your teacher on that for the final draft... Overall, I don't know why she teaches, she doesn't really seem to enjoy it, and more often than not she is just showing you TED talks for the majority of class and then you just leave without knowing what assignments are due.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Dr. Macintosh was a great ENGL101 professor. His presentations can be a little unnecessary at times and overwhelmingly long, but they are mostly helpful. He is super quick at grading and always attaches his feedback. Sometimes he takes off points without explaining why, so it can be a little frustrating at times. He responds super quick to emails, which is nice. He has SO many assignments, however. There are at least 2 every week and they count for a big portion of your overall grade, but do help with the final position paper.
Mike Kolakoski

Expecting an A+
I think I've gone to class maybe 5 times, but he's a really cool guy. There Is a bit of work, but he grades so easy.
Sabrina Islam

Expecting an A-
Nah, I can't even lie she is extremely sweet and gives plenty of time, and this class is highly recommended. She follows the regular ENGL101 sequence meaning(academic summary, rhetorical analysis, annotated bibliography, digital forum, position paper). I never read the book the actual book, and I was fine. I will always recommend reading and doing everything in the class if you want a good grade, but I didn't read the book, and I was good. Yeah, the assignments take time to do, but if you get them done, you'll be good. If you need extensions or anything, please communicate with her, and she will most likely understand. For my class, the participation was so low, but that wasn't an issue to your grade at all. If it is just the gen ed, you need it for, or you don't like English that much, you're not going to enjoy the class to the fullest extent, but to me, it's not boring. The class was small enough for me to make acquaintances and talk to them. The only con is she is slow at grading (I haven't gotten a grade back since October), but I guess just give her time, and you'll get the grade.
Annemarie Ewing

Expecting an A+
Very fantastic teacher and connects with you and hears your thoughts on anything you have. The papers you write she gives you very good feedback on what should be boosted on your essay to improve upon it. Her grading is very great and friendly. Take her!
Mariko Carson

Do not take her class pick any other professor save yourself. The class itself isn't hard shes just a bad professor. It's currently the last 2 weeks of the semester and I still don't have any of my major assignments graded so I have no idea what kind of grade I'm going to get. She NEVER grades anything on time ever. It's so frustrating. She is also never clear on due dates and deadlines. The syllabus and canvas rarely match. And then sometimes in class shell pull up a slide with due dates on them and those dates won't match either. She's very nice but a bad professor. Also when classmates would ask her questions she would often respond with "google it" which is not helpful when shes the professor and should have answers to our questions. Overall this was the only class I took this semester that made me dread going to it so please take another professor.
Rachel Cote

Expecting an A
I love Professor Cote! She's such a nice teacher that genuinely cares about us as students. You can tell she enjoys working with students and cares about their thoughts. She's also very understanding if you need an extension or have other situations going on. Her assignments are labor-based, meaning that as long as you complete the assignment on time and you actually tried, you'll get full marks. However, she's very big on participation. 10% of your grade at the end on the semester will be based on your participation in class, how engaged you were during discussions, and if you actually came to class. Her class is very discussion based, and it's where most of your participation points will come from. However, her class sizes are small - around 15-20 people - so participating in class was not difficult. As someone who normally doesn't really speak up during discussions, I think she made it very comfortable for students to participate. Content wise, it's what you'll expect from a ENGL100 class. You'll have to write a few essays and read some articles. But I don't think the workload was overwhelming. Overall, I recommend taking her if you're trying to fulfill your gen-ed.
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A-
She is super sweet and understanding, I definitely recommend her! The class isn't my favorite because I don't enjoy English, however her class is pretty easy and most of the assignments we have are graded on completion. There are discussion boards every class which is annoying but they're easy enough to do in 5-10 minutes.
Corinne Brinkley

Expecting an A
She is the nicest teacher that I have ever had at this University. She is very kind and very understanding and her assignments are fairly easy. She is also really chill, but my only complaint is that she takes forever to grade. She gives good feedback on papers and projects and also meets with you via Zoom to make sure you are on the right track with the assignment that you are doing and to check to see how your mental health and adjustment to college is going.
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A
Very sweet and kind professor, however, she can be a slightly harsh grader but wants all of her students to succeed. Class Structure: - 1x week in person class (Mandatory) - 1x week online class (most times became asynchronous) Exams: - NONE Papers: - 5-6 papers throughout the semester (most very lengthy but same as all other ENGL 101 classes) - 1 final project (very easy) *24 hour grace period on all major assignments which I found very helpful and if ever extension needed, just email her and she is very flexible* Homework: - 2-3 assignments per week (most of the time- peer reviews, drafts, and textbook readings) Overall, she is very kind to her students and offers tons of extra help which can be extremely useful, you just need to reach out if you are struggling and she is more than willing to help.
Olubukola Salako

Expecting an A
towards the beginning, my classmates would complain about Dr.Salako and I honestly didn't understand why. Then, as the semester went on she would make weird comments to students and make everyone feel uncomfortable. She is really bad at time management because other ENGL101 classes I know of are WAY ahead of us. She gave us 2 projects and 3 homework assignments in the last week of classes. She also will not tell you to print your work until the night before so for most that means waking up extremely early to walk to Mckeldin and use a printer. I recommend taking someone else but if you can't you will be fine grade-wise but mentally exhausted. On the bright side, she gives lots of participation points so make sure to go to class because it boosts your grade.
Lisa Abena Osei

Expecting an A
TAKE THIS CLASS!!!! She is such a nice women and you can tell she really cares about her students. She is very generous and understanding. She is so funny and always has some bomb outfits. When we had presentations she brought donuts it was so sweet. One of my favorite classes. SHES A QUEEN!!!!!!!!!
Corinne Brinkley

Expecting an A
I absolutely loved her. As a STEM major, this class was a nice break in my day and Professor Brinkley made class really light-hearted. She is very understanding and will push deadlines if needed and is very available outside of class.
Yvonne Roe

Expecting an A+
I don't understand the reviews saying she is unorganized. Maybe she just took feedback and changed, but she was very well organized. She has a calendar with every assignment/class/etc which makes it easy to follow along the course. She literally allows you to reuse the essays you do in the beginning for the final research paper which is amazing. She is also willing to change her teaching style based on feedback and adapt to what her students need/want. No textbook required because you can find it online and theres only a couple reading assignments (very simple). Professor Roe is very kind and reasonable. If you put in the effort you will get an A.
Daniel Sidman

His class tends to be boring and the work is tedious. Sometimes I feel as though he was not completely clear with instructions on assignments, which set me up to not submit work to the best of my ability. He's a good guy, but whenever he spoke I felt like he was asking a question.
Dylan Carpenter

Expecting an A
I enjoyed going to Dylan's class each week. The class itself was boring at times like any english class going over writing structure and grammar rules, etc. His grades on paper are a little harsh but all critiques given are fair and or true. Don't buy the textbook, readings are only really used in the first half of the year and workload only gets heavy when large papers are due. He really wants each of his students to succeed and I would take another class as him as the professor.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
He was very nice and understanding with students. It had one day online and one day in person. Online classes were very easy, just make sure you have the volume up because sometimes he asks students to write something in the zoom chat for participation. There weren't that many essay assignments, just make sure you research your topics before writing. His lectures weren't that bad and definitely easy to follow. He always has a 24-hour grace period for the big essay assignments so no matter what you get an extra time. If you need more time he is always understanding as long as you communicate with him. Overall I would definitely take ENGL101 with him
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A
She is very nice and her lectures are actually useful. She will go through an outline of what you need to include in the projects. The workload is pretty light besides the projects but these projects are the same for all English classes.
Lisa Abena Osei

Expecting an A+
She was one of the best teachers ive had. She was an easy grader and made the class an engaging place. I looked forward to coming every week.
Xiaofang Huang

Expecting an A-
The class isn't very challenging academically but there is definitely a lot of major time commitments to the big assignments. She is pretty flexible with deadlines and will push back deadlines if you ask nicely. She wants to see her students succeed and offers help if you ask.
Erica Cochran

Expecting an A-
If you stink at English or it's your second language, you will love Professor Cochran. Otherwise, you should get excited for constant busywork, no feedback on major assignments, terrible presentations that are lazily made alongside poor delivery, and a semester of dumbing down your writing to fit the middle school style of this course.
Declan Langton

Expecting an A
Great teacher! very easy grading style and gives very reasonable amount of homework (usually just need to do a 5-10 page reading per class) and occasionally work on the essays that are due throughout the semester. Class discussion is very chill and teacher is willing to communicate with students about issues or questions.
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A
She's nice and assignments were pass/fail. However, she gave an ungodly amount of work. This class had more work than my other 14 credits combined, and way more work than other ENGL101 classes. She talked a lot about how she cut out some of the work she initially was going to assign, but A LOT of the work she assigned felt really unnecessary. She definitely underestimates how much work she gives. You don't necessarily need to avoid taking her, but if you have a difficult schedule I would suggest going for a different teacher.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
He is very nice and understanding. The class could be a little dull and unnecessary at times but I can see how it would be helpful to some people. The assignments were very straightforward and he is a very fair grader. He also makes sure to leave helpful feedback on all assignments which I really appreciated.
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A+
She is a very nice professor who was willing to give us extensions whenever we asked for them. All the assignments are pass fail and if you fail she gives you another chance to do them, except for two of the three major projects, those are graded normally. All of the assignments are done to prepare you for the two essays and info graphic you have to do. They're worth a lot but I was able to use the stuff we wrote in our assignments for the two essays and got good grades on them. If you just do everything you're told you should easily get an A.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
Very interesting person, he loves Beowulf (the only text we focus on the entire semester) and all of his assignments are on it. If you want the easy grade for the required ENGL101 class, take Prof G. Workload is VERY easy, friends with other 101 professors have essays twice a week but Prof G gives nearly none of that. On the other hand if you want interesting discussions, don't choose Prof G, there's not a lot to talk about and it seems like he focuses on the other classes he teaches more.
Radford Skudrna

Super nice professor. Radford is a very chill guy and lectures in a very digestible manner. I had this class online for one day and in-person for the next. For online, I barely paid attention but still succeeded. The only thing with online is that he'll sometimes utilize breakout rooms, so that can get annoying because nobody will collaborate and it just gets awkward. For in-person, he will lecture for a while and I would honestly be falling asleep but that's just how english 101 content goes. He doesn't call you out on things and is truly a very nice guy. You have three essays and a final project/essay which are honestly not bad. Overall, would definitely recommend because at the end of the day, it's english 101. You don't want a professor that takes it too seriously and he does a good job of being neutral. Also, we'll have some asynchronous days when we have papers to write instead of meeting for class.
Chauncey Dennie

Expecting an A
awesome class. light to moderate amount of reading throughout, texts were for the most part pretty interesting. there are six major writing assignments for the engl101 curriculum, pace was fair and i felt marked improvement in my writing and argumentative ability by the end. in-class discussions were great, got some interesting perspectives on the works discussed i hadn't seen as other reviews have said, prof. dennie is pretty relaxed, and doesn't give much weight to small things like students showing up late, or going over word counts for writing assignments (within reason). the thing he repeated throughout was that although he had certain expectations for the major assignments, if you wanted to change something about your approach, he wouldn't ding you as long as you pulled it off.
Liam Daley

Expecting an A
SUCH A GOOD PROF. He keeps classes interesting, is respectful of student time, and is always willing to help. He goes off on tangents a lot but they are interesting and he only makes you do truly necessary work which is so appreciated.
Mike Kolakoski

Expecting an A
He gives a lot of assignments but grades superrr easily. His classes are kind of useless but he cancels over half of them anyway. Overall very nice guy.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A+
Great English teacher, very understanding, reasonable deadlines, and not too time consuming. Learned a lot and became better writer while never stressing about this class. Way better than my friends engl101 professors who graded harder and had shorter deadlines.
Edward Daschle

Expecting an A
He’s alright but no one cares about ENGL101 so the lectures are so boring and almost never related to what we’re working on. I feel bad because he’ll ask a question and no one answers him or does in the in-class work but he makes the 50 minutes drone on. But the grading is easy and he stays on top of assignments and deadlines (gives plenty of time) unlike some other English professors I’ve heard about.
Olutoyin Adeyemi

Expecting an A
Discouraged from asking questions. I’ve never had such an unhelpful teacher. If you have questions, go to the writing center instead because she will offer no assistance and make you feel bad for having one.
Kristofer Reed

Expecting an A+
He’s a great professor and it’s very easy to get an A in the class. He makes the class enjoyable and provides great feedback on any paper you write.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
Really nice guy!!! One of the most understanding professors. This was the first class I ever took in college and he made me feel like the transition into college would be easy. He takes a very long time to grade, but is a lenient grader and provides helpful feedback. He always makes himself available for his students and is very accommodating. He tends to go on tangents/off topic and is a humorous guy. He likes engagement in his class and is very flexible and easygoing. You can tell that he wants you to succeed above all. That being said, I think it is important to show up to every class because this isn't the class you want to fall behind in. I had a great experience with Professor Howard and would definitely recommend taking ENGL101 with him (especially as a freshman)!
Paul Cote

Expecting an A
He's passionate and obviously likes what he teaches, he'd likely be a better professor for a harder class that required more effort. For ENGL101 though, the work was a bit more difficult than it needed to be and was more time-consuming than I would've liked. There are easier professors for ENGL101
Olubukola Salako

Expecting a B
Professor Salako has been one of the most interesting and horrid experiences as a teacher so far. Just like all of these other reviews are stating, terrible, terrible, terrible. I thought this was one of the classes where I would be able to ease out and chill, because its English 101. How hard could that be? Maybe if I got more than a 3 in AP Lang I wouldn't be in this mess! Because its a hell-show every single class. Its true, she shows up late to almost every single class single handedly. Really? This class feels like a waste of tuition just sitting there. She will critique you and analyze you with basic, essentially Freshman year high school level analysis. She wants you to conform to exactly what she wants. Which again, just like all the other reviews say, is unsure because she does not know what she wants. The people next to me don't know, she doesn't know, there's not even a TA for the class who could know what she is saying in the first place. I did fall for the initial trick of her initial kindness- but that image slowly creeped away as she showed a genuine lack of care and empathy for her students. She does not want you to learn English, she wants you to conform to her unmade rules and lack of consistency in her work and analysis. I don't know who let her teach this course because it sure as hell is not a fun experience. I mean sure, go ahead and take the course if you want to question your own choices and it being the only class in your schedule. See what its like to have a professor show no care nor compassion. So again, if you want entry level feedback and responses from her. Have fun, its a doozy. She will challenge everything you've learned, even from higher level classes, and somehow find it as wrong. She will shit talk you in front of the whole class and not really provide constructive feedback but just make you question, why am I sitting here, where are the real professors at, why do I exist. Someone report her.
Kristofer Reed

Expecting an A+
Absolutely fantastic professor. Super easy to get an A in the class and he genuinely cares about what he's teaching and gives great feedback. Class discussions were super welcoming and made it the first English class in over 10 years I actually looked forward to attending.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
He’s a very enthusiastic guy and truly enjoys the subject. Class isn’t easy but no matter what English is going to be a lot of work so having a passionate prof is nice. The only negative in my book is he does timed quizzes for homework which aren’t to difficult but requires you to do all the readings and have questions ChatGPT or other ways of cheating don’t rlly work with so make sure you lock in for those.
Annemarie Ewing

Expecting an A
Dr. Ewing is a fantastic teacher. She keeps her students engaged and is really passionate about what she teaches. She's so kind and friendly with her students and I would highly recommend.
Catherine Bayly

Expecting an A
This professor is great! I got an A and never had that in an ENGL class in high school. She was so nice and so easy to work with, and an easyish grader. Two things I did not like about the class were that there was no actual syllabus, instead, there was a weekly to-do list in modules, which was great because it was so organized but this in addition to a syllabus would be better. Second, the assignments during the week were very tedious and a bit annoying, and redundant. The busy work was only helpful in the last half of the semester when it helped us build up to/ complete our final paper. There was an inquiry paper, the final paper, some group work, and assignments. Overall, she really explained the topics well in the lecture and was so understanding about going back to reteach something and help us understand. I'd recommend taking her a thousand times more just because she is so sweet and caring. I really have never loved English class more and I hope to take her again in professional writing.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr. Dave is the goat. Super nice and personable. He lays out all of his assignments in great depth. His class was listed as "blended learning" but that's just because he didn't hold discussion section and we just had to do a discussion board post each Friday instead. The class is only 3 writing assignments that build on each other and but they're all near the second half of the class so it does become more work as it goes along though.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
Really easy class and very laid-back professor. None of the non-major writing assignments take too much time. There are 3 major writing assignments: the Stasis Report, the Toulmin WS, and the Final Essay. As long as you finish your work on time and put some effort into writing, you should get a good grade. He is also pretty flexible about due dates and pushed back some of them if enough people asked. There are occasional graded in-class activities, but those are on the calendar and he doesn't care if you don't attend the other classes. He gives out candy at the end of some in-class activities. He is very approachable and good at answering questions. He's just an all-around great guy.
Leela Chantrelle

Expecting a B
Do not, for any godforsaken reason, take her. She expects you to be on her level of writing. Unless you're shakespeare, don't expect an A or A+
Justin Lohr

Expecting an A
I’d say if you genuinely work with him throughout the semester you’ll get an A. When he gives you comments on drafts, change them and ask him questions that could help you meet his standards. I will say he will never really give 100s and your grades are going to be less than you expect. But if you actually put in the work you’ll definitely get an A.
Andrea Knowles

Expecting an A-
Her class was kinda boring to get through as a STEM major who doesn't really care about English, but the course was pretty easy. She did have a bunch of assignments that felt like a waste of time, but for some reason she drops a ton of random assignments grades.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A
Professor Cote is one of the best professors I have ever had. He understands the purpose of this course and aligns his expectations of those taking it with that. It is relatively easy but you still learn a lot about writing. He is very nice, understanding, and is able to put things in a way that will make anyone think harder about something or care more about something they don't care about. If you need to take ENGL101, TAKE IT WITH PROFESSOR COTE!!!!!
Laura Williams

Expecting an A-
Very harsh grader and provides no feedback to anything asked.
William Pittman

Expecting an A
This class was centered around institutional racism, but it used to be centered around buddhism so I assume it is subject to change. Nice professor. In the beginning of class he will talk to anyone about anything. If you keep him talking it is unlikely you will do any work. Not that you do much work in class but it keeps it from being boring. There are several essays throughout. The first is graded the most harshly and the last is quite lengthy but do not fear. It is a stress free class.
Catherine Byrne

Expecting an A-
Easy to talk to, but grades insanely hard on both rough drafts and final drafts. Be careful and attend all her office hours and writing center hours if you take Prof Byrne to maximize your grade.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
Nice guy put is really quirky. He class is surrounded around BeWolf and he is a fan. Everything you do relates to the story. His assignments are easy and there are not many, so don't stress about the work for the class. That being said his grading scale is weird and it seems like he just gives out grades with little explanation to why you got what you got and its impossible to get an A but like everyone gets an A-.
Nasim DarouieHaghighi

Expecting an A
very very easy grader but horrible teacher. stopped going to class about halfway through the semester. asks weird and awkward questions. if you're competent in English and don't feel you need to learn the content, I recommend her just because of how easy the class is.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
He really doesn't teach much but his class is fairly easy. Show up and half do the assignments. His grading seems a little arbitrary and it's impossible to get an A which is a 93.5 and above and almost everyone gets A-. That being said he is a bit of a quirky guy and there are not many assignments in the class, many of them are not hard. He is obsessed with BeWolf and most assignments are based on the reading, which isn't totally necessary to do because you can read the Spark Notes and be okay. The final project is worth 30% but don't worry because you write comparatively less than other classes and are given at least 5 class periods to work on it and review with peers. He also changes the syllabus and throws in weird projects here and there but they are rather easy. Big Takeaways: Not a ton of work, quirky guy,
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A+
HIGHLY REC Honestly, she’s a great teacher! I took this class (engl101) in spring 2024, and I really don’t understand all the negative reviews. Her teaching style is pretty straightforward and consists of three main things: Class discussion: Usually, there is a reading from the textbook, and for the majority of the class we discuss it, first in pairs then with the whole class. She typically gives us around 5 minutes for the pair discussion, which can also be used to re-read/skim over the text. Then, we discuss it as a class (she highlights/repeats the important parts many times, so even if you forgot to read you’d be fine). This is all ungraded and purely to make sure we understand the text. Outlining assignments: We go over each assignment. Here’s the important part and the BEST tip I can think of— take notes. She tells you all the parts you need for EACH paragraph, down to the sentence and order. Follow that to a T and you will get an A. She even writes the breakdown on the board! I wish my other teachers did that. She repeats the important parts many times too, typically in class discussions, in case you missed them. Discussion posts and feedback: we do peer reviews and she gives individual feedback. Listen to it and ask questions if you’re unsure. She’s really nice and will take the time to make sure everything’s clear. Overall, take her if you can, she’s a good teacher. (I’m even going to take her next fall in a different class— if that doesn’t prove my review I don’t know what will!)
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A+
Honestly, she’s a great teacher! I took this class (engl101) in spring 2024, and I really don’t understand all the negative reviews. Her teaching style is pretty straightforward and consists of three main things: Class discussion: Usually, there is a reading from the textbook, and for the majority of the class we discuss it, first in pairs then with the whole class. She typically gives us around 5 minutes for the pair discussion, which can also be used to re-read/skim over the text. Then, we discuss it as a class (she highlights/repeats the important parts many times, so even if you forgot to read you’d be fine). This is all ungraded and purely to make sure we understand the text. Outlining assignments: We go over each assignment. Here’s the important part and the BEST tip I can think of— take notes. She tells you all the parts you need for EACH paragraph, down to the sentence and order. Follow that to a T and you will get an A. She even writes the breakdown on the board! (I wish my other teachers did that.) She repeats the important parts many times too, typically in class discussions, in case you missed them. Discussion posts and feedback: We do peer reviews and she gives individual feedback. Listen to it and ask questions if you’re unsure. She’s really nice and will take the time to make sure everything’s clear. As for the discussion posts- give an effort and you'll get full points. Overall, take her if you can, she’s a good teacher. (I’m even going to take her next fall in a different class— if that doesn’t prove my review I don’t know what will!)
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
Sweetest women you'll ever meet. She really understands students but you HAVE to show up for office hours and be responsible about communicating any issues ahead of time. She will give you can extension and she gives some redo opportunities for the writing assignments, so if you do everything you can to do well she will help you out. That being said she's a somewhat tricky grader so you do have to be on top of things.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Easiest course ever, just stay on top of everything and you should have no problems. Dr Brookshire is very nice and his humor is pretty funny I find. Very laid back kind of class. Id reccomend!
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
This class was pretty easy with Professor Lucci. He was very flexible with deadlines and giving good feedback and help when needed as long as you reach out. He removed 2 of the major assignments and would give us plenty of time to do our papers. He also makes the assignments very clear and gives you an opportunity to revise and get 100% on the first major assignment. He is very understanding.
Laura Williams

Expecting an A-
Nice person, always late for grading, provides 0 help and feedback. And when she does provide feedback, it does not matter because you will still get a low grade in her class.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A-
Alright, let me be completely honest about this Professor. He's an absolute great guy and I enjoyed his class - wasn't too much of a struggle. But there's still some important things to be said. Let's start with pros. This guys cares about his students - deadass, he would always bring positive energy to his lectures and do his best to help you succeed. Most importantly, he offers extensions as needed (sometimes as long as an entire week), provides really good feedback on all your papers, and gives you adequate time to go through the drafting/review process. I'll be honest, as long as you put in a medium amount of effort, you can actually improve your writing skills with him. Now is something that these other reviews have not touched on - his grading style. Listen - its not a major issue, but its certainly not a minor one either. Basically, it's very easy to get an A- in this class. Aside from the final one, almost every paper is out of 20 points. As you may know, on ELMS you can see the lowest/grade grade for the entire class within each assignment. Rad's grading style is almost identical for every single paper - low around 15 and ALWAYS a high of 19. After finishing my semester, I went through each and every paper to see what the high scores were. This guy did not give a SINGLE 20/20... literally all semester long. But this isn't a huge deal, right? Think again. Rad is not adjusting his overall grade borders, like at all. If you want an A and a 4.0, you're gonna need to get a 93%. And when he refuses to give out a 20/20 on a paper, it puts the maximum possible grade around 95%. This means you literally have almost no room for error in ANY of the smaller assignments and if you get an 17 or 18 on a few papers, you're cooked. Want to get an A in the class? You literally have to be perfect, and even perfect isn't enough. Listen, I get it - we can't just be handing 20 out of 20s on every single paper. But refusing to give out a perfect score for EVERY SINGLE STUDENT, ON EVERY SINGLE ASSIGNMENT? That's a bit ridiculous. On top of all this, you have to come to every single class and be active during lectures since at the end of the semester, there's a participation score worth 50 points. And guess what... NOBODY got a perfect participation score. This fucked numerous students over and left them with an A- instead of an A. All because he wants to demand perfection for every assignment. TLDR: Overall, I really like Rad. He's a great professor, cares about his students, and isn't a very harsh grader. It's genuinely very easy to get an A-, but if you wanna push the upper boundary... you gotta be really careful. One small fuck up and your 4.0 is gone, all because he refuses to give out perfect scores on Every. Single. Assignment. Still, take ENGL101 with him, he's a great guy and I appreciate him.
William Pittman

Expecting an A
Professor Pittman was one of my favorite professors at UMD, and I would highly recommend him if he does not retire after this semester. He was very clear about how we should write each of our essays in this class, and he had a great sense of humor that kept me awake despite the class being at 9:30 am. He also made students go to the front of the room to talk to each other before each class started, which I enjoyed as a more social person. However, it is important to keep in mind that his teaching is highly based around Buddhism (and that he extensively discusses the teachings of Buddhism) before enrolling for his classes.
John Tobin

Expecting an A
Great teacher! Incredibly friendly and patient. He truly wants you to succeed and is very accommodating. He carries interesting discussions in class that engage pretty much everyone and is a blast to listen to. He keeps the learning material interesting and relevant and finds a way to have everyone do something they are truly invested in while learning English. He grades fairly, so as long as you put your best foot forward and show you tried, you will do well in the class.
Erica Cochran

Expecting an A
Good professor, lots of easy busy work that boosts your grade. This class only really has 4 big assignments - the academic summary, rhetorical analysis, portfolio, and position paper. She provides clear guidelines as to what is expected for each assignment and also provides feedback on your writing. This class does have a lot of homework, but it is all posted in advance so you ca finish it all a week before you have important exams so you don't have to worry about it later on. My only problems with her class is that she takes absolutely forever to grade major assignments. I am writing this on May 17 and have still yet to receive a grade for my portfolio and my position paper, meaning my grade could entirely change and I would not have any time to do anything about it. Other than the long grading period, no problems, good professor option for ENGL101.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
Such a big fan of Lucci. I took him for ARHU158D and when he said he was teaching English 101, I knew I would take him. Great guy, makes the class really easy and cuts out all of the unnecessary English 101 stuff. Take! Lucci!
Catherine Bayly

Expecting an A-
Her class is way too tedious. Weekly assignments and discussion boards were too much work tbh. Shes very nice and helpful through.
Erica Cochran

Expecting an A
Take this professor. She has a decent amount of assignments but is very understanding and flexible, and most of the work she gives is supposed to build and help you prepare yourself for the major assignments and final.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A+
Hes the GOAT. Simply nothing else to it. He truly cares about the success of his students.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
Prof Bolgiano is an amazing professor for this course. A lot of my friends who took ENGL101 had strict professors or hard graders. Prof B is a very easy grader as long as you meet all the rubric requirements and it won't matter about the content or writing skills much. She cares a lot about her students and tries to make class as inclusive as possible. She gives a decent amount of days off for mental health days, as well as days to work on your papers in class. She is very reasonable and personable and I really enjoyed her as a professor, otherwise ENGL101 would've been terrible
Daniel Sidman

Expecting an A
Very chill and helpful professor.
Olubukola Salako

Professor Salako was extremely nice and always encouraged us students to ask her questions either in person or via email if we needed help with assignments for this class or any writing assignment we have in other classes, which I really enjoyed. She was very approachable and never made you feel bad or dumb for asking her question. The main issues I had with this class, however, were some of the assignments felt like they didn't belong in this course and were unnecessary and wasted my time without benefitting me in any way. The teacher arrived late most of the time. Major assignments are not graded in a timely manner, so you are unable to learn from your mistakes and correct them for the next major assignment. You are not given any excused absences, so if you miss an in-class activity, you miss out on the points/ receive a grade of 0 for that assignment even if you have a legitimate reason for missing class such as you were in the hospital. If you're good at writing and don't mind doing extra assignments that don't really apply to this class, I would say take her because she is really nice, but if you struggle with writing, I would say find someone else because I don't think you'll learn much is this class or have the time to spend on the assignments.
Katherine Joshi

Expecting a B+
great prof overall, she pretty nice and when you need to get your essays reviewed she'll give good feedback and also pretty lenient when it comes to deadlines. workload isn't a lot until around the end of semester where it starts to go up a bit. overall would recommend
Charlie Mitchell

Expecting an A+
Teacher was very nice and didn't mind having a informal one on one conversation to be able to help. with anything. Gave great, useful feedback on assignments. Encouraged casual conversation at the beginning of class. Teacher got to know everyone personally which was nice. Overall great teaching style. Would recommend!
Xiaofang Huang

Expecting an A
Prof. Huang does a great job overall. She is not demanding in terms of classwork, and I believe she follows a similar workload to other ENGL101 teachers. You will have to allocate time for bigger assignments. She often lets people volunteer when asking for answers, but if your class appears to be unengaged, she eventually begins to call on random people. (not a critique but a fyi) Grading-wise, she is understanding and fair but does not often give 100% on big assignments. She is very helpful in terms of revisions or if you ask for support. She is genuinely nice, and if you're fortunate enough to have an engaged class, then the course with her will be a cakewalk.
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A+
Her class is really easy, just excruciatingly boring. Participation is mandatory and you only get one free skip. If you miss another class you need to get a doctor's note or something. There are readings that we are supposed to read before class, but once in the class we read it again, so there is no point in reading beforehand. We had to turn and talk about the material basically every class and then respond to a discussion board post. If you're somewhat decent at writing then this is the teacher for you. It's tedious, but she grades generously and if you show up you get participation points.
Brian Davis

Expecting an A+
The amazing professor. Professor Brian Davis has an amazing energy that makes you want to come to class to learn, I took a late class section but it was great, he understood that it was late but he was still engaging and kept the energy of the room up! He was also very real and up with the times so , he really modeled the treating your students like adults methods. He's just an amazing guy overall!!
Nia Crawford

Expecting a B+
She consistently waits until the last minute to assign work if you're somebody who likes to get ahead on things and also does not read the actual work you submit. For example, she asked me on my final paper draft what the DOE is because that acronym is listed dozens of times, but at the first mention of it were the words " from the Department of Education (DOE)", so she needs to be walked through very self-explanatory things. It's also very apparent that she wants you to talk about what she wants to read, and not what you're actually interested in. Overall I've taken 3 college-level English classes since UMD didn't accept my UMiami's writing credits as FSAW, and she is easily the worst professor out of all of them. Additionally, I've got A's in all of them except for this one, because of her inability to read, and her lack of common sense. Her lack of common sense was highlighted a lot during the semester, particularly when she got mad at me over my final because my main point was about local governments, and I said that the issues were not unique to Baltimore City but heightened in areas like Los Angeles & Long Beach. I have no clue how that's not focusing on specific local-level governments, but she went on a tirade about it. In this tirade she says it's about state-level, but how is that not local???????????????? She just irritated me so badly this semester please take someone else if you have any option.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
I'm not the type to write a review on professor's, but if you're going to take ENGL101... take professor Bolgiano. Pretty easy class, very lenient, not strict grading, and she actually cares about her students like someone else said in the other review. She does remember parts of your paper which is nice considering there's like 15 other students. Only complaint is that 75% of the readings and discussion is a relatively similar topic. Always talks about protesting or something to do with racism. It's just annoying to talk about it every single time, makes it seem like a class more about society instead of english.
Robert Lucci

Rude, inconsiderate and doesn't let you talk when you are meeting with him. Takes ages to grade stuff and even when he "grades" he's just skimming over stuff. Dudes just got an ego complex for an english teacher and on top of that the dude is barely a "teacher". Only benefit is lenient deadlines but its not worth putting up with this dudes drama and flamboyance.
Charlie Mitchell

Expecting an A
Professor Mitchell is one of the nicest professors I've ever had! He's extremely easy to contact and is very understanding. Would definitely recommend
Charlie Mitchell

Expecting an A+
Great Professor, and very understand when it comes to work flexibility
Catherine Byrne

Expecting an A-
She seems like a nice person but her grading is absolutely brutal. She doesn't reveal what the grade cut offs are for each letter grade until the end of the semester and even then she keeps saying that we will be fine (spoiler alert: we were not fine). She also says that she'll take note of whether you implemented her comments or not and grade your writing accordingly, but even if you do, you're still screwed for essays because she'll absolutely tear it apart and give you a low grade (around a low B on average). Also, she grades rough drafts pretty harshly (it's a rough draft, which isn't supposed to be perfect!) and it will bring down your grade. The weighting for each category is also very weird - a rough draft for one of the papers is far more weighted than the final paper of another unit in the course. A notable moment was when a lot of us got around a 75-80% on a rough draft and it brought down our grades significantly (we're talking around 5% on average). The only reason that it is not completely terrible because of the TA, who's very generous with the assignments they're given to grade. Also, the professor is absolutely terrible at responding to emails on time. Try to avoid this professor if you can - she's nice, but she will wreck your GPA.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
The best professor! He is easy to reach out to and actually provides great feedback.
Catherine Byrne

Expecting a B+
She is nice in person but her grading is AWFUL!! If you try to talk to her about your grade she doesn't care. For some perspective, the class average for one of the essays was a D+, and I read all the essays and they were GOOD. Makes no sense.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
She is really kind and understanding of all her student's skill levels! I really appreciated how she gave us a lot of creative freedom and wasn't too strict with grading. She was always looking out for what was best for her students. A lot of the feedback you get is from other students and not really from her which could be difficult, but it didn't pose too much of a problem for me.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
She is so sweet and seems to really care about her students. Within the class that I was a part of, you get two free misses, and a built-in 48 hour extension on all assignments. She is an easy grader while also giving good feedback on your writing. There is usually a reading due before every class but they can sometimes be long and not always really needed to participate in class. Overall an enjoyable class and she's great for ENGL101 requirement
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Radford is a super chill and easy-going professor. As a stem major, writing is not at all my strong suit but he made this class a breeze. All of the assignments are clear and he gives you plenty of time to complete everything. He really cares about his students and wants everyone to succeed. There are a few long papers (4, 6 and 8 pages), but they build on top of each other and other assignments throughout the semester. He is super understanding about missing classes or needing extensions, so don't be afraid to ask. He does give a grade for participation, but all you have to do is throw in a few comments each class and you'll be good. Overall, a great professor and would totally recommend to anyone.
Janet Shim

Expecting an A
She is a good professor. As long as you follow her rubrics, she will give you a good grade. There are, however, a lot of readings and discussions about readings that you will have to do. But overall, she is a good professor.
Annemarie Ewing

Expecting an A+
Professor Ewing is such a sweetheart! I tell you, this lady brought donut holes to class one Friday for all of us. You can tell she really cares about all her students, and she does her best to make the class as easy and non-stressful as possible. Additionally, most of her critiques of my writing were phrased as suggestions. I feel like this gave me room to expand as a writer and make my own decisions instead of doing everything she said necessarily. It's the difference between an art teacher drawing on your work or suggesting to you what you might change. Anyway, you should take a class with Annemarie--you won't regret it.
Leela Chantrelle

Leela is a great professor. Very down to earth, and understanding, makes the class engaging, and even provides a week grace period for major assignments. The class shouldn't be hard, and she keeps it that way. Would recommend
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
Prof G was an engaging professor and made our class fun and interactive. He has a very deep passion for Tolkien and his works, which he incorporates to his engl101 class. While the class is easy going and relaxed, his feedback on essays would be minimal and he would not give above a 93. Overall I do think you are better off taking another professor that goes more towards the guidelines for the ENGL101 course(Prof G made his own twists on assignments to include Tolkien works) since it will probably be a lot easier to get an A.
Catherine Byrne

Expecting a B+
This class, at times was really frustrating. Whether it be "completion grading" that was not graded as such or disorganization and confusion within different tasks. It was exceedingly frustrating too, after completing my essay to the best of. my ability, to then be told that we HAD to make changes and chose different wording in class in order to get a good grade on the assignment. By this I mean, when I write papers I particularly chose my wording and then going into class and being forced to change, highlight and bold new words because the professor wanted to see specific words was hard since I already put my time and effort into the words and wording I thoughtful chose. In all honesty this class was a struggle. I understand different professors have different grading styles but I would have appreciated some consistency throughout the grading because I found the grades I received to not reflect what was put into following the guidelines and effort that was put into the assignments. I found it exceedingly unhelpful, and I want to emphasis this, that when I already completed my paper, and HAD to go back and highlight all over like paint splatters over my paragraphs all these meaningless highlights just for her to prove a point. I found not a second of this style of teaching helpful, in fact I felt as if I were in elementary school highlighting words and coloring in the lines. If I could go back I would wish to take a different instructor because I did not find this Professors teaching style or class to be very beneficial and that is really hard for me to say. I really enjoy school and learning and being pushed to think differently, but this class did not seem to exemplify that which pushes me, shapes my skills, and improves my overall position as a student. If you are taking Engl101, I advise you to take a different professor that is actually consistent and organized, I would avoid this professor at all costs if possible.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
Dr Brookshire is the best! super personable and overall funny guy. I would reccomend this professor for ENGL101, or any english class. He makes it easy.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
LOVE THIS MAN! He was supper understanding that people have lives outside of class and that circumstances pop up. Also he was super fair with his grading and was very helpful if you wanted to improve your writing with office hours. Could not recommend him more!
Paul Cote

Expecting an A+
Professor Cote is an absolute dawg. His classes are very easy, and he just shows up and talks a little. The papers are super easy, and he is super lenient with grading and due dates. If the class wants to push back an assignment, he will do it. TAKE IT WITH HIM!
William Pittman

Expecting an A-
Dr. Pittman takes attendance which is annoying and doesn't put in any grades until your final end of the semester grade
William Pittman

Expecting an A
I took AP Lang Senior year of HS but I didn't end up taking the exam so I thought that this class would be relatively easy. Dr. Pittman is a tough grader and is obsessed with Buddhism. Attendance is taken every class and as he always says "every day is a test". Much of this class is useless and you spend the entire class talking about Buddhism. The final paper even has a whole section on Buddhism. For an ENGL 101, it is more of an intro to Buddhism ideology class. Definitely don't take him unless you plan on going to class every day and willing to do a bunch of work on Buddhism.
Mike Kolakoski

Too many assignments for a normal Engl101 class.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A-
Amazing professor. The class is very manageable, and if you listen in class, then you will gain a lot.
Daniel Sidman

Expecting an A
Take him if you need to fill a Gen-ed requirement. It's dull in class sometimes (i play Wordle), but just do your essays he grades fair and you'll get a good grade. If you need ENGL 101 take him!
Laura Williams

Expecting an A
Nice teacher, but would really not recommend taking her.
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A+
Extremely flexible and understanding. She wants nothing but for you to succeed and learn.
Benjamin Baker

Expecting an A
Definitely take another professor if you can. He grades very harshly and unreasonably, more off of what he thinks you personally can achieve rather than a structured rubric. He also does not give good advice on how to make your writing better.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
He is the very best professor I have ever had. He is so kind so please go to class. He is so helpful and is willing to work with you if you have any issues.
Andrea Knowles

Expecting an A+
I love Dr. Knowles! She’s a wonderful professor. Highly recommend
Tom Hatcher

Expecting an A+
Took Professor Hatcher fall 2023. I procrastinated every writing assignment, and most of them are manageable in a 2-4 hour time frame if you pick the right topic. He was very understanding about missing a class or extending deadlines if you had a reason. As long as you participate in class (which can be asking a question or literally telling him how your weekend was at the beginning of class), you will probably get an A. One of his assignments was to post a selfie from a basketball game, and he took us to the UMD farm one class for a "group bonding" experience. Overall, he was a good professor.
Laura Williams

Dr. Williams is a nice teacher, she helps me alot and not very strict to the deadline. But it's hard to get a good grade in her class, I almost spend more time on this class then my professional class, so if you just want to take a gened, go take somebody else. anyway I give her a four star because she is nice.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
He is a great Professor and very nice overall/Although his in-person lectures are a bit boring, as the class itself his grading is very fair. You have plenty of time to do assignments, and he also gives out extensions depending on the situation. Gives out good advice for students and make sure to meet with him about your drafts if you need any help. I enjoyed the last final project where I personally made a tik tok (it was pretty easy to do and less work on myself) and he enjoyed it! Overall chill and a nice professor would recommend him :)
Brian Davis

Expecting an A
Prof. Davis is absolutely amazing! He is so passionate about what he teaches and is so caring. He provided great feedback, and the whole class was very low-stress. He's such a funny and nice guy, very chill, and often pushed back deadlines when we needed/wanted him to. Highly recommend him.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
TAKE A CLASS WITH HIM trust me. It is very easy to do well in a class with him because even if you are not the strongest writer he will work with you because he genuinely cares about his students learning. Class was mandatory but if you emailed him your excuse he would excuse your absence.
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A
Professor Ahmadian is a kind, gentle, and thoughtful woman. However, not a great professor. For one, she wasn't great at explaining assignments leaving us to have to figure it out among ourselves, using the syllabus, and often just guessing on what we're supposed to write (she's not a super tough grader so this turned out okay for most). Furthermore, she never left actual feedback on any of the assignments I turned in, making it really difficult for me to know what to improve. As for her lectures, her style of lecturing is really un-engaging, often reading straight from the slides. When she asks the class questions, they're often really confusion questions searching for a specific response and any response that differs from that is just wrong. Lastly, she definitely picks favorites. All in all, ENGL101 is just a class you have to get through so she didn't really impact my experience too much but I would go with a different professor if I could choose again.
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A
The class can get a bit boring, and you might feel sleepy. The only piece of advice I can give you is to follow the rubric of the assignments very carefully and attend the draft workshops— other than that she is a fair grader and even grants extensions if you ask for them. I also feel that the courseload was less as compared to other classes.
Porter Olsen

Expecting an A+
Good professor! Always helping and wanting the students to succeed. Class was very simple and helped with understanding what he wanted out of the assignments
Subraj Singh

Expecting an A
very understanding teacher would definitely take his class again.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A-
Great professor, I swear I don’t recall a time where we actually had a paper due on its original date since he’s very lenient and flexible when it comes to due dates. A bit of a harsh grader but does offer revision opportunities for one assignment that you did bad on for a chance for you to get a 100 instead! Overall, he’s very understanding and depending on your ta as well you will have a great time in class!
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
I loved this professor. If you needed help he was always willing to meet with you. My class was half online half in person and it was great. The expectations for assignments are clear and he gives example essays for each assignment (if he doesn't just ask). I think he grades fairly and the workload is not too much, very spread out.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Amazing professor. Very nice person, reviews your work before the deadline, and grades easy.
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A-
An amazing professor! She really cares about her students. She provides a lot of feedback as well to improve your writing. She makes the assignments very easy to understand. Overall she makes the class enjoyable and interesting.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A-
Professor Howard is a good english teacher who does care about his students. Assignments are pretty easy, but he can take 1-2 months to grade your papers. Sometimes the english class itself can be boring or dry, but overall he is a good teacher who grades pretty lightly.
Brandee Pettus

Expecting an A
Great professor! She's very nice and super understanding if you have to miss class, or are late to submitting an assignment. Some say that she didn't really respond to emails but I always got a quick response. Overall I would definitely recommend taking her class. She makes a gen-ed class like ENGL101 not too bad. There was a good amount of work, but nothing that was super overwhelming or difficult as long as you stayed on top of it.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
Dr Dave is such a nice guy. He thoroughly reads rough drafts and gives you feedback on exactly what to do in order to get a good grade on the assignment. He rewards effort and time with good grades. A solid guy to say the least.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Very nice professor. He grades fairly and even reads your essays before the due date to make sure you're on the right track. Highly recommend taking him.
Robert Harris

Expecting an A-
The fact the class is ridiculously easy props up his honestly poor teaching. I don't think I learned a single thing from his teaching in class. If he assigned all of the writing assignments at the very start of the semester I think I would have largely produced the same essays. His teaching style is hard to explain. He really doesn't teach concepts clearly at all and will ask very open-ended vague questions to the class and then be shocked when no one raises their hand. While I participated more than most of the class I often felt like I was taking a shot in the dark when answering questions and could be completely off base with my answer. For an English professor, this is honestly quite a shocking problem to have as I would expect him to be the most clear and concise teacher however that is not the case at all. Overall turning the work in on time and not procrastinating to an insane degree on the writing assignments will get you a pretty decent grade in the class. Oh and one more thing. The review about him putting his mood on the class like we are in high school is absolutely correct. If a lot of people are absent or we didn't read the textbook pages he would be in a mood and either assign bs busy work or just cancel class/end early. Oh and another thing. He is extremely disorganized on canvas so knowing what reading we were supposed to have done was literally impossible. Like no matter how hard you looked the dates would all be conflicting due to him canceling and rescheduling things that you had no way to figure out what you were supposed to have read.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A+
Professor Bolgiano's class is very easy even for someone who isnt a good writer. There are nightly readings to complete and we often would spend 20-40 minutes having an in-class discussion about what we had read. She tries to make the class a very inclusive environment and have people be comfortable speaking. She cared about each of her students and knew small details like what our paper topics were and was sure to help during class. Some of our in-class activities could seem pointless and time-consuming, however, they were extremely easy so I often did not mind. She is a very lenient grader and only asks that you meet the essay requirements in order to get a good grade. Writing skills/content was not that important. The only reason I did not give her 5 stars was because she was a very very slow grader and did not provide feedback fast enough to apply it in the next essay.
Yvonne Roe

Expecting an A+
Yvonne Roe is a very kind person but an awful, unorganized professor. There were times where she was very passive aggressive during email correspondence with people in my class and she had to follow up with apology emails. The class assignments are displayed on a google doc, but she and our TA would modify it last minute without notifying the class. This led to people not getting work done in time or doing exorbitant amounts of work done well before deadlines. There was one instance where more than half of our class wrote an 8-page research paper draft in 3 days and then during class she acted dumb and said the deadline was actually a week from then. There were several instances where she came across as an unprofessional educator and that made taking her class very frustrating.
Brandee Pettus

Expecting an A
I liked Professor Pettus! She was always very understanding if you had to turn an assignment in late, or were unable to make it to class (as attendance was taken). I always found it easy to contact her with questions or comments. Her grading style is very fair. While ENGL101 is not a very interesting or engaging class, Professor Pettus made it much more bearable. We did ice-breakers before most classes and then began to work. There are a few assignments here and there, but they are mostly just essay drafts and finals. There was one longer paper (10 pages), but the others were very bearable (3-5 pages). There also were two projects, but they were pretty interesting and fun honestly. If I had the opportunity to take a class with her as my Professor again, I 100% would!
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A-
Great professor, I swear I don’t recall a time where we actually had a paper due on its original date since he’s very lenient and flexible when it comes to due dates. A bit of a harsh grader but does offer revision opportunities for one assignment that you did bad on for a chance for you to get a 100 instead! Overall, he’s very understanding and depending on your ta as well you will have a great time in class!
Emily Flamm

Expecting an A
As long as you follow the rubric and write a reflection on any major assignments, you get a 100%. Didn't love her teaching style though and don't think I learned much. The content was boring to me and the subjects the we wrote about were annoying.
Rachel Waugh

Expecting a B-
Course: There was a good amount of writing and discussions. The writing for liberal arts majors is really light, but for STEM majors it is pretty heavy. The discussions are pretty easy. Just make sure to turn in your assignments and don’t push them off until the last minute. Breakdown: - Assignments (31), 50%, consists of discussions, quizzes, and other miscellaneous assignments. Put in the effort and you should have a high grade on these assignments. - Research Project (11), 50%, all of your essays, final websites, and work towards your research project is here. These take a while and the essays are pretty long. Your final paper should have 20 citations, 10 of which are scholarly. Final paper should be 8-10 pages. You work towards it, but it is a lot to do. Make sure you work on it consistently and start early, otherwise you will be up until 3 AM doing your paper. Professor: Super super sweet! Has a fun British accent and is really good at keeping lectures engaging. She often will make jokes in class that everyone likes. Her class was only 1 time a week for me on a Thursday, her Tuesday class was online and asynchronous. She responds to emails relatively quickly, and her TA’s are very helpful and responsive! Would recommend anyone to take her class!
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
Really good professor and very lenient overall to the class. He understands that the class is not something most want to take, but also helps present the importance of the material and helps ensure you succeed both in terms of learning and grade wise. I highly would recommend him to anyone needing to take the class.
Marina Ellis

Expecting an A
Amazing! So kind! Very personal! Smooth lectures, and class! TAKE HER!
Sydney Sharpstene

Expecting an A+
I ABSOLUTELY loved having her as a professor. She is so sweet and understanding, and is not a harsh grader whatsoever. The way her class was set up was you would have a reading quiz in the beginning of class, which was just asking "what was the main ideas from the reading?" and you can just skim the textbook readings in order to get the answers and to actually learn the material. She would teach a lesson on whatever paper we were working on, or were soon going to be working on, and then we would have a class activity or worktime to work on whatever paper we were working on. The papers don't take a lot of time to write unless you've saved it all until the last minute, and you have a week to get each draft in, and with the first draft of longer papers such as the position paper, you wouldn't have to get all the pages in. Professor Sharpstene would also be very willing to provide thoughtful feedback to papers, and would respond promptly to emails written at reasonable times of day, sometimes even in the middle of the night. Additionally, she was energetic and enthusiastic about what she was teaching, which was great during a 7:30-8:45 PM class when all the students were tired.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A+
Professor Howard is the best English professor! He is so kind, has a great sense of humor, and you can see that he truly wants his students to succeed. Lectures are not mandatory, but I went to nearly all of them because of how engaging and fun they were. He is very lenient and will give you extra time if you need it, but I found there to be ample time with most assignments. He is so helpful and I had the best experience - I want to take another one of his classes. All of these five stars are so accurate, he truly deserves this rating. Choose Professor Howard if you see his name while registering!
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
Dr. Brookshire wants to make sure you learn the key concepts so you'll succeed in college. The most friendly, passionate, and comprehensive teacher I've met so far.
Andrea Knowles

Expecting an A
Dr. Knowles is a great choice -- very understanding, lenient grading, didn't make ENGL101 any more difficult than it needed to be. It was a great experience having her!
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A
Sonney is an amazing English teacher, and probably one of the most down-to-earth and connected teachers I've ever had. She is extremely flexible with due dates and often pushes back assignments when necessary due to the class being behind. She also gives precise and detailed feedback on papers, and it truly feels like she is invested in your success throughout the class. Sonney grades quite leniently, and it's pretty easy to do well on papers if you put in the work and don't procrastinate on papers.
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A-
She is VERY boring in class and shows literally no emotion during her lectures. If you ever want to speak to her about how she grades things she is NOT understanding about it. She also has some weird policies about when and how you can contact her and is also pretty slow with grading. I would not recommend taking her if you are able.
Greg Deinert

Expecting a B
Not a terrible professor when teaching the material, however he grades way harsher than any other professor I’ve found for English 101. Easily sunk the majority of my time into this class despite it being not in my major, and still barely pulled out a B while friends of mine in other sections got A+ with minimal effort.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
She is a great professor! She tried really hard to make the class manageable for us first-semester freshman and I really appreciated that. She was super accommodating when I got a concussion and had to miss some assignments and turn an essay in late. She really tried to connect with all of us and make sure the material we went over was interesting and relevant. Honestly, the only things I didn't enjoy were the slackers in my class and some of our zoom classes, but that's on me for taking a blended class when I knew I didn't like zoom. The couple essays we do are completely manageable because she breaks the writing process up into smaller assignments and she is super eager to give feedback before you turn it in. Even if you do fumble one of the essays, the final project is easy and great way to boost your grade. You won't regret taking her!
Xiaofang Huang

Expecting an A
Prof Huang is honestly one of the best English professors I've ever had. While the class itself wasn't that interesting, she kept us engaged and interested in our projects throughout the entire semester. She is one of the kindest, most accommodating, and most understanding professors I've ever met. She understands that there is life outside this class and that sometimes life gets in the way. She does take attendance and monitor participation, so do show up, and participate. The class is pretty small so it's not too intimidating. Honestly take her if you can, I really enjoyed this semester with her and I wish I could take another class with her in the future.
Liam Daley

Expecting an A
Prof. Daley sure makes an interesting class! Doesn't tolerate phones and makes that very clear to his students. Overall, he is funny, a fair grader, and tends to veer a bit off track, which makes the class fun. Definitely a good semester!
Robert Harris

Expecting a B+
he is incredibly disrespectful, within the first week saying ‘there is a reason you all are here’ as if we are dumb. his feedback is incredibly poor on the drafts, he will tell u that u did a good job and then next thing you know you are a receiving a C. he does make u sign in and out which is incredibly stupid. Also he gets so mad when u don’t do the stupid textbook readings, if u have taken any english class ever u don’t need to. he’s decently nice and pretty understanding when it comes to work but those are his only good qualities and that’s only if u catch him in a good mood.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Great professor, relaxed about deadlines, super helpful with assignments, and easy to do well
Greg Deinert

Expecting an A-
New professor, lectures were boring and nearly fell asleep every class. Gave us very little time between each assignment let alone time to do the papers themselves and everything seemed rushed. He wouldn’t even bump my grade from a 93.55 to a 94, which is critical for gpa
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
The ENGL101 GOAT. I hated writing and reading in HS but this guy somehow made writing research papers interesting to do. The work load is decent but due dates are very fair and you have plenty of time. Grades very fairly and is an overall good guy. I do suggest that you go to office hours or drop in hours before a final paper is due. He gives great feedback and can help you raise your paper from b worthy to a worthy.
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting a B+
This teacher ruined my life. Grades way harder than any other english101 teacher and assignment word counts are way longer. Any other English's teacher is better. You would learn more about english if you read green eggs and ham.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
No matter what professor you take, Engl101 is going to take a good amount of time because of all the writing thats required. Even though English is not my best subject, I believe that Dr. Batts graded my work fairly. Dr. Batts explains what is required for each big project through his lectures and by providing examples of past students work. Overall, if you follow what he says you should succeed in his class. I don't know how good the other Engl101 teachers are but if you see a section open for Dr. Batts I would recommend taking him.
Nasim DarouieHaghighi

Expecting an A+
These other comments made me laugh lol. The issue with this class was it was useless to even go, class was just a bunch of odd and unnecessary assignments and she was pretty awkward. I stopped going after September but I would send her my drafts for feedback, which was all I really needed. Either she's a super chill grader or maybe I am ok at english, but I got 100s on every single midterm paper. She responds quick over email too and would always answer my questions. My class personally had no participation assignments or attendance so it didn't matter if you went, she doesn't post lectures but I never needed it anyways. Ended the class with a 99%
Brandee Pettus

Expecting an A
I honestly did not like English 101 as a class, just because it was a gen ed and felt very similar to classes that I took when in high school. However, Professor Pettus was a great professor. She was very lenient and understanding if/when you had to miss class, or if you were unable to turn something in on time. She was always quick to answer emails and help you with assignments if needed. The class is very basic and isn't very grueling time-wise. We had a few papers, and one 8-10 page paper at the end of the class, as well as one presentation. Professor Pettus was also very fair with grading, she would grade based on your specific skill level and your improvement in the class, rather than how perfect your work was (a 10/10 is different for everyone). She would take points off if you didn't follow the rubric exactly, because she would give direct directions, but not anything that would hurt your grade too much. At the end of the day, I would love to take a class with Professor Pettus again. If you have the opportunity to take one of her classes go for it!
Dylan Carpenter

Expecting an A-
Good professor and cares about students. Definitely Recommend!!!
Tom Hatcher

Expecting a B
Professor Hatcher is a great professor who genuinely cares about his students, though his lectures can be a bit boring at times. He treats his class like a high school group, making sure everyone connects with each other. He's always available for help and listens attentively. Despite the lectures, I really enjoyed the other aspects of the class, like his flexibility with deadlines and how he encourages involvement in campus events. He even rewards you to use campus resources like the UMD Writing Center by giving you extensions.
Robert Harris

Expecting a B
Extremely tough grader, but his comments or criticism are not helpful at all! So I consistently get the same grades, also it seems like this guy hates his job sometimes. The assignments aren't hard if you keep up with the work, but I wouldn't take this class with him he made it very frustrating with the copious amount of work and vague grading...
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Great professor! You can tell he really enjoys what he teaches and cares about his students. Attendance isn't mandatory but I highly recommend as he covers assignment descriptions and gives you time to work in class. Not a huge workload and he is very forgiving with due dates. He is very approachable and easy-going as well making it easy to talk to him after class or during office ours.
Alan Montroso

Expecting an A
Great professor with lenient grading and a very manageable workload with an overall very understanding personality.
Subraj Singh

Expecting an A
Really nice and understanding. He always gives extensions on assignments and really cares about his students. Would recommend.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
This class is very easy with Prof G, he makes the classroom fun and from what I've been told by friend's in other engl101 classes he makes you do much less work than normal, and grades very very fair. If you want a professor that will have an impact on you and make the class generally easy, Prof G is your best choice.
Mariko Carson

Expecting an A
This professor did not grade assignments on time ever. Directions were never fully clear for assignments and since previous assignments were never graded, you never knew what to change or fix for the next assignment. She also does not post lecture notes or slides and expects you to take a picture of her slides as she briefly speaks on it during class so if you miss a class you'll be lost. The class itself isn't difficult but choose another professor.
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A+
Kind, understanding, and so easy to talk to. 100% take her if you can, i would love to have her as a professor again.
Sabrina Islam

Expecting an A
she's incredibly sweet, but incredibly slow at grading. i believe she follows the regular engl101 assignment sequence (academic summary, rhetorical analysis, annotated bibliography, digital forum, position paper), which means that your grade from this class is almost entirely from these five assignments. i thought her pacing was a little off, as she gave us approximately the same amount of time for every one of these assignments when they're all of different lengths. besides that, our homework was always just textbook readings that we would discuss in class (no quizzes or tests). overall a straightforward class that's essentially just busywork, and sabrina is very sweet albeit incredibly slow at grading.
Brian Davis

Expecting an A
Professor Brian is one of the best teachers I've had in a while. He is very relaxed and understanding if you have any issues meeting a deadline. He also provides helpful feedback and wants everyone to succeed in his class. I would definitely take a class with him again.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
Professor Lyons was an excellent professor. I had her during my first semester of college (Fall 2022), and she was an excellent professor to transition into. The class size is small for ENGL101, so she paid attention and cared about each student. The assignments were easy and graded fair. She is excellent if you are going into your first semester.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
Professor Lyons was an excellent professor. I had her during my first semester of college (Fall 2022), and she was an excellent professor to transition into. The class size is small for ENGL101, so she paid attention and cared about each student. The assignments were easy and graded fair. She is excellent if you are going into your first semester.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Dr. Rendiero is one of the nicest professors ever. He is so friendly and always happy to go out of his way to help you succeed. This class is easy and you will get a good grade if you complete all the work.
John MacIntosh

Expecting a B+
AMAZING PROFESSOR. Best one you'll ever have at UMD.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A-
Very nice guy, but grades a little harshly and sometimes it is hard to understand the assignments. Sometimes, his teaching style is a little crass.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
Andrew is THE GOAT. he really does care about his students and makes it easy to succeed in the course. He does take a fairly long time to grade stuff (upwards of 1-2 months if he isn't particularly interested in the assignment) but he is a very fair grader and its easy to do well in the class if you just show up and do the work. Take this man if you have the opportunity!!
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr. Brookshire is the best! I strongly recommend taking his class. He's super flexible with due dates and understands that people take the class just because it's required. He makes the major writing assignments tolerable since you can choose your topic, and gives you plenty of time to complete them. Even with all that time, he sometimes pushed back due dates even further so there's no reason you would have trouble managing the work. He's a pretty easy grader, so as long as you put in a little effort and thoroughly revise first drafts you will do well.
Greg Deinert

Expecting an A-
Loves to hear himself talk. Lectures were long and repetitive. Graded assignments did not have clear instructions which led to low grades.
Kassiah Drummond

Expecting an A+
Really easy going and chill professor. Gives you lots of good feedback on essays and is really flexible on due dates with all the major assignments.
Timmy Bridgeman

Expecting an A+
One of the best teachers I have ever had. Very lenient on due dates and works with you when anything comes up. Genuinely cares about you and tries to help you in anything he can. Projects and homeworks were very easy. He would even bring in food for us to share in class. Strongly recommend taking him in any course you can.
Subraj Singh

Expecting an A
Very good teacher who provides great feedback on work and lets you fix it if you are unhappy with a grade, and very understanding of any absences. If he goes over something he feels people did not understand the first time, he will go over it again.
Timmy Bridgeman

Expecting an A
Great Professor who made learning fun while teaching important information.
Yvonne Roe

Expecting an A-
She's incredibly nice, and while the course curriculum itself is jam-packed that's really the English department's fault, not hers, and she's always super understanding when you have other stuff going on.
Lucy Sheehan

Dr. Lucy Sheehan was honestly such a caring professor. If you're struggling mentally, or are stressed she will be understanding. Attendance in this class is super important and dictates your grade, so make sure to go to class if you want a good grade. Something I wasn't a huge fan of was how hard of a grader she is. She also turned off where you can see your grade halfway through the semester which makes it impossible to know your grade in the case that you need to fix it. The only part of the semester I enjoyed in this class was the end when we got to make a public remediation project, which allowed us to utilize our creativity.
Kassiah Drummond

Expecting an A
She makes this class easy and makes students aware that she wants everyone to succeed, but if you actually want to get better at writing, do NOT take ENGL101 with her. She does not teach anything that will help you with the assignments that she is required to give out. Basically, classes are not hard, but when you end up having to write your position paper or any other paper, good luck! If you ask her questions she will end up confusing you more and even if it is a simple question about a requirement for an assignment, you will get multiple contradicting answers from her which also may be different from what is on the syllabus/assignment details so you just never know. It overall made for a very frustrating class in which I had no idea what was actually due and what she was expecting. Also, she will not grade anything in time for you to apply it to your next paper. She is a super cool person and very smart, but this class seemed like a waste of time for me.
John Rendeiro

Nicest professor ever. SO accommodating with due dates and missing class. He grades extremely fairly and gives multiple opportunities to revise assignments if you are not happy with grades.
Alan Montroso

Expecting an A-
I took English 101 with Professor Montroso. He is a flexible and interesting professor. He grades assignments easily and gives clear instructions for every assignment. He is my favorite professor this semester, please consider him as your professor, you won't regret it.
Anna Cronan

Expecting an A
Professor Cronan is absolutely amazing. She has so much care for her students, she is always looking to improve as a teacher and wants what's best for her students. She is always fair with the amount of work she gives and if you ask her ahead of time with a valid reason, she will allow an extension. She has a great sense of humor and presents the ENGL101 curriculum beautifully. A bunch of us even joked in class about giving her a bad review and she laughed it off. But all in all, she is a great professor and if she is an option for a course you need or want, I would absolutely take her class.
Brandee Pettus

Expecting an A
Like it's aight but to keep it on the real, jit is hella not forgiving. I was mad sick and dying and I emailed her. She gave me a 50/100 on an assignment done that day. Actually unplayable.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Super nice always wanted to see you improve. But, he does not have any rubrics for any of your papers so the grading is very inconsistent. You will also have to make an infographic at the end, which is something that the other classes do not have to do. Overall I liked him even after all of that because he genuinely is super nice.
Kassiah Drummond

Expecting an A+
Super nice professor. She is young and it feels more conversational than the traditional old man lecturing you in an auditorium. She is a fair grader and ensures that everyone in the class at least passes. A few of my friends had bad english 101 profs and ended up struggling to get like a B. I am about to finish with an A+ in the class and I feel like i've polished my writing skills here. I was good at writing in high school so if it is not your thing, it may be a little harder but I genuinely think if you put effort in you will at least get an A-. She plays music before class and tries to get to know you during class discussions while also finishing the lecture in good time to let us go as early as she can. She also cancels class semi-often to allow for you to work on assignments and or for her to grade which helps a lot when it comes to stress, etc. I had a really good time with her this semester and I am glad that I chose her as my prof as she did not have any ratings when I was selecting classes. After hearing others experiences in their 101 class, and the fact that my entire class thinks positively about Prof D and her class, I highly recommend 101 with her for sure, she's great.
Brandee Pettus

Expecting an A
Really nice and understanding, easy on the grading, doesn't really care if work is turned in late so long as you explain why. Flexible with requirements, not too much hw either.
Stephanie Allen

Expecting a B+
Its 1:36am, I literally just turned in the last assignment for this class, and over the course of this semester, i have learned this: if you are STEM major(i'm computer engineering), especially as a freshman, understand this: 1. this isn't hard, its a LOT of busy work that's so time-consuming 2. It's a lot of writing(duhh its english) so if ur not good at it... praying for you<3 the fact I'm even complaining abt an ENGLISH class as a STEM major goes to show how much i highly do NOT recommend you take it with this professor. Some of her grading is fair but she takes off points for NO reason. if you have no other choice but to take her, my tip for success for any assignment, especially major ones: FOLLOW THE RUBRIC DOWN TO THE LETTER!! You have to go to class for discussions and draft workshops cause those will kill ur grade if u miss them and u can't be late either cause they literally start as soon as class is scheduled to start You can ask for an extension and she will give you one(if it's within valid reason obvi (literally 1/5th of the class had a CS project due the day one of the major assignments was due)), but she still took off points for turning it in after the original due date Her lecturers are so boring and it's sad when no one participates without her calling their name specifically...but then I remember how she will literally interrupt you if she thinks you aren't answering her question so karma ig? Idk anyway, choose peace, choose LITERALLY anyone but her (oh and the "assigned readings" have no relation to the class other than her referencing them in her lectures so if u read them or worse, buy the book, it is lowkey a waste of time cause u will not need any of the information from it unless she posts it on canvas) Godspeed to whoever is reading this <3
John Constantine Tobin

Expecting an A
sweetest professor ever. cares about his students and will take time to help with assignments. The course workload is pretty much the same as all the other English 101s workload so the workload doesn't really differ, but I would recommend taking him he is so nice and caring.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A+
Mr. Cote is hands down the best professor in the English department at UMD. He is very understanding of his students' situations--he literally changed his whole syllabus to ease up on us during finals. His final is a 5-page minimum position paper, and only four of his discussions are graded. He allows you to explore your interests throughout each assignment, too! Cote is a professor who will provide meaningful feedback on how to improve your writing and comprehension of complex topics in literature. He does ramble a bit and you can get lost in your daydreaming, but overall this class is an easy A if you put your best foot forward.
Anney Bolgiano

Expecting an A
Professor Bolgiano is the sweetest! I found her class to be very easy. The class discussions were very relaxed, but do usually involve the nightly assigned reading. Her assignments were simpler compared to those from other ENGL101 professors. She was more than happy to answer questions about any assignment. I cannot stress this enough: TAKE HER. You will not be disappointed. She is the best!!
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A
One of the sweetest and most approachable people. She will help you if you need help. She will give you extensions. All that you have to do is put in work, and you will succeed in her class.
Andi Sauer

Expecting an A+
Great teacher. They really take the time to help each student understand how to write their essays and grades very fairly. Highly recommend!
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A
Prof G, really understand his students and is one of the best professors I had. He is a very understanding instructor when something comes up with his students. He is always reachable with email and loves what he teaches. I was kind go dreading having to take ENGL 101 as a gen ed but he made it a class that was very enjoyable. He also wants to connect with his students and makes sure we can bring out our best work. His lessons are engaging and his way of enthusiasm is never boring. He wants to make sure that his students excel in his class with quick meetings for the final project and tries his best to connect with all his students.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A+
Best ENGL Professor ever!! He does take a good amount of time to grade but, he is very interactive with the class (knows everyones name and even talks to us before class to get to know us). Responds quickly to emails and gives amazing feedback (just email him and he will go through your entire essay, he reviewed mine the day it was due and it was like 10 pages). Also he is super flexible, funny, and chill. TAKE HIS CLASS!!!!
Sarah Goodson

Expecting an A
Professor Goodson is chaotic and expects a ridiculous amount of work to be done for this course. Speaking with friends in other ENGL101 courses they all say that they do not do nearly as much work. She assigns three assignments due on every Friday (my asynchronous day). We never do NEARLY as much work on our in-class days. The work is due at different times of the day (sometimes in the morning, 8pm, and midnight). She never responds to emails even about personal matters and often takes forever to put in grades. The one good thing I can say is that she does engage with the class during in-class lectures. In the end I do not recommend taking her course if you want to be swarmed with homework and essay writing.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
Professor Howard is an AMAZING professor definitely one of the best at UMD. He is super flexible with just about anything (due dates, rules to assignments, etc) and will give you advice if you ask. However unlike other professors he doesn't proof read your drafts unless you go out of your way to ask and he takes an almost insane amount of time to grade. Once he grades he's a super easy grader so its not a huge deal but its hard to know what grade you have until the end of the semester. He's a great guy though and class is super fun!
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A+
great professor! lots of papers but he offers to read them and give you feedback in advance of submitting. he's a super friendly and nice guy!
Andi Sauer

Expecting an A
Great teacher, so down to earth and very understanding. Not too hard, and great overall
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A
Boring class, but there isn’t much Ms. Allen can do about that. She’s nice and very understanding. That’s all you can ask for from an ENGL101 professor.
Lara Payne

Expecting an A
Best professor ever. Very lenient and extended the due dates as the class requested. She is very understanding and if you try and show her that you put in effort you will get a good grade. Overall, very good experience, take this class with her.
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A
Sonney is a great professor and an even better person. ENGL101 is known to be a pain in the ass, but she makes her class as fair as possible. She understands her students and treats you humanly, and works with us to make a healthy classroom environment. If you follow instructions and complete all the work you'll very likely end up with an A. I'd definitely recommend.
Andrew Howard

This is the greatest professor for any class at UMD. His due dates are very felxible, and always willing to talk with you about your essay and see what improvments can be made.
Kassiah Drummond

Expecting an A
Makes her class easily accessible. Leaves good feedback to push you to be a better writer. Cancels class semi-often
Robert Harris

Expecting an A-
Lots of demanding work for english 101 and put his mood on to the class almost like highschool. Just trying to get by, kinda dull class.
Liam Daley

Expecting an A
Honestly, this was the most chaotic class but I genuinely looked forward to going every week. Prof. Daley is super engaging and gives so many opportunities for extra credit - it's really not that hard to get an A. He's not the easiest grader but he actually puts time into grading papers and leaving so many helpful comments. 10/10 would recommend
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A+
Super nice guy, class has a bunch of smaller writing assignments that lead up to a larger "position paper". You can write it on anything you want, mine was on terrorism. Super good with giving feedback and lenient grades. In between each assignment is a "peer review" that is super helpful with the assignments and it is super clear what he is looking for. He makes sure to mix class time with lectures and discussions. There are readings every week that you discuss in class but honestly no one does them (Sorry Dr. MacIntosh).
Tom Hatcher

I will say, when I was taking this class I was struggling HARD but Prof Hatcher didn't really care about that. He was mean and rude to me in front of my classmates, loudly telling everyone in the room how far behind I was in more than one occasion. It was embarrassing for me and uncomfortable for others nearby but Prof Hatcher did not seem to mind. Regarding his teaching style, he likes to hear himself talk and his lectures can be quite annoying. He is really big on attendance and does not like having to deal with students that skip lecture (even with a reasonable excuse).
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A
Very understanding and caring professor. Due to personal circumstances, I had to ask for extensions on assignments several times, and she was completely understanding. Sonney Wolfe is also a great instructor and very approachable when you have questions. I would recommend taking a class with her if you can.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A
Prof. G is one of the best professors I've ever heard had at my short time in UMD. Not because he's some genius at teaching or because he changed my life but because he understands the class that he's teaching and acts accordingly based on what his students want to get out of it. ENGL101 is a very easy class and most students in it only want to get their credits and be done. Prof. G understands this and makes the class suitably easy for the students on top of being a legitimately passionate and engaging lecturer when he does give lessons in class. He has a real love for Tolkien and medieval English literature and through his speeches on the material I was able to appreciate a little bit of it as well. He's not a very consistent teacher, quite a few classes are just free time to work, he was absent for 4 lectures over the course of a semester and is sometimes overly energetic when speaking. But this just serves to make the class less of a time sink for students with harder classes and makes it more fun when engaging subjects are actually covered.
Liam Daley

Expecting an A
Great English professor. His classes are super engaging, they're usually just discussion that's enjoyable when you engage. The projects aren't bad, there are a lot of easy discussion posts, a couple extra credit opportunities, and some larger essays. The essays aren't bad, he guides you through the process and he's a generous grader. Take ENGL101 with him.
Konstantinos Pozoukidis

Expecting an A
Kos is a cool dude. He teaches blended courses so only one class per week is face-to-face, and the others are online. This means that the class has more writing for the online classes but that you don't have to go to Tawes three times a week. The writing is a lot but he provides good feedback if you want to get better at writing. His feedback is honest but you know that from the beginning of the semester.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
This class was fairly easy. I was close to having a B but because he gives you a lot of opportunities to revise or extend due dates I was able to make it back to an A. He is very understanding and nice.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Easy A if you do the assignments somewhat on time. Don't procrastinate and follow the rubrics. Prof. Rendeiro is very nice and understanding. Take him.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
Dr.Batts is a nice guy and you can tell he really enjoys teaching. He grades much harder than one would expect for English101, so you definitely cannot get away with bs-ing your work. That being said, he is so chill if you ask for help or ask for an extension. I definitely improved my writing and learned a lot
Brianne Friel

Expecting an A+
She's awesome! Super sweet and flexible with deadlines!
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Definitely take him. He is the most understanding professor and really wants all his students to succeed. He is very lenient on assignments and gradings; gives extensions, allows you to revise work. ENGL101 can be very boring, but I found that actually engaging and participating in class makes it a lot more tolerable.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Great professor. Overall very nice guy and is very lenient. Always wants to help you improve and get a better grade.
Lyra Hilliard

Expecting an A
English 101 was a blended course. Every Tuesday, it was in person; every other Thursday was on Zoom or asynchronous. Lyra was very understanding and kind. The assignments were super easy. All assignments were pass or fail except the Position Paper and Remediation Project. To get full credit on the pass or fail assignments, you need to follow the directions on the prompts. She is very lenient with extensions as long as you ask at least 24 hours before it is due. There were a lot of assignments per week which was annoying but it was expected considering the class was only in person once a week. I would 100% recommend taking the course with her, she made it so easy, and there is no reason you shouldn't get an A as long as you do the work.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Honestly a really great professor. Work load is decent and he even cut a couple things to make the workload more manageable. He cares about all of his students and gives good advice to help students improve. One thing you should know is that their is a 50 point participation grade in which you need to show up to class. You have creative leeway on what you get to do regarding projects and he always is a pretty happy guy. He reaches out plenty if you need it and hosts zoom classes in which you can talk to him regarding your projects.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A+
As a cs major who enjoys anything but writing essays, Radford Skudrna is an amazing professor. He truly cares about his students and does his best to create a chill environment during class. Although I personally haven't submitted anything later than the deadline, I remember him granting students extensions for assignments, which is great. Workload is extremely manageable as well. If I were to advise anything, I would recommend meeting with him to look over your drafts as well as come to class as there is a 50 point participation grade.
Xiaofang Huang

Expecting an A
Dr. Huang is passionate about the course, yet the students don't reciprocate her excitement as this is a required course and no one is too interested. Nevertheless, she is attentive and eager to better the writing skills of her students. I am already proficient in writing so I wasn't concerned about passing this class. However, for every assignment, Dr. Huang was willing to read my draft and gave very specific feedback, which I greatly appreciated. I do think she helped me improve and find better clarity in my writing. I recommend not wasting your money on the book since we only had a quiz about its content. I was expecting more quizzes that would justify paying so much for a book, but I believe we only had two at the beginning. If possible, share with friends since she does like the students to read example essays and certain topics from the book.
Konstantinos Pozoukidis

Expecting an A-
I would not recommend taking this professor. He barely shows up to class and when he does he talks only about the assignment even when all of the instructions are posted. He is very lenient with deadlines but then gets mad when no one turns in the assignments on time. His feedback is very rude and condescending and does not help with your writing at all. There is a lot of busy work and unnecessary assignments.
Emilee Durand

Expecting an A-
Dr. Durand is super understanding who gives great feedback on assignments. I would say her grading is pretty strict but she genuinely wants you to succeed and her feedback on assignments proves it. There's plenty of room for late makeup work but you'll have to communicate that with her. There's a ton of busy work in ENGL101 and you definitely need to attend class to receive participation credit (it adds up). Overall, I would recommend taking her, she's a good professor.
Katherine Joshi

Expecting an A+
Overall, Joshi’s nice, but being nice is not enough. Assigns way too much busy work. Do not take this class unless you like English. Teacher cares too much, whereas students didn’t want to be there. Hybrid option available, but people stopped coming mid-semester so she made participation a part of the grades. Expect four to five weekly assignments (i.e: discussion boards, peer review, submitting rough drafts). All of these assignments she makes you do barely boost your grade (typically at most 0.1%). Also had friends that only wrote 3 papers their entire semester, while I wrote 5, plus two projects. Harsh grader, treats this class like an advanced English class. TLDR: DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS IF YOU DONT LIKE ENGLISH AND/OR HAVE MORE IMPORTANT CLASSES.
Konstantinos Pozoukidis

Expecting an A
Dr. Kos provides harsh but honest feedback that allows his students to become better writers. If you go to class, follow his feedback, and do the assignments on time you will easily succeed in his course.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A
Prof. G is very smart and pretty funny. Engl 101 is not a hard class but he tried to make it fun and was also very helpful in improving everyone’s writing skills, being able to find and explain what was weak about some of my work. I’m happy with how I did in the class and it was in part thanks to Prof. G.
Melvette Davis

Expecting an A+
I LOVE Dr. Davis with my whole heart. She is so kind-hearted and truly cares about each of her students. I took this class online and it was more organized and put together than any other class I was taking. A lot of her assignments are graded as complete/incomplete depending on if you followed all of the requirements. However, this does not mean you can slack. Dr. Davis leaves a lot of comments and helpful tips on all of your assignments which is super helpful throughout the course. Honestly, a lot of my efforts came from not wanting to disappoint her. She also responds super quickly to emails so if you have a question, she will answer ASAP. I am not a fan of English, but I am a fan of Dr. Davis. 100% recommend taking her if you can.
Garth Libhart

Expecting an A+
It's very clear that he cares about his students and he makes sure to let everyone know that he'll give you an extension if you need one. He holds office hours twice a week (I don't think people actually go, though). Assignments are usually pretty easy but he'll sometimes push you with larger assignments. I would give 5 stars if not for the literature review project. 500 words per source and 8 sources is just... not fun. He did realize this though and gave everyone an extension, lowered the min word count to 300, and gave you extra credit for each annotation larger than 500 words.
Melvette Davis

Expecting an A+
Dr.Davis is the absolute best professor! I took the class completely virtual, but she has the best energy even on zoom. For my class, many of the major assignments are "ungraded" meaning they are graded for completeness and following the directions. If you struggle with writing, this class will definitely help you. She shares lots of tips and tricks that I will use in the future. She is always available if you need help, and answers emails very quickly. Great introduction to academic writing, and overall I loved this class.
Thomas Earles

Expecting an A
Overall I would say he's a pretty decent teacher. His lectures tend to be a bit boring but he understands how people dont like to take english 101 because they want to so he definitely takes that into account. He's a very lenient grader, most of my major assignments i turned in ten minutes before they were due and still got an A on them. Really understanding that his student's are freshman still figuring stuff out so he is not nitpicky about stuff.
Brian Davis

Expecting an A+
Dr. Davis is hands down the best professor I've had at Maryland. He genuinely cares a lot about teaching, and I've learned really valuable and applicable writing concepts from him. He's really laid back and is extremely generous about attendance and extensions but please please take somebody else if you're planning on not giving him the same effort he gives you - he deserves way better. I hate writing in general and his class was late (6:30-7:45) that I thought it would be hard to make it all the time, but I actually looked forward to the class every day.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
Really nice guy. Doesn't grade harshly at all, will give you an extension if you have a reason. Lectures can get boring, but overall its an easy A if you get assignments completed.
Joshua Weiss

Expecting a B+
Really good guy he does care and gives good feedback but he is not for the weak. You really have to work for a good grade in his class. He will give extensions if you ask and he is very flexible. Only take him if you are willing to put in the work and a lot of it. It is really hard to impress him, and he doesn't give out many A's.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Professor Radford is one of the most solid ENGL101 professors at UMD. He is willing to help in any way he can to make your work much better and also give good advice on it too. He is a really chill guy and I highly recommend anybody to take him if they can.
Brittany Starr

Expecting an A
Very fair and nice professor who certainly cares about her students. She is lenient when it comes to major projects, incorporates ungrading, and listens and incorporates student feedback. She understands that we have other classes and does not dump a whole lot of work on you like other english professors, although I have had to stay up late to complete some major assignments due to procrastination. In all honesty, she is probably one of the best professors you will ever get at this school.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr Brookshire is hands down my favorite professor. He cares about you succeeding and understands that students have more than one class. He wants you to get an A and makes it very easy for you to.
Andrew Howard

The best professor, take him if you can! He is understandable and his class is manageable.
Amanda Stallings

Expecting an A
Dr. Stallings was great! She made one day asynchronous and one in person, so it was a very easy class. It was basically just a bunch of writing assignments that she would explain how to do in person and then we'd write them. There was a nice progression of drafts that made it so you wouldn't procrastinate which I definitely appreciated. Her grading was very fair. All in all, take Stallings if you can!
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A
Prof G. (as he claims is his nickname) is an awesome dude. Doesn't give a ton of unnecessary assignments - main focus is on a few big papers that will be spaced out very well across the semester. He loves (and studies) J.R.R. Tolkien and lots of his writing, so much of the content is based upon Tolkien's work. I had no idea who Tolkien was before this class and probably won't ever engage with his work in the future, but Prof. G did a great job of explaining Tolkien's writings and made it really easy for us to write about his works. Sometimes the guidelines for assignments can be vague, but if you ask him or shoot him an email he is always willing to help/explain. If you are more reserved/introverted sometimes classes can be awkward because he hosts discussions on occasional readings, but he doesn't dock your grade if you're shy or anything. He's a super goofy dude and loves joking around in class. Definitely cares about his students and their well-being. He's a very laid back guy - the type of guy that I'd want to hang out with outside of class.
Melvette Davis

Expecting an A
I loved taking this course with Melvette Davis! As someone who is in STEM, I was nervous about taking English, but Ms. Davis's ungraded approach for most assignments and supportive feedback allowed me to write freely and grow as a writer. I would recommend this professor to everyone!
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A+
Sonney is an awesome professor and person. She is so sweet and so understanding of students' needs. She is very willing to work with students around deadlines and genuinely wants every student to succeed. She is very smart and funny and I highly highly recommend.
Konstantinos Pozoukidis

Expecting an A-
This professor seemed to be disrespectful and overly critical towards the students for an ENGL101 class. He cared way too much about little things and didn't let you know what you were doing wrong until it was too late.
Nia Crawford

Expecting a C
Do not take her if you are misorganized and tend to slack on assignments. You will get bombarded with work out of no where and her major assignments are a huge portion of your grade. If you turn those in late/do a bad job on them, you will get a bad grade in this class. Find a better professor.
Brittany Starr

Expecting an A
Really caring and knowledgeable professor. She is very understanding and only wishes the best for her students. Her grading is very fair and goes by the "upgrading process" to cause more fair grades for even just your effort. I learned a lot in her class and her feedback is very helpful. Probably one of my favorite professors.
Sydney Sharpstene

Expecting an A+
Professor Sharpstene is by far one, if not the best, professor and English instructor I have ever had. She is a very open and honest professor but she also takes the time to get to know her students. If you have the opportunity to take her as your professor DO IT. You will not regret it. She allows her students to make their own rules for the class, within reason of course. This model works because then students understand exactly what is expected of them and are more likely to follow the rules. Professor Sharpstene makes this class fun and she provides NUMEROUS resources to allow her students to succeed. Every paper we have written, she has allowed us to distribute the percentage of points allowing us to focus on what is most important per paper. I could honestly rave about her for hours. If you have any issues at all, just let her know and she will take care of you. If you show up, do the assignments, and always ask her questions, you are guaranteed to pass this class. I have a 99.6% in this class. Those who fail are ones who actually don't care. If you try, you will absolutely pass. She grades lightly but gives great constructive feedback. She helps you early on fix major problems with your paper so you can make sure your final draft is the best and you are guaranteed to get a good grade. I love Professor Sharpstene's quirkiness and her attitude to teaching overall. You can just tell that she thoroughly enjoys teaching and that this is her passion. Take her as a professor and I promise you that you will NOT regret it. I am beyond grateful for having taken this class with her. As a STEM major (CompE) it can be hard to balance technical classes with a class such as this but she will WORK with you! As long as you openly communicate, she will go the extra mile to help you and come up with a plan so you can actively succeed. She allows for extensions and everything. I just - ugh SHE IS AMAZING!!!!
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A+
I took this class in Fall 2022, and it was very boring and mostly useless. However, I believe this to be the fault of the class, not the instructor. Her lectures were not interesting, but the assignments were very clear, and the class wasn't much work. I felt that she graded fairly, and I found her very willing to help with these assignments and answer any questions I had. It definitely wasn't necessary to do the readings (or to pay attention to the lectures), so I found this class to be low-stress and requiring little effort. I thought Ms. Allen did as good a job with this class as anyone could, and any failings in this course were with the material itself, and not the instructor.
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
I turned in assignments like 15 days late and still got full credit super chill and understanding professor. Take him if you can.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A+
First class professor. Tries his best to understand students and is very clear with just about all of his directions for his assignments.
Robert Harris

everything the one-star comments said is true.
Robert Harris

The worst teacher. The assignments make no sense and are unrealistic. He has a bad attitude which makes the overall course a dread.
Konstantinos Kalapotharakos

Expecting an A
Very accommodating in terms of granting extensions as long as you communicate with him. Definitely seems like he really cares about his students. Overall great teacher, gave good feedback and not too hard of a grader I think as long as you put in the work.
Tom Hatcher

Expecting an A
Overall, pretty mid, pushed back due dates and was flexible for students but had some questionable grading practices.
Robert Lucci

Expecting a B
Absolutely the best English professor! He would schedule a zoom call for help within 15 minutes of messaging him. He truly cares about success!
Amanda Allen

I got a decent grade in this class but I would not recommend taking her. Don't get me wrong, she is very kind, helpful and an amazing individual but if you are looking for good grades, she is not the best choice. She is quite critical about certain details and her major assignments consist of very few points. For example, an essay is 15 points. So, if you lose even 2 to 3 points here, your grades sharply falls to a B or C. Some advantages are that she is very accommodating and her class is blended so you barely have to go more than once a week which is very efficient.
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A+
Rachel is so sweet I can't even begin. She grades everything for completion, is quite lenient with deadlines, has a reasonable workload, cancels nearly every Tuesday class (it's a TTH course), teaches well, and provides good feedback. All and all, the perfect teacher.
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A
Professor Crawford is a nice person and she genuinely does want her students to succeed. She hosts a lot of office hours and is very accessible if you need help. Once, she gave me one-on-one support for a 2 hours straight. If you need to miss class, leave early, or get an extension talk to her in advance and she will likely give you the go-ahead. The elephant in the room is the grading. You may hear people call her a harsh grader. However, that is because she pushes her students to think further and improve. If you are genuinely motivated to get an A, make that clear to her and go in for her office hours; if you do that, you should not have much trouble getting an A in her class. Overall, the class was a little more work than I had expected. However, it was rewarding as she undeniably made each student a better writer. Very down-to-Earth professor. You will learn a lot from this professor.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Incredibly nice person, not a strict grader -- if you complete the work you will do well, and he explains the assignments in great detail. There are some reading homework for most class periods, but you don't actually have to ever read them as he will go over and explain what is important in them during class (therefore I don't recommend buying a book immediately, wait and see if you need/want it). As a person who doesn't like English class at all, I highly recommend Professor Rendeiro.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Very nice and lenient professor. If you do the work it should be an easy A.
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A
Nicest professor ever! She is very lenient and understanding. She gives a 100 on essays as long as you have an appropriate writing style with good content and as long as you put in the effort (I got a 100 on all the essays). She has an "ungrading" system where if you do all the assignments, you end off with a B+. To get to an A-/A/A+, you need to do 1/2/3 extra assignments which include writing short letters to someone, making a short presentation, designing something relevant to the semester's theme, etc. (All of them are relatively easy. I did 2 assignments b/c an A is worth the same as an A+ in terms of GPA). Not sure if all her classes are like this, but get a BLENDED LEARNING section. 2 classes per week for english where 1 is office hours and the other one is class. I only had to go to ENGL101 once a week and that was amazing! I did spend a lot of time on English this semester but that's b/c it took me time to write the essays since my topic wasn't really researchable even though I was interested in it. PICK A POPULAR RESEARCHABLE TOPIC THAT ACTUALLY INTERESTS YOU.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Dr. Macintosh (but he's fine with just John) is a really great guy. He definitely cares about his students and he grades everything himself, meaning if you need help, he is easy and approachable. The course itself can be fairly tedious and is a bit of work, but if you manage your time and pace yourself it is easily passable. Highly recommend you take him if you can!
Sabrina Islam

Expecting an A-
Professor Islam is so kind and easy to talk to. The course itself is a bit boring with classes mostly consisting of reading the textbook and peer reviews. Honestly, I missed most of the classes by the end of the semester. There are a few major assignments with drafts required so it's easy to manage your time around them (i'm usually a horrible procrastinator with essays). Islam is a bit slow with grading, as the semester ended last week and I'm still not sure what my grade will come out to be.
Zachary Frank

Expecting an A+
Zach is hands-down one of the best professors I’ve ever had. The fact that he doesn’t grade individual assignments actually made me a better writer--I could focus on improving my own writing style and I didn’t feel like I had to write a certain way in order to get a good grade. In all honesty this class made me fall in love with writing, no joke. I’m sad to see Zach leave UMD, and I’m so jealous of those who get to have him as a teacher in the future.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A-
Chill, cool professor who's understandable. However can be a tough grader on assignments.
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A
Great professor! Very helpful and engaging. Was willing to extend deadlines and look over assignments before the due date. Highly recommend for ENGL101. Workload was fair and class was interesting.
Nia Crawford

Expecting a C
Professor Crawford is an amazing person, but she moves way too fast through the material. Also, she is kinda harsh on grading not going to lie. She is amazing as she gives some extensions if you reach out to her. Be sure to stay on top of all the work and try your best!
Alan Montroso

Expecting an A
Professor Montroso was great! He was super understanding of students needs and would give extensions on anything if needed. He really cared about his students and it showed. He gave so much feedback and was more than willing to discuss anything outside of class time. Overall great guy and better professor, would highly recommend taking his class.
Shannon Zellars Strohl

Expecting an A
I was initially off-put by her negative reviews on ratemyprofessor, but Professor Zellars-Strohl was awesome. Really lenient grader as long as you follow the rubric/guidelines and is super acommodating with due dates. The class itself was online and insanely boring, and I don't feel like I learned much, but there's only so much you can do with an online class. Also, she didn't give me much feedback on assignments. Definitely take her for engl101.
Alan Montroso

Expecting an A+
all ima say is hes the best. So chill, had him as a 8 am and he was so chill he understood if you were late and there is no final. Essays are pretty slight work and they arent bad. If you submit a day late he would still say its on time, best teacher I had, made me actually feel confident about my suckish writing skills (english is not my first language) best professor!!!
Sabrina Islam

Expecting an A+
Professor Islam is a very sweet person and is really passionate about English. Although the classes can get really boring from time to time as we do a lot of textbook reading and brief discussions, the assignments are 100% manageable. There are no tests or quizzes, or reading assigned for homework, but there are a few major writing assignments and one final writing assignment (8 pages) due at the end of the semester (this is technically the final). She gives a lot of time for all her assignments and is lenient with deadlines and extensions, and all the smaller assignments are graded by the TA (you'll almost always get a 100 on them if you do them), and the bigger assignments are graded by the professor. Also, she gives a lot of in-class time to work on assignments due that night or the following morning. The only reason why I rated her 4 stars is because she takes SO LONG to grade and also because the majority of the writing assignments are pretty boring. Aside from those things, I think she's a great teacher, this was a very easy class, and you should take Professor Islam!
Brianne Friel

Expecting an A+
I highly recommend Professor Friel! She is super nice, and gives great feedback. I feel like she really helped me improve my writing. The number of assignments she gives are also super manageable, and she is fairly flexible with due dates.
Brianne Friel

Expecting an A+
Dr. Friel is an amazing professor who wants you to succeed in her class. Great teacher.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
Amazing professor, good workload, very open for extensions, approachable, definitely a top pick
Nicole Cuffy

Expecting an A+
She's cool, you can tell that she cares about her students. Overall she is a very smart person and she uses that to help her students
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A+
i dont understand the bad reviews for this prof. her assignments are rly easy, in class activities are graded for completion. reasonable grading. accommodating to peoples needs. doesnt rly announce due dates in advance tho which is annoying but whatever. 6 mini projects that are about a topic you get to pick. no exams. do the work and get an A+
Meghan Collins

Expecting an A+
This course was boring, but Meghan was nice and made it clear she cared about her students. You can definitely get away without doing the readings and I'd say she is a fair grader on assignments. I'm not sure if she actually docks your grade (it's in her syllabus that she does), but I would recommend not skipping class since she pointed out near the end of the semester that missing class a lot affects the participation part of your grade. Discussion boards seemed to be graded on completion and we only did around 10. The first half or so of the semester is a lot of assignments/readings, but it slows down in the second half. I'd take her again for another class if needed!
Brianne Friel

Expecting an A+
Professor Friel is great! She is kind, cares a lot about her students, and was very understanding if the class expressed the need for an extension. She is also very enjoyable to talk to and always gave helpful, constructive criticism on papers that helped me grow as a writer. I highly recommend taking English with her if you can, she's the best.
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A+
Professor Waugh was great! She's super understanding and sweet and was always quick to respond to emails. We only had in-person classes once a week, so she used the time we had wisely and the content was always interesting. She does an un-grading policy which means if you complete your work properly (discussions, 5 papers, quizzes, and other miscellaneous assignments) you get a B+, and then you do 1-3 boosters in order to get either an A-, A, or A+. For the boosters, we had multiple options like posters relating to the class topic, a poem, etc so it was easy to do all three. Overall, I enjoyed this class and would recommend Professor Waugh to anyone taking ENGL101!
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A-
I love John, he is a really kind and understanding professor who really cares about his students. English 101 can at times be a really tedious course, but if you ever need help John will be more than happy to work with you. There are a lot of back to back papers in this course, but it is manageable if you pace yourself. If you're able to take John, highly recommend you do so!
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A
If you don’t know if you should or shouldn’t take him, then take him; he’s one of the best professors at UMD.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A-
Very friendly with students, and very understanding to any extenuating circumstances. Really puts his students first and is very approachable with any questions you could have. Work can get a bit tedious but just talk to him if you are struggling, forgiving about late work as long as you talk to him. Grading is fair and comments on work are very helpful. Assignments are due at midnight and not the start of class, meaning you have the whole day after class to finish the work and still get it in on time if you need it. Class can get boring but try to answer the things he's asking, 9 times out of ten if you think you know the answer, you likely do and if you say the wrong thing it doesn't hurt you in any way
Tom Hatcher

He's a great professor! He is very lenient and will usually push back due dates when needed; he has no problem with giving extensions either. The class mainly includes student participation and discussions about readings at the beginning of the course and later on, switches to workshops, peer reviewing, and discussions about upcoming papers. I recommend taking his course!!
Brian Davis

Expecting an A
If you ever get the chance, definitely take a class with Dr. Davis. Absolutely incredible professor. Gives intense feedback but is a really fair grader if you put in effort. He's really accommodating and has really insightful commentary.
Mariko Carson

Expecting an A+
Do not listen to the three star review on this professor. Dr. Carson is a great professor for ENGL101! She is very straightforward with course content and assignments and does not overcomplicate academic writing. As long as you put a reasonable amount of effort into this class you will get an A. The assignments take a fair amount of time to complete but are not impossible. The assignments also build on one another so after you complete the first few it really does not get much harder. She is also very understanding of students and flexible with deadlines as long as you put the effort into the class.
Xiaofang Huang

Expecting an A
Dr. Huang is really nice, a fair grader, and actually provides helpful feedback. She is more than willing to meet with you and give edits for major assignments, so make sure you utilize that. Classes can be boring and often seem pointless, so you just kinda have to sit through it and hope it's over soon. She takes attendance too. Also, don't bother buying the textbook that she tells you to, you can still do well in the class without it. The course overall is very structured and organized, which I liked. As long as you do all the assignments and put in effort, this class will be an easy A. Dr. Huang is really accommodating and you can tell she actually cares about her students.
Zachary Frank

Expecting an A+
Zach is the best. He’s easily accessible via email and gives excellent feedback, very understanding, and I love that he doesn’t grade individual assignments. His class structure really enabled me to only focus on producing my best work and the only thing he asks is that you try.
Brianne Friel

Expecting an A+
Super nice professor, and she really wants to see you learn and succeed. I’m not sure if I managed to become a teacher’s pet, but she praised me on nearly all of my work, which was nothing special. The class was structured really well and she kept giving extensions to the whole class and individually if you needed it. As long as you can write somewhat coherently, you will get an A. Take her if you can.
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting an A
I loved her. She's super sweet and a pretty generous grader. We had 2 or 3 in class activities daily that would she would always grade for completion. She was very accommodating when people had to miss class. She wasn't the best at communicating due dates far enough in advance like I was used to from high school, but overall she's a really good person and I enjoyed her class.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A-
Top quality, truly cares, and light hw
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A
She's a great instructor for the class, was always very accommodating and nice throughout lectures. She was very generous with my late grades fortunately even though the class was easy enough that I shouldn't have turned anything in late. Every time students become confused at certain parts of assignments, she would gladly clarify and even change certain requirements for projects that she didn't see were important. Assignments weren't too hard inherently but that's due to the department. There may be some better ENGL101 professors out there but I had a great enough time with Sonney Wolfe that if you're worried about taking her class, just know that you won't be stuck with an unreasonable and awful teacher.
Susan Pramschufer

This teacher is AWESOME! She's very kind and makes the class enjoyable. It's quite a bit of essay writing, so she makes everyone work from early on and gives helpful feedback. Usually, 1 or 2 weeks before an essay/assignment is due, we would spend half the class time doing a peer review of our current progress. Basically, we get feedback WHILE we're writing the essays, rather than after we already submitted them. Definitely recommend her.
Emilee Durand

Expecting an A
Dr. Durand is an engaging professor who I can tell wants her class to have fun. There are a lot of assignments to help boost your grade say you ever forgot to complete one or just messed up on something. I will note though however she is a bit of a harsh grader but gives you plenty of opportunities to fix your mistakes with multiple revisions and rough drafts before any final assignment is due. The only complaint I have about the class is there is, at times ALOT of busy work that makes you feel as if you're stuck in high school. Good professor overall.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
She’s super kind and understanding regarding student life and setbacks. A lot of mini-assignments, but that might just be the course. Overall a lovely human being. I will note that her grading is a bit strict, but her feedback is pretty useful. She definitely expects a lot more effort than you may want to put into a Gen Ed. My advice: if you take her for this class, make sure to talk with her about your papers.
Meghan Collins

Expecting an A
She was really cool about missing class and having late assignments. She doesn’t even deduct points for late submissions. Super nice and obviously cares a lot about her students
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
If you are able to get Dr. Dave, get him. He is very fun to have, classes, are enjoyable and he always provides a great perspective on a multitude of different topics. No textbook. Very flexible and wants you to succeed and have a good grade. I would highly recommend this class.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
This class feels like an honors section even though its not as it has small class size and the professor is always the one teaching (there are no TAs). The teacher is always nice and gives energy to the class (even during my 8am section), and provides very useful feedback and support on all the writing assignments. She's very clear about what needs to be done and the whole course has a clear path to success that you will do just fine if you follow it.
John MacIntosh

Great teacher. Explains all the ideas in class well and is very helpful when needed. The coursework was a bit tedious, but he graded pretty leniently. As long as you put in a little effort you will get a good grade.
Alexandria Nunn

Expecting a C+
The directions of this class felt extremely unclear throughout the year, expectations were never straightforward. Professor Nunn is very nice and cares about her students, however she is not great at relaying her expectations clearly. Furthermore, the layout of this class is very frustrating as there is always a big paper due and you do not get very much time to complete it. Classes felt very pointless as we would often discuss things unrelated to assignments, it really did feel like a waste of time. There were multiple instances where we were given directions verbally that contradicted the written directions for assignments. The initial syllabus given to us had a number of incorrect dates. It wasn't until about a month into the semester that the teacher even gave the assignments actual "due dates" in canvas (once a student requested it), so it was very difficult to keep track of in that time as well. Class always ran until the last minute every time, never let out early. In her lectures there was a lot of talking but not a lot of things actually said. Overall, not a fan of the teacher for this class, but like her as a person.
Amanda Allen

Expecting an A
Professor Allen was 100% the best choice for ENGL101. I loved her blended style, it suit the class very well. She's a fair grader and the assignments are your standard faire for a writing class. It's a hard class to NOT do well in. Recommend.
Emilee Durand

Expecting an A
I loved this class! She is an amazing professor and likes to make sure her students understand everything she is talking about!
Rachel Waugh

Wonderful professor and great TA's. Good lectures and very merciful grading. The class energy is cozy, like you get to know everyone but in a low-stress kind of way. We had a semester theme (climate change) and wrote 5 papers, going from a small summary to a 3k word final paper. Three of the papers were connected (a research proposal, a paper arguing counterclaim, and a paper arguing your claim). I also loved the half online/half in-person structure. I'd highly recommend, especially for STEM majors.
Peter Grybauskas

He's a very passionate, fun, high-energy, Tolkien-loving dude. His class wasn't really for me bc I'm avoidant, so the highly social energy just scared the shit out of me. But if you're not super skittish and love literature then I'd def recommend.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A
Batts is super chill and very organized. He often lets class out early which is also nice. -0.5 star for tougher grading for an ENGL101 course. -0.5 for strict(ish) attendance policy (only 2 unexcused absences for tues/thurs and 3 for MWF) Although if you email him with an excuse he is accommodating. If you take his class just make sure to come to class- final drafts are graded a bit harsher and took more work than expected. rough drafts and other assignments graded very nicely (i.e. completion). He's super approachable and usually answers emails in 24 hrs. All around a nice guy. Overall I'm glad I took his class. He's a really great teacher, I certainly learned a lot from him.
Sonney Wolfe

Expecting an A+
Sonney is a really nice professor. She is flexible and understanding of any issues students are having. Some assignments could be lengthy but are graded quite leniently. Other than essay assignments, there is 1 presentation that is only required to be recorded, and there are no exams/finals. She does not mind absences as long as you email her beforehand. Overall, this class is very easy and I definitely recommend it to anyone requiring to take 101 or in need of an easy A.
Emilee Durand

Expecting a B
She's a good professor but has strict grading compared to other professors. Every writing assignment earned me a B. The topic you choose dictates the amount of effort invested in the assignment.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Easy and understanding. Take him
Zachary Frank

Expecting an A
I highly recommend this professor. One of the most genuine professors I have had so far. He doesn't grade individual assignments so your grade is based on your attendance, submitting assignments on time, and turning in decent major papers. If you go to every class, reach out to him and ask for revisions on your papers/assignments, and participate in class, you will get an A. Pretty much just show up and put in some effort.
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A
Great professor. Class does get a bit boring but I think that's just English 101 for you. Extremely patient, listening, thoughtful, understanding. Grades fairly. Deadlines are nice and spaced apart. Under her, there is no final exam and you just have five major assignments to submit (I don't know if this is true for all English 101 classes or not). Really nothing bad to say about her, she's been great and English 101 has been smooth sailing under her with minimal effort and stress. Highly recommend 10/10
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A
Great professor. Class does get a bit boring but I think that's just English 101 for you. Extremely patient, listening, thoughtful, understanding. Grades fairly. Deadlines are nice and spaced apart. Under her, there is no final exam and you just have five major assignments to submit (I don't know if this is true for all English 101 classes or not). Really nothing bad to say about her, she's been great and English 101 has been smooth sailing under her with minimal effort and stress. Highly recommend 10/10
Tom Hatcher

Is very annoying, talks just to talk
Daniel Sidman

Expecting a B+
He's an okay professor. Not too bad not too good. I have noticed some micro aggressions from him. And me and this other POC in the class would give each other the look. So I knew I'm not crazy when I hear the things he says... But he is overall an okay professor.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
a very good professor. he explains the content and assignments very well. the class itself is boring so sometimes you have to try not to fall asleep, but that's because it's engl101. you don't even need the textbook because he goes over it and explains everything in class. highly recommend take this section
Alan Montroso

Expecting an A+
Professor Montroso is the best English professor (and college professor) I have ever had! Like many other freshmen, I was dreading ENGL101, because research papers are often taxing/ tedious in college. However, Prof Montroso was engaging, understanding, and always willing to answer questions and give feedback. He is very approachable and is genuinely invested in the well-being of his students (e.g. extending deadlines if necessary). *Helpful Tip* If you are struggling with the research process, ask a librarian for help. Professor Montroso expects you to use academic sources which are mostly found on library databases.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
Great teacher! Funny, helpful, flexible with assignments and due dates.
Robert Lucci

Expecting a B
Professor Lucci is the GOAT no cap. He is the nicest guy and really wants you to do well. He takes time out of his day to meet with his students and offers zoom sessions to help his students improve their writing. I only didn't get an A because I wasn't motivated enough and was a bum and didn't meet with him enough. If you work hard in his class and show that you genuinely care about improving you will do very well. I hate english and writing but Lucci made it a pleasure to be in his class. For sure take this man if you can!
Katherine Joshi

Expecting an A
Are you a teacher's pet? Are you a Suck up? Do you have no life? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then by all means take Joshi. However if you are normal person looking for a Professor with whom to take English 101, Joshi is not your person. In fact, stay away from her at all costs. I will mention despite rating her like this, she is no monster. She seems like a relatively decent person, her grading standards are just insane. Joshi takes this class, which most students have clearly only taken for the sake of getting their gen ed class for English, and treats it as some kind of upper level english class that is meant for English Majors. Like for gods sake, I am a STEM Major why do you have to take this class so seriously. For example why should you write 3 paragraph responses to her bi weekly discussion boards, and spend countless hours on papers that any other English 101 teacher would have given a 98 for, while Joshi- being the strict grader that she is - gives it a 70. Stay away from Joshi by all means, and for the sake of your GPA, please take another professor.
Mike Kolakoski

Expecting an A
Very smart and pleasant guy. Always willing to meet with students and a rather lenient grader. Also, he cancels class quite often which is nice if you can get your work done without meeting in person every week. Definately one of the better professors for this course.
Michael Dignan

Expecting an A
This guy is your guy if you need to get English over with, Straightforward in what he wants, you do not need to show up for class, he really is there if you need the help. or office hours. He doesn't waste your time or his and oftentimes cancels a class if there is nothing to teach. Gives you really good feedback. The only drawback is that I couldn't quite tell what he wanted from his rubric and as a result, I lost points, but I really do not know where since the rubric was really open-ended.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
He wants you to improve in his class. He offers Zoom feedback sessions and is a pretty chill guy. Go to every class, but he's pretty lenient on deadlines. As long as you demonstrate a willingness to do well in his class, you'll do great.
Daniel Sidman

Expecting a B+
Professor Sidman's a pretty good professor. He's your average professor if that makes any sense. You will easily pass English101 with him as long as you show up to class.
Emily Lyons

Expecting a B+
Good teacher and all around nice person. You get the feeling she actually likes talking with her students. Her style of teaching may not be for everyone but it did a lot for me. It conveyed how interesting language and persuasion can be. She gave good advice on papers and I could see my writing improve.
Stephanie Allen

Expecting an A
Fair grader, lets you skip class, very kind and thoughtful. She is a great professor and an easy A.
Katherine Joshi

Expecting an A
Professor Joshi was overall a very good teacher. She explains things in way that’s easy to comprehend, she clearly lays out all expectations, she structures the course in a way that makes completing even big assignments manageable. She is very understanding if you need extra time on deadlines or extra help, and gives thorough feedback. She is a bit of a tough grader - I’m not sure 100% on anything is possible. However, I still felt her grading was fair and there are plenty of other activities for points that boosts grades.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
Grades a little tougher than some other 101 professors from what I see, but is reasonable. He’s a super cool guy and lets us out early from class some times so that’s tuff. All hail Batts
Kathleen Orr

Most understanding and caring teacher I've had at UMD. Take her if you can
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A-
Really boring class. Lecture is usually on MW and online work due for a grade on Fridays. Grading is inconsistent at times, and the class can be a bore (only because it's English, and I guess it can be hard to make the study of rhetoric fun). I just wish she graded a bit more leniently and responded to emails especially those regarding attendance. Seems odd when she'd respond to emails about assignments and not reply at all to whenever I was sick and couldn't attend class. It's an easy enough class and only 6 or 7 major assignments.
Chika Onyenezi

Expecting an A-
Professor Onyenezi was very engaging in class and very understandable with the works you create. Overall, this class helped me survive the semester with a chill professor.
Joshua Weiss

Expecting an A
Dr. Weiss is a good professor. He is open and honest with his students, which makes for a good classroom environment. He really does care about his students!! The coursework can be overwhelming, but make sure to balance your time wisely. He is always willing to help improve writing and leaves good feedback, but his class is not an "easy A".
Katherine Joshi

Expecting an A
Difficult grader but very understanding with assignments and she explains everything in detail. As a STEM major, her class was challenging but not impossible. The trick to earning an A is to email her and ask her to review your papers before submission. Overall would recommend her class, but she does expect a lot of effort.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Radford is an amazing professor to have for English. I was expecting the class to be a bunch of liberal propaganda like others have told me but as a politically moderate STEM student, the class was great with Radford. He genuinely cares about his students. He is willing to give extensions if you're having a personal issue or if the draft of your paper needs to be reorganized completely like with what happened to me. He really wants to see you succeed. You can even take your drafts to him to look over before they're due and he will give you all the feedback you need to get an A on the assignment. The first few assignments were on social justice but they were really just to teach you rhetorical strategies for you to use in the writing you'll do later. Later in the semester you get to choose your own topic to write on which is great. Let me make something clear though, the class is not easy. However, it's also not hard. It's really just a lot of work and if you put in the work and you have him look at your drafts before they're due, you will be fine. The only issue I think I had with the class was sometimes not understanding how to start some of the assignments but if you ask him he will get you through any misunderstandings you might have. Also, don't buy the textbook. There's a pdf version online you can find. Just google the name of it with pdf at the end.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
I cannot begin to express how much of a good professor Mr Lucci is. He is down-to-earth, smart, flexible with deadlines, and extremely helpful. I promise you that no workload would ever be too much. He makes the class as interactive as possible and gives you a lot of feedback. His conferences (zoom meetings) are a lifesaver because you get to know where you need to improve. I dislike writing and English in general but professor Lucci always made it so bearable. So if you can, PLEASE TAKE ANY ENGLISH CLASS WITH HIM. It's worth it, I swear. I can totally vouch for him.
Connor Watkins

Expecting a B+
He was a pretty nice guy but his class is extremely boring. He takes attendance and had several papers due within a semester. Didn't have much homework since most of my classes were just lightwork. Felt like I spent most of my time writing papers for his class on the same topics. He talks very quietly and is hard to understand sometimes because it sounds like mumbling.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
Professor Flamm is an okay teacher. I personally did not like her teaching style. It seems like she would teach us a complex thing for a day then give us a project/ paper or confusing assignment on it. For the majority of the class I felt confused about the content and did not feel like I was really learning to learn something. Just learning to get the class done. Professor Flamm was a very nice, if you needed a day or so extension she would be very understanding. I did not completely understand her grading style. She left nice comments but did not give me much feedback on how I could improve. Her class was 2 days in person and 1 day asynchronous work. Depending on the asynchronous assignment, it would take 15 minutes to an hour or more.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Easily the best English teacher I've ever had. I've never liked English as a subject and never liked going to English classes, but Dave made the class enjoyable to go to. He gives a lot of extensions which gives you a good amount of time to complete things. I would definitely recommend him for ENGL101.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr. Dave is the best english teacher I have ever had. I used to be terrified of writing but he makes everything very clear and makes the class fun. He is extremely accommodating and always pushes back deadlines to help his student. 100% recommend him for engl101
Amanda Allen

Expecting a B+
She is very nice and I personally suck at English. If you are honestly trying she is willing to help. Honestly, I thought she was a little too critical on some things because most people will never use this kind of writing again. It is what is thou. I think she is a safe and good option overall
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Rendeiro is an amazing professor. The class is boring but it's ENGL101, it's hard to make it interesting. He is very lenient on grading and turning in assignments late, just email him if you have any issues and he will 100% do his best to help you. He cares a lot about his students, and the class itself is made as easy as possible given the amount of writing.
Joshua Weiss

Dr. Weiss is an excellent person- he is very engaging and fun to talk to! I enjoyed all my conversations with him and it was obvious that he cared about his students. However, I felt like he graded on the harsher side (I would say I am a mediocre writer however I write well enough to scrape by with an A in a lot of other courses). If you want an A you either need to be an above average writer or willing to spend A LOT of time towards the course. I had an extremely heavy course load this semester and could not spend hours upon hours pouring through and improving my papers. He is always willing to help and improve writing, however this class is not an "easy" A. If you are looking to improve writing definitely take this professor! However, if you do not have a lot of time to spare or are not passionate about writing I do not recommend taking this professor.
Justin Thompson

Expecting an A+
BEST PROFESSOR EVER!!!!! 1000/10 would recommend him
Katherine Joshi

Super considerate and explains things really well but such. a. tough. grader. had me on the edge all semester and I know I'm not an English major and stuff but I'd consider myself a decent writer. Her grading seemed super nit-picky cause she would take a bunch of points off just for things she said she wanted worded differently. If you have to take her class I'd recommend emailing her and asking her opinion on assignments as well as going to the writing center. Love her as a person but she will def make you work for the A so just be careful.
William Pittman

Expecting an A
This is probably the easiest english 101 course you can take at UMD, largely because of how great pittman is as a professor. He simplifies writing and makes it clear what he expects from you for every assignment. I would definitely recommend taking pittman. As a side note, this class focuses on a book called "What the Buddha Taught" for a few assignments so just know that going in.
William Pittman

Expecting an A
Pittman's class just makes sense. Little to no homework. Makes the most of class time. Explains exactly what he wants for every assignment. This class is just a joy to go to and learn in. You will not regret taking Professor Pittman.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
Best ENGL101 professor.
Katherine Joshi

As a STEM major, I picked this class because it met once a week and I figured with my schedule of hard STEM classes that this would be easier for me. It was not. I personally thought that she graded everything very harshly. Her response time to grading papers and giving feedback was poor and took forever which made improving your grade hard as most assingments and papers built off the previous. She does respond to emails promptly (although I did have to ask her a few times and she told me she completely forgot) and is willing to meet outside of class time to go over questions that you might have. I think if you like English and are willing to put in a lot of effort this class would be good for you but if you are looking to get an easy A in English101 I do not suggest this class.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
Prof. Pramschufer is so so nice and she really wants all of her students to succeed. There are like 5 different writing assignments and they aren't that bad because they all build on each other. When I say utilize the professor utilize her, she holds office hours and she is willing to meet with you whenever to go over your essay. She will read through your essay and make edits before it due multiple times to help you get a good grade. I will say Prof. Pramschufer is a strict grader when it comes to the essays that's why you should defiantly use office hours to get help. Overall, she was a great professor and I would 100% take her again and I would recommend her to future students. Oh also there is a recommended textbook but you can find it as a PDF online for free so I wouldn't get waste the money on the textbook.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
Professor Skudrna is a great professor for ENGL101. He is thougtful, engaging, welcoming, and friendly and he is always going to help you be the best that you can be. Fair warning, his class does include a lot of work, so be prepared to spend a couple hours a week on different weeks working on major assignments. However, he is incredibly helpful when it comes to questions or comments about major assignments, and I 100% recommend meeting with him before you submit any final drafts. This way, you can have the guy who is grading your paper a chance to look over your paper before you officially submit it. I truly recommend Radford as an ENGL101 professor, you cannot go wrong by taking his class.
Sara Faradji

Very chill teacher and has the student's best interests in mind
Lara Payne

Expecting an A
Lara is a nice professor, but her personality and method of teaching would get a little annoying sometimes. She would try to be woke, but then make a comment (usually directed towards a student) that could be rude or unnecessary. Also, a lot of the time class felt like a waste of time because we wouldn't actually do anything substantial, just have discussions with a partner that she would usually interrupt every two minutes. I appreciated how she tried to make the workload easier on us by cutting short unnecessary parts of assignments in order to pull higher quality work out of us, which I think worked. Also, if you are in person she requires you to print out every paper you submit, which is extremely inconvenient for a college student living on campus most of the time. Overall, the class wasn't that bad and I was able to get through, but I would not take it again.
Katherine Joshi

Prof. Joshi is one of the nicest professors at UMD. She responds to emails quickly and considers her students the most to help them. Just to be clear, I am majoring in biological sciences: physiology and neurobiology with a premed track and taking courses to consider double majoring in Chemistry in the future. I had her for ENGL 101, and I know that I didn't put much effort to write the papers than other students because I really didn't have much time (this is not an excuse, you will know if you are double majoring in a STEM field), but I tried my best to not fall behind. So, my grade for every paper that I wrote is between B- to B+. All I am saying is that if you are a STEM major and if you are taking more than 16 credits, I do not recommend taking her class. But, if you do have a lot of time to write papers and go to the writing center and all, then take her class.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
The class was pretty straight forward and she likes to help out her students! Her class is pretty boring but idk how exciting ENGL 101 would be in general... Nice lady and wants people to participate and have fun. I took it on Zoom which was kind of a drag but it probably depends on the person. We also only met MW but she gave us online work to do every Friday which I found annoying but it was usually simple and quick. Not the best but probably not the worst!
Andy Yeh

Decent guy, but too much work for ENGL101. Among the many other professors that teach this class, Yeh should be your last option. His grading is too harsh on students for an English 101 class. The assignments are beyond what should be expected if English 101. I could not catch a break this entire semester in his class, and as a stem major with incredibly demanding classes, I found this class to be my biggest source of stress. Yeh may be a nice guy, but please do not take him if you can avoid him.
Andy Yeh

Andy is a harsh grader. He is treating this like an ENGL400 class. He is a great guy, but if you want an easy A, this class is definitely not for you
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A
The sweetest and best English professor I have had in my life! The class was 1 day asynchronous on Tuesdays and 1 day in-person on Thursdays. She was very understanding with her students, she frequently extends paper deadlines if the class expresses a need for them. As long as you submit assignments before she grades them, she won't mark them late, and even if it is multiple days late she would only take off 10-20% if you do not submit them on time. Class time typically consists of the class discussing current events, her teaching some terms and strategies for your papers, and peer reviews. Her papers are the primary focus of the class and are graded very generously, where she focuses on the structure, organization, effort, and completeness of your paper. This is honestly amazing because many English teachers typically have subjective biases and grade papers unfairly if they do not like what you say. Prof. Waugh is amazing and gives very insightful advice on writing and is one of my favorite teachers at UMD.
Andy Yeh

Expecting a B-
First and foremost I think Andy is a chill person, and outside the classroom seems like a great guy. Yet, I cannot get behind the fact that he treats ENGL101 as though I am trying to achieve a doctorate in English. Lots and lots of assignments, after you are done with a big paper you will have to write even more for a reflection post after for example. He is very nit picky on assignments and tells you he will knock off points on the tiniest things that many ENGL101 professors would go over and not think about. Many people in my section have voiced their distaste in his grading. He is not one to give out A's which is fair, and yes he gives very honest feedback. yet, there comes a point where you have to stop and think about whether it is worth the time to be this nit picky on a gen-ed course that everyone has to take, and everyone should be getting a good grade on. To be honest ENGL101 is not the priority for anyone taking the class, and I think he takes it over the edge with his grading, a 100 level gen-ed course should never be this hard. That all being said, you are better off finding another professor, avoid him if you want ENGL101 to be one of your least priorities and you want to just knock it out.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Trust me. TAKE HIM
Michael Dignan

Expecting a B+
Honestly if you just want to get ENGL101 done with, this is your guy. You can attend each one of his lecture without taking a single note and still pass the class. Dignan would just talk nonsense within his whole lecture and did not really require us to do the reading that was assigned. Just do the work and look at the rubric and you should be fine.
Andy Yeh

Chill guy, however, he assigns us a LOT of work. These take form in papers, readings, projects and discussion posts. On top of that, Andy is a pretty harsh grader, especially towards students that aren't particularly the best writers. He seems kinda stubborn to give out As. One thing that I liked about Andy is he facilitated meaningful discussions and gave very honest feedback compared to other English professors that just give out free As.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
BEST PROFFESOR!!! I have never gotten an A in any English class before, and I received an A+ in his class. This was not due to him being an easy grader (although he was not particularly harsh), but it was due to how resourceful and helpful he was. I have never met anyone that cared for their students more. He is always available (and encouraging) for office hours, and will give you significant help with your paper. I hate English, but I am taking another English class just to have him again
Norrell Edwards

Expecting an A+
Awful teacher
Erin Green

Expecting an A+
Erin Green was a great professor and his ENGL101 class was both interesting but also very laid back.
Cecilia Smith

Expecting an A
I highly recommend taking her class. She is understanding and flexible.
Erin Green

Expecting an A+
I love them. Made Engl101 so brain dead easy, which was awesome for me considering I had way more stressful classes to worry about. Don't get me wrong, they give good feedback on your writing assignments and are a good professor. What made me love their class is how nonchalant it is, and how stress free. Recommend 10/10 if you can get them.
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting a B+
Prof G was awesome! He does not give you lots of unnecessary work, instead letting you focus on the actual papers and projects that matter. He can be a little wonky in class, but he is always helpful and does not set unrealistic expectations. I love this guy.
Caroline Rothrock

Expecting an A
Very nice and understanding! Also an easy grader
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A-
Mr. Lucci is the best English professor you could ask for at UMD! He is extremely thorough with his instructions, gives plenty of time for assignments, and is extremely understanding with giving extra time on assignments as long as you give him adequate notice. His office hours are also very helpful and I was able to improve my writing tons with his feedback. definitely look to take ENGL 101 with professor Lucci if given the chance.
Emily Flamm

Expecting an A
Professor Flamm is an okay teacher. I personally did not like her teaching style. It seems like she would teach us a complex thing for a day then give us a project/ paper or confusing assignment on it. For the majority of the class I felt confused about the content and did not feel like I was really learning to learn something. Just learning to get the class done. Professor Flamm was a very nice, if you needed a day or so extension she would be very understanding. I did not completely understand her grading style. She left nice comments but did not give me much feedback on how I could improve. Her class was 2 days in person and 1 day asynchronous work. Depending on the asynchronous assignment, it would take 15 minutes to an hour or more.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
I hate english. Well... hated. I was so afraid to take a college level english course because I dreaded writing all throughout highschool. But now I feel pretty confident as a writer and have a newfound appreciation for writing. Dr. Dave is so easy going and stress-free. He changed my outlook on english classes. Also he pushes back deadlines a lot which is a lifesaver. Take his class.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
I’ve hated english all my life but Dr. Dave made it great. He always extended deadlines for papers, and always gave criticism in a logical manner. In this class, you will be choosing an unresolved issue and will be writing about this issue for the entirety of the semester. My only recommendation for this class is to choose an ongoing issue that you are actually passionate about, whether it be environmental, political, etc.
Anthony Batts

There are a few activities and feedback that I found to be unhelpful for my following assignments or personal improvement, but overall Batts provides reasonable grading and does his best to find what methods will help out the students the most. He would also frequently let us out early. Batts is nice and understanding, especially when you turn in some assignments late. The workload may be heavy at times, and you have to start at a reasonable pace. Despite this I can't find any other professor who would offer a lighter workload, especially when Batts slightly adjusted the requirements a couple of times for our benefit. Don't be afraid to reach out to him for clarification or help.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
TAKE HIS CLASS! Although I've only taken one of his classes, he makes the class very easy and its almost IMPOSSIBLE to get anything below a B. I'm not a fan of English and was dreading taking it, but he made classes really enjoyable even in an online format. If you need an extension for an assignment for ANY reason, just email him and he will grant it. He really emphasizes communication so as long as you give him a heads up on things, he will be more than helpful to accommodate things. He grades really easily as well. Honestly, this was the class I spent the least time studying and doing work for but I still didn't have any issues with my grade. Can't recommend him enough.
Michael Dignan

Expecting a B+
Great guy.
Anthony Batts

Expecting an A-
Dr. Batts is a nice guy and an interesting person but he gave more assignments than necessary (they weren't hard but took time and there were like 2+ a week) and graded fairly. He's flexible on turning in assignments late and sometimes let us out early. Dr. Batts tried to get to know his students through 1 on 1 meetings and made lectures go by fast through different assignments and groupwork. However if you don't like writing you might want a professor who gives less work.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Very lenient professor. I doubt you'll do poorly in this class as long as you put in some level of effort in since he goes out of his way to make you succeed. The class itself is pretty boring though, but that has nothing to do with the professor. You can be the best professor in the world and can't make this class interesting.
Shannon Zellars Strohl

Expecting an A-
Professor Zellars Strohl is an excellent professor. She's not strict and she is very lenient on grading. I've known classmates who would turn in assignments WEEKS late and she would grade as normal. Although you will never get a 100% in her class (because she never gives out 100s from my understanding), it's almost impossible to get lower than a B- unless you totally don't do the work. Her peer reviews and comments are very useful when improving your work and can definitely change your writing for future assignments. If you do get her, have fun but don't slack off.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A-
She is funny and responsive to student issues. The readings and online coursework aren't too bad, for the most part she keeps it interesting.
Kiera Wolfe

Expecting an A-
This class was really interesting and as long as you complete your assignments on time you should do well. Professor Wolfe was really kind and made sure you understood what was going on in class.
John Rendeiro

Expecting a B+
The most decent, human, and caring professor ever. Wants to see you succeed, and gives the right amount of specific feedback to help make it happen. Does a great job at providing building blocks for the final project. Loved JCR!
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Very nice guy and he makes his lectures interesting and entertaining. Though the content can be boring, it can be important for the assignment you are working on. He graded reasonably, and you'll get an A if you write your papers using the techniques and organization that he teaches you for that assignment. There is a decent more amount of work than I anticipated, but he is a good teacher, and I'd recommend taking him.
Katherine Hansen

Expecting an A
Hansen is an incredibly kind and very considerate professor. Her class is a little boring but not to her fault, the ENG101 curriculum is simply very basic and at times boring as it is mostly tied to the basics of writing. She is very understanding and will give extensions as long as the student asks for one. She is a newer teacher and does follow the textbook very closely, but allows technology in class and is not a harsh grader (doesn't give 100 on major writing assignments-- 98 is the highest you can get). I recommend taking her class though.
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
He's a great guy and really understanding. He genuinely cares about his students and will give you every opportunity to do well in this class. The workload isn't too bad and he is a generous grader. My only complaint would be that his lectures can be long and not very interactive. But honestly, it isn't too bad.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A+
He is very flexible with assignment due dates and grades. He gives constructive feedback to all our essays. His essays are pretty straightforward with clear criteria. He makes writing so much easier to organize and helped me improve my writing. I am pretty sure that he gave out relatively fewer essay assignments than most other ENGL101 professors. His class is one of the few English classes that are blended. In his class, you only need to come twice per week, you have a short discussion assignment once per week. Like the earlier reviews have said, Dr. Dave is easy-going and approachable especially during office hours. I would recommend anyone to take his classes even aside from ENGL101.
Amanda Allen

Expecting an A-
Good professor, this is a subject I struggle in but had to take for the gen ed but was able to make it through with an A-. One major help was that the biggest assignment was before break, so while everyone else had to do it on top of all the other big final papers in the end, we were basically done before Thanksgiving. Blended was also great, only had to go in once a week with a short assignment the other day.
Mariko Carson

Dr. Carson is overall a nice professor, but can be frustrating at times. She is very kind to her students and tries her best to keep her class both engaging and relevant to our generation. Compared to other professors, Dr. Carson had 6 major assignments (as well as warm ups and minor assignments in between) and boy will it take up your time. Each week, it felt like there was always something to do and it felt really rushed. Other professors (from what I heard) only had to do half of what we did. The mini assignments and warm-ups are easy points but some of them were an overwhelming amount of work for a mere four points or less. Carson goes over some techniques of “effective writing” for assignments, but when it boils down to what she expects of you to do, the lines can be blurred and it is really up to your interpretation. I think the most frustrating part of Carson’s class was how late she puts in the grades. Even after the first semester is officially done, she still only has half of our grades in so it is hard to gauge how well we are doing in the class. Very frustrating. One of Carson’s strong suits, however, is her effective communication with the class. There were times where she allowed extensions and due dated became flexible (sometimes for the whole class, most times for individuals) but I would not rely on that too much. Overall, Carson is an ok professor. Definitely not the worst, but has room for improvement in her class and teaching skill
Nicole Cuffy

Expecting an A
She is a true professional, yet caring and intellectual. Don't worry about grades because she cares more about your ideas and understanding of the assignment. She truly cares about the writing process and the success of her students. She made her classroom feel like a space where we could learn and be ourselves. I would totally love to have her for professional writing after taking ENGL101 with her!
Bianca Licitra

Expecting an A
They are extremely approachable and want you to succeed. That being said, they are a very harsh grader for the major writing assignments so take the time to receive feedback from them. I don't recommend the writing center to succeed in this class as Bianca is very particular about how they grade. Deadlines were flexible and the class is set up so it is hard to fail. As long as you do every assignment you will receive at least a B.
Caroline Rothrock

Expecting an A-
Great teacher, always available for help if you need it. Work isn't difficult and grades very fairly.
Kiera Wolfe

Expecting a B+
This teacher graded participation based on attendance. I got sick three times this semester. Luckily it wasn't covid any of the times but I emailed her and told her I was sick and she still knocked points off of my grade for being absent. It feels like a double standard because the university asks us not to go to class or be around other people if we have covid symptoms or are sick yet when we follow those rules, we get punished for it by our grades. I really did not like this teacher or the way the class was set it up. I don't think I actually got better at writing either. The class had three small research projects, a presentation in front of the class (5 min), 4 essays, and a final project where you propose a solution to an issue you are passionate about. I highly recommend staying away from this professor, there are so many other options, there must be one that is more reasonable.
Cameron Mozafari

Expecting an A-
Dr.Mozafari is a great teacher, he does a good job in all his classes to engage the class and make sure that students are doing well and doing their work. He is very accomodating to course difficulty and often changes the rubrics if students think it is too hard, you just have to ask him. He is also very kind in offering extensions for the whole class and relieving stress. He makes sure you are doing well in class by asking about your mental health and checking up on you and giving your response changes the assignment due dates to help you. However, I would say that he is a picky grader and grades the essays with more focus and difficulty than other professors might. Other than that, he is a great professor and I would recommend taking him again.
Brian Davis

Expecting an A
Best professor ever. He is the most laid back, reasonable, and respectable professional I have ever had.
Anthony Batts

Good Professor. The contact taught in class is helpful for assignments. He is also very accommodating and easy to talk to regarding assignments.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
Not a fan. I took this class online Spring 2021, so that might have contributed. She didn't answer emails. She took a VERY long time time to grade our assignments and the lectures were rather dull. She did grade me fairly though, but she left little feedback. At one point, we had to create a website, and we had to learn how to create it ourself cause she had no clue. She seems like a nice person, but not a great professor.
Bianca Licitra

Expecting an A+
This class was a nice break from my STEM classes and she worked with students to set the due dates for assignments and was very understanding and overall was great. I would highly recommend Bianca, especially hearing how others talk about their English professors.
William Pittman

Expecting an A
Pittman is the GOAT! Go to his office hours if you're struggling. He really helped me. I learned a lot and actually enjoyed the readings he assigned for homework. Learn essay structure because that is how he grades. Overall, the A was not easy to achieve... he is a tough grader but his comments are very helpful.
Amanda Allen

The class is blended which is extremely nice. The days where you are asynchronous you have a mini assignment to do, which never takes more than the class period. On the writing assignments, she gives good feedback and is available for office hours outside of this if you want more in depth feedback. She is a little bit of a hard grader, but as long as you take time and put in the work, you will be fine. If you are willing to put in work to get a good grade, I highly recommend taking Engl 101 with Professor Allen.
Sabrina Islam

She really loves to get to know her students, however, can be harsh in grading compared to when talking to her in class. She takes quite a while to grade anything, as it is coming to the end of the semester with 2 major assignments still not graded. I would take it with her again, but note that you need to put a lot of effort into the papers.
Anthony Batts

Expecting a B+
Pretty nice professor who is chill. Sometimes we get out early from class. You are allowed to skip 4 classes without losing credit which is nice. The lectures he gives are pretty helpful in terms of content. The only negative is that we do not receive very much feedback from our final projects other than a filled out rubric which makes it difficult to learn from our mistakes. Other than that, I would recommend this professor.
Erica Cochran

Definitely take her if you can! Easy homework with in class exercises to review the homework. At the beginning of class, the homework may feel like a waste of time (some are) but you will realize that a lot of the critical readings are preparing you for the papers you will write. The Academic Summary, Rhetorical Analysis, and Position Paper are the notable assignments. She gives you decent time to prepare and get a good grade. Before the due date, there will always be an in class "workshop" in which you will peer review another persons paper which is very helpful. Professor Cochran is a great human who is flexible and understanding. Take her for sure.
Sabrina Islam

Really nice as a person, not that great of a grader a little too harsh. The classes don't really help just look at the assignment details and you should be fine. if you can't turn in on time shes really nice about it but I would let her know before
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
He's possibly one of the most understanding and respectful teachers you can find on campus. The content itself may be boring to some people, but it's English and it's a class about writing, so he's covering what he's required to. Class does have a good amount of writing, but this professor is very lenient. I am thankful that I chose his section for ENGL101.
Michael Kolakoski

Okay, I don't really understand where all these stellar reviews for Kolakoski are coming from. I took several classes that were 400-level or supposedly much more difficult, but Kolakoski's ENGL101 assigned more work than all of them combined. The sheer amount of work he assigned was plain unreasonable - there was something due almost every single day. Sure, he's lenient with deadlines and grades on effort for most of the assignments, but the overall quantity of assignments began to feel like a backlog eventually. He's a pretty harsh grader on the major writing assignments too, of which there are about four or five during the semester. Avoid Kolakoski, take a different professor that won't assign more work than all of your other classes combined.
Amanda Allen

Expecting a B+
Blended class is super nice workload wise. She's really nice and makes the material as engaging as possible. She also gives in-depth feedback on your writing so you know exactly what you did wrong. She also generally helps you a lot with her feedback on the assignments before you start writing and gives good suggestions. The assignments are all well-explained and are all very approachable, I've heard so many things about other English teachers having really shit requirements but Prof. Allen has very reasonable requirements.
Kiera Wolfe

Expecting an A
kiera was a really nice instructor that was very approachable and easy to get along with. her class was pretty chill and as long as you know all your due dates you won't be overwhelmed. there's a lot of group work and you don't get a lot of homework that isn't the main assignments. she's also generous with grades. i'd definitely recommend :)
Amanda Allen

I'm going to start of this review by saying that she is a very nice professor. She clearly cares about her class, and I appreciate that. However, I cannot recommend taking her, largely due to the fact that there are many more English teachers in this school that will be far more lenient in their grading than this professor. If you are looking to have a strong A (as long as effort is put in), then look for another teacher. Allen grades far too harshly, and the low amount of points that each of her assignments is worth leads to your grade fluctuating wildly if you miss even one point on an assignment. It has been an absolute pain to be able to get a decent grade this semester due to this. Your assignments have to be near perfect if you want an A, and quite frankly a course of this type does not deserve to have this much work put into it. Again, nice teacher, but take another teacher. You will have an easier time and be far less worried about being perfect in every assignment.
Zachary Frank

Expecting an A
A super nice, friendly, and caring person. The course is laid out in a way where you essentially start with an A, and keep that A unless you don't do an assignment, miss multiple classes, or very clearly are slacking off. Show up to class and do the assignments and it's basically a guaranteed A. Zach is also a very effective teacher and encourages you to ask him for feedback on assignments. The workload is very manageable. I highly recommend him for ENGL101.
William Pittman

William Pittman is a great professor. This is not your traditional ENGL101 class. He teaches about Buddha's teaching and how it would apply in the real world. He leaves helpful comments on the papers as well. Highly recommend him. Plus he does music on the side.
Lisa Latouche

Expecting an A
Really nice and caring teacher. Very flexible with due dates and any issues regarding assignments.
Caroline Rothrock

Could not recommend more. She's one of the kindest and most relaxed profs you'll ever have. She's passionate about the subject matter and always willing to help clarify anything. She frequently extended deadlines based on class consensus or miscommunication on her part. The papers are easy and the grading is fair and constructive. One of the best English profs I've ever had.
Kristine Morrissey

Overall solid professor, fairly lenient grading which is a plus. The workload was surprisingly light and straightforward overall. Class time is mostly dedicated to going over the various assignments. Would recommend this professor.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A
best english teacher ever. if you go to his office hours he will literally help you write your entire essay and he gives redo's on an essay which helps boost your grade a ton. he cares about his students and i actually learned something from his class. he is so chill and as long as you participate or show you are trying your best you will get an A. unlike the other english teachers, he gives us a ton of extra time on all our assignments because he wants us to do our best and focus on one assignment at a time.
Radford Skudrna

Expecting an A
I'm a STEM major and usually don't enjoy english classes, but Professor Skudrna was engaging, open, and welcoming. He always gives people the opportunity to engage in class but never forces anyone to which I appreciate. He was one of my nicest professors this semester and always brings good energy even if the class seems tired. If you complete the assignments you generally get good scores. I highly recommend taking his class
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
This is a phenomenal professor. He is so flexible with grades and class attendance. He is fun and his office hours are so laid back. He doesn't waste time or your money! I didn't have to buy a textbook. His essays are definitely challenging but if you just talk to him, he will change the due dates to work with you. If you need a freshman professor, he's the best!!!!
Erin Green

Expecting an A+
Literally got an 100. Didn't show up for 3/4 of the class. Grades major assignments 10/10 instead of giving percentages. Literally could not have gotten an easier teacher. They cancelled class half of the time.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
Great teacher! Took Spring 2021 and I think she graded pretty fairly.
Connor Watkins

Expecting an A
Prof Watkins is very easy but very boring. He takes attendance so you can't really skip class. The class itself makes you want to fall asleep, but the homework is relatively light, as you should have no problem getting an A in this class.
Andrew Howard

Honestly, he is a great teacher and always has the energy and passion to teach every day that I was in his classroom. He also is very cool too and helps with essays that someone might be stuck on. Overall good guy
Andrew Howard

Expecting an A+
Prof Howard is very kind and personable. He's really lenient about deadlines if you're having trouble and takes a lot of care with his students. He's always trying to improve his class experience and is always available for questions and review.
Kathleen Orr

Expecting an A+
Amazing teacher! She has improved my writing tremendously and is also energetic and nice. 1
Caroline Rothrock

Expecting an A+
Very understanding and helpful when you need more clarifications on assignments. The work assigned isn't that hard and she works with students and truly wants what's best for them!
John Rendeiro

Expecting an A
Very lax on grading so as long as you turn in your stuff within a day or so of the due date you should easily get a B or above. Don't worry about the homework readings with this guy, as the in-class discussions are not graded and rarely actually involve giving responses to the teacher. He will go on for an hour explaining every minutia to you anyway, so strap in and find some work to do on your laptop during class. Personally, I have been registering for classes, doing homework, doing ENGL101 work (because there is no class time designated to actually complete the assignments), shopping online, etc. Really nice guy and will promptly help with whatever you need. My only poor comment is that the class is boring as heck and you might have to fight nodding off a couple times.
Caroline Rothrock

Expecting an A+
Highly recommend!
Nancy Vera

This instructor grades unnecessarily harshly for a ENGL101 class when students should be focusing on the classes that help them explore their major. An extreme amount of work is given. She seems nice but is insanely strict with late assignments and is only looking for the cookie cutter response to the questions
Kiera Wolfe

Grades on whether you agree with her politics. Extremely chirpy and fake, almost feels like overly passive aggressive. Really disliked this teacher, I would not recommend taking engl from her if you want to feel accomplished and have fun in the class.
Erica Cochran

She's great if you can take her class, do it!
Lisa Latouche

Expecting an A
Very nice lady, really understandable and works with you if you need it. She also gives great feedback, and I truly learned more than I expected.
Alan Montroso

Expecting an A
Great teacher!
William Pittman

Expecting an A
Pittman made the class super interesting and I learned a lot from him. It was not your traditional engl101 class because he taught it through reading a book about Buddhism. I would recommend him highly to any incoming freshman who needs to take an english course. He's also a really friendly guy who loves to tell stories.
Fatima Taha

Expecting an A
Recommend 10/10. This professor is one of the best ones I've ever had. She is very accommodating to student's circumstances, she is also a very lenient grader and offers a lot of feedback that earns you 100% if you apply said feedback. She recommended the textbook, but I only opened that thing once and there are not many reading materials either.
Joshua Weiss

Expecting an A
Dr. Weiss is a fantastic professor! Not only does he readily engage with his students, but it is clear that he cared about all of us. He is also funny and his class is fun to attend. I didn't think I needed English 101 but he taught me that I can't just phone in my essays anymore. I cannot recommend him enough.
Cheryl Spinner

Expecting an A
Dr. Spinner was a nice professor and wanted to make sure you turned in your work when it was at its best so she would give extensions if you needed it. However, personally, I didn't learn much from her and had to learn everything on my own, with very poor writing experience. I feel like she would do better in an in-person semester but she was not the best in an online environment. Also, I didn't know where I stood with my grade until after finals.
Nicole Cuffy

Expecting an A+
Hands down the best ENGL101 professor at UMD. She cares so much for her students and grades nice, and provides excellent feedback.
Gail Upchurch

Expecting an A+
She is so so sweet! She was seriously the best professor - extremely understanding and receptive of her students. As long as you write about a topic you are passionate about, you're pretty much guaranteed to get an A+. I was nervous to take a college level English because I never took AP in high school, but she made it so do-able. I would definitely recommend her over any other professor for ENGL101!
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
As other people had said, love Dr.Dave's class. -He doesn't over lecture. -pushes deadlines all the time to give students more time work on papers -easy-going and approachable -flexible office hours -assignments are relatively easy (other than the actual big papers which just take awhile to do) -Some things I would say that aren't great about him is that he is a VERY SLOW grader. He takes forever to give back feedback. This can be annoying and stressful because the big papers you work on in this class have to do with one another. So he says he'll give back feedback on Tuesday and never does. Yeah would recommend and get put on waitlist (I was on waitlist I think I was #12 and ended up getting a spot so I would try it anyways)
Melvette Davis

Expecting an A-
Did not give clear feedback on essays and project grades, but the homework was manageable.
Claudia Rojas

Expecting an A+
shes the goat
Amanda Allen

Expecting an A-
Professor Allen is extremely caring and respectful. She never loaded us with work (like the horror stories I heard from my friends in other ENGL101 classes) and she is great in office hours. I needed help narrowing my topic and finding a good angle, and she gave me good advice. She has "assignment sheets" for assignments that clearly lay out what she wants, and the assignments are never too much. I say she is very fair and it has been enjoyable.
Jonathan Reyes

Expecting an A-
Great guy! And young too, so he basically tries to understand.
Nabila Hijazi

Expecting an A
Professor Hijazi is an amazing professor. Her class is interesting and it is easy to understand her lessons. She always provides feedback and offers help which has definitely improved my writing this semester. She won't give you a free A+, but if you work hard and put in effort you will definitely get consistent As. Also, make sure to participate in the discussion posts and assignments because they are all completion grades and will help you get easy points. If her class is available, TAKE HIJAZI!
Erica Cochran

Expecting an A-
A really great professor. She gives reading assignments and explains the material to prepare you for each of the major assignments for the course. She also gives really good feedback, and I definitely noticed my writing improve through her class
Jonathan Reyes

Expecting an A
Super awesome! He is very understanding and a great teacher. He takes interest in what you're doing and he's young so he relates and is really cool.
Gail Upchurch

Expecting an A+
She's the BEST! Prof. Upchurch is super understanding especially in regards to students' mental health and COVID-related stress. She's an excellent teacher and used engaging projects to help us work on our skills and make better arguments in writing. I liked her class a lot
Nabila Hijazi

Expecting an A
Professor Hijazi taught things clearly. Everything was structured. I enjoyed the course and the line of thinking. She was always helpful and understanding.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A+
Literally the most chill dude you'll ever meet. Gave honest, constructive feedback and made his instructions clear. This class was a great experience with him.
Elizabeth Nonemaker

Expecting an A
You can tell Professor Nonemaker really cares about her students! She is nice, understanding, and teaches class in a way that is engaging (as much as online classes can be), and honestly tries to improve your writing. She gives good feedback and the work is definitely manageable. I highly recommend her!
Konstantinos Pozoukidis

Expecting an A
Kos genuinely wants you to be successful in this class—he gave really good constructive criticism early on and throughout the process of the writing the final paper and was very helpful in office hours. Very approachable and personable, and a lenient grader.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A-
Prof. Pramschufer is very sweet. She’s very forgiving and her TA, Roya is very nice and understanding. The class has a pretty heavy/ moderate work load depending on what other classes you’re taking because you can get a little over whelmed with all of the essays and assignments in addition to your other courses. the class is pretty straight forward, especially if you took AP english in high school. Professor Pramschufer, as well as her TA are always willing to help and answer questions which is good. I would definitely recommend visiting their office hours a lot because Professor is very strict about what she wants to see on your essays, especially with exigence, cohesion, and works cited pages.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
GOAT. good luck getting him tho, gotta be quick. Man wants to work with the students, not work the students.
Virginia Butler

Expecting an A
grading was fair and she is a very nice person
Gerard Holmes

Expecting an A+
Stand up guy. He accommodated students well during the pandemic, was easy to communicate with, fast response time, all that. The course load was sometimes overwhelming and it felt like we barely had any time. But besides that, he was super nice and made it manageable.
Gerard Holmes

Expecting an A+
Really great guy. I took his course online. He really cares and understands that students have personal things going on in their lives too so he'll help you with assignments and deadlines.
Hannah Beilenson

Expecting an A
Super helpful during office hours and she makes sure that everyone is comfortable with the assignments given. Has an awesome one-week extension for every assignment except the last one (because grades are due) and as a bonus was understanding if students couldn't make it to class/complete an assignment on election day.
Robert Lucci

Prof. Lucci was an absolutely awesome English teacher for my freshman year. He gives clear and in depth feedback and is super laid back when it comes to giving more time for assignments IF you let him know that you need it. Overall a great teacher to have, make sure you ask for clarity if you need it and be prepared to do weekly readings (textbook)
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A
Super sweet professor! If you are stressed, just tell her, and she will give you an extension! Overall, grading is a little harsh for a 100 level English class, and there are just a lot of assignments over the semester, so make sure you are on top of your work. I would say my writing skills really improved from the beginning of the semester!
Nabila Hijazi

Expecting a B+
Nice teacher and pretty chill class. However, she never gives any good feedback and does not tell you what is wrong with your papers. You will pretty much know your grade after the first assignment.
Alexis Walston

Expecting an A-
Professor Lexi was very encouraging and flexible during the semester. She would go out of her way to make sure the zoom environment was welcoming by asking you to turn on your camera or a topic question at the beginning of class. She did not make us read that much from the textbook, but rather created lectures. I would have given her 5 stars, but some things she graded a little harsh.
Emilee Durand

Expecting an A
She is a very strict or harsh grader. Make sure to proofread all your work at least 10x. A lot of work is busy work also.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A
So nice and caring about his students. He was great with zoom and really understanding about the pandemic, and class is directed towards your interests as well. Best English prof i’ve had
Nia Crawford

Expecting an A-
She doesn’t really explain much of her assignments very well and constantly refers to the book that we spent $70 on but barely utilize. I don’t think anyone actually reads it. She is really helpful when you have a question though. Overall, pretty mixed feelings
Zachary Frank

Enjoyed his class. A great guy and very understanding. He replies to emails very quickly and genuinely wants his students to do well. I highly recommend his class!
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A
Classes are a bit boring, but he is a nice guy and you can tell he cares about his students. He is very flexible and an easy grader. The assignments are fairly tedious though, especially the final paper, but he'll do his best to help you work through it.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A
more like paul goat, enough said
Elizabeth Nonemaker

Expecting a B+
Professor Nonemaker was great! She is very nice, reasonable, cares for her students, and conducts class in a straightforward way. I was so worried about having to take this class since I am not the best writer and Professor Nonemaker made this class easy for me to handle. I would not personally want to take another writing class since I am not huge into writing but she made this class fun for what it is. Great teacher!
Daune O'Brien

Expecting an A
Professor O'Brien was a great professor for ENGL101 and was very understanding if we needed more time for assignments. Due to the pandemic, getting assignments done was harder and motivation was definitely lower. She always managed to keep the class somewhat upbeat and positive and is always willing to help with your writing.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A
Professor Cote's the best. He is super accommodating & understanding, and directs the content and papers so that they're based on your interests. Reading isn't heavy at all either.
Robert Lucci

Expecting an A-
I love Mr.Lucci, he is so supportive and overall a great professor, he makes sure you have loads of extra time and are able to be successful in his class
Aaron Bartlett

Awful professor. Grades hard and is very rude in his comments. Not too much work but would have rather taken a professor that gave more work and graded easier.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr. Dave is such a great teacher. He is so nice and accommodating to all of his students. I would 10/10 recommend taking him. He is so real and understands you have other things going on. He is easy on grading and is always giving out extra points for minimal assignments.
Liam Daley

Expecting an A
I took him over the summer, but he was a very good professor. His classes were asynchronous but he was very appreciative towards anyone who showed up. He provides lots of chances for extra credit and doesn’t give a lot of low grades unless you don’t do the assignment, although he doesn’t seem to give 100s on any major papers judging from the grade distributions. His lectures were kind of rambley but that’s most likely because it’s hard to teach to a computer. He did say that the textbook is required, although all textbook readings were optional so it’s not exactly a necessity. Overall he’s a good professor and the assignments were meaningful.
Peter Witte

Expecting an A
I took this class over summer session 2. He's a pretty easy grader and seemed like a cool guy.
Kathleen Buckley

Expecting a B+
Very nice, the class overall was tougher than it should have been.
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A
Professor Waugh is a great choice for ENGL101. Her class was half online/in-person, which was really nice schedule-wise; the class ran pretty similarly to other ENGL101 classes (pacing), and the grading was relatively fair. I think the main plus about the class was Professor Waugh. She's always very pleasant and is willing to meet and talk with students about any issues in class. She was very understanding during the coronavirus pandemic and adjusted the class schedule to lighten the course load for her students. You honestly cannot go wrong with taking her course!
Nicole Cuffy

Expecting an A
she's a brilliant professor who cares about her students. she made engl101 meaningful but manageable. she wants students to succeed so as long as you put effort into your essays, you will do well.
Amanda Allen

Expecting an A-
Prof Allen is great! She is extremely understanding to any student issues and manages to make a boring class enjoyable to come to. She never overworks her students and the class is very easygoing, but you still learn a lot. Definitely one of the better professors to take english from.
Kappa Danielson

Expecting an A
She's one of the nicest professors and always gives great feedback on all the drafts. If you just follow her feedback on drafts you'll do fine on all of the assignments. She's a very fair grader.
John MacIntosh

Expecting an A-
Very energetic and enthusiastic. Flexible with his assignments as needed for the students' benefits. The class is not difficult, just tedious. The assignments are relatively and easy and well spaced out, and the final project begins as small assignments each consecutive assignments builds on the prior assignment, culminating in cool website project. He does grade a slightly harder than I would expect, but that is a personal opinion.
Max Lasky

Expecting an A
Lasky is simply an amazing professor! He is easily approachable, understanding with deadlines, and doesn't make the class stressful at all.
Elizabeth Benton

Expecting an A
Okay so here's the thing- she has really high energy which is good for staying awake in a last FC class. She's not the easiest ENGL101 teacher but she's pretty fair. She's a little disorganized even though she tries to be organized. She's mostly forgiving and you can always meet with her to go over a paper and she'll help you improve it. Like with any course, if you need help you need to seek it. However, she's just not the easiest or most chill professor so it's hard to look back on the class with a super positive experience. It wasn't bad, just not good. A shimmer above "fine."
Marina Seamans

Expecting an A+
Great! Super easy!
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr. Brookshire is an amazing person. He truly understands that we are busy students with other obligations as well. His deadlines are fair and he works hard to be available for students during office hours and outside appointments. There's a lot of small grades throughout the semester that will help carry you when the real papers come. There were 2 long essays that we wrote in class with multiple activities that lead up to them to help us get the best grade possible. The 2 essays go hand in hand, so it wasn't so tedious. Also, we got to choose our topic, so it was more fun to write. At the end of the semester, we made websites out of our topics, which is a lot of work but it's much better than writing another essay. He is also one of the only professors that don't require purchase of the ENGL101 book, which saves you $100 !
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dr. Brookshire is an amazing person. He truly understands that we are busy students with other obligations as well. His deadlines are fair and he works hard to be available for students during office hours and outside appointments. There's a lot of small grades throughout the semester that will help carry you when the real papers come. There were 2 long essays that we wrote in class with multiple activities that lead up to them to help us get the best grade possible. The 2 essays go hand in hand, so it wasn't so tedious. Also, we got to choose our topic, so it was more fun to write. At the end of the semester, we made websites out of our topics, which is a lot of work but it's much better than writing another essay. He is also one of the only professors that don't require purchase of the ENGL101 book, which saves you $100 !
Amanda Allen

Expecting an A-
As a freshman in a blended ENGL101 class, I'm pretty glad I took it with Professor Allen. She is a very nice and easy-to-approach person who does her best to make her class interesting. Her assignments were usually less stressful than those I heard about assigned by other ENGL101 professors. She is a fair grader and if you check her grade distribution you'll see that most students receive in the A to B range. She definitely has the best interests of her students in mind. Overall, if you have the option to take her from ENGL101 and are willing to put effort into your work, I would recommend her.
Sabrina Islam

Expecting an A-
Nice and lenient but a bit of a harsh grader in my opinion. Maybe writing just isn't for me though.
Kelsey Kerr

I had Professor Kerr this semester for ENGL101. Her class was one of my favorite classes this semester, since she found a way to make the material engaging and interesting by encouraging in-class discussions. She can grade a little hard but I highly recommend attending office hours if you're feeling unsure bout the assignments in the class. Also, we had a few pop quizzes throughout the semester, but if you do the reading and review it a little bit before class you should be fine. Overall, one of my favorite professors I've had. Highly recommend.
Elizabeth Benton

Expecting a C+
This professor is an extremely tough grader. She has a very specific writing style that she expects her students to conform to. It’s a difficult class to get an A in. She also takes attendance every class.
Samantha O'Connor

Expecting an A
really nice and helpful. tries to get everyone to understand what's required to do well and wants students to succeed. i especially love how excited she gets when we get what shes talking about
Nahid Ahmadian

Expecting a B+
Really sweet professor, but the class itself has many issues. Assigns readings that we then read again in class and discuss (redundant), class is boring. Asks unnecessary questions about the readings, that have nothing to do at all. She also has many grammatical errors and spellings in her own work when this is an English class (you would not expect a math professor to mess up 2+2), and class is somewhat unstructured. She grades pretty well and is a very sweet person to talk to but not as a professor.
Ayesha Shibli

Expecting an A-
Great teacher, easy to connect with and talk to. However, she might chose to pick on you throughout the year. But overall, I would recommend Ayesha as a teacher :)
Matthew Cascio

Expecting an A+
Best ENGL101 teacher. 10 free skip days before he cared. I got 100s on all but 2 assignments, which were high 90s. Finished the class with a 96, wrote the 8-page position paper the night before it was due. He was 100% worth the 8 am.
Tricia Raysor

Expecting an A-
Very nice teacher. English has always been my worst subject and I hated participating in any class but I was never shy in this class and liked the assignments. She grades fairly and is extremely approachable. She answers questions fast in person and through email.
Grace Kwon

Compared to other lecturers, Kwon is really tough and pedantic when it comes to grading writing assignments. That being said, that would not be such a bad thing if her teaching quality and composure paralleled her "leave no prisoners" grading style, but that's not the case. Her passion for the students is paralleled only by her propensity to be disorganized and prone to stress, which tends to come off poorly in her teaching and assignments. Office hours (which she is pretty generous with, I'll give her that) are a MUST if you want a grade that'll make you not contemplate getting a rope necklace from Home Depot.
Emily Lyons

Expecting an A
Funny, easy to talk to and thoroughly engaging.
Brandy Williams

Expecting an A
One of the coolest TAs I've ever had. She gives very detailed feedback for all the assignments (so your writing actually improve s) and is wittily funny. My impression is that ENGL101 is a boring Gen Ed for most - not the case if you take Ms. Williams' class. Oh, and she explains MLA 8 very well.
Rakia Khalid

Expecting a B+
Professor Khalid is just about the last professor I'd ever recommend anyone to take for ENGL101. Her tone in class seemed sweet at first, but I found it over time to change and become more elitist, condescending, and overall just rude. Classes were dreadfully boring, with Professor Khalid doing literally nothing to engage her students, and her lessons were so dry and unhelpful that I considered not going to class probably every day. When it comes to grading, I found Khalid's grades incredibly unfair, as her standards were set so high it seemed impossible to get anything above a B+. I received the high score, or just below it on most major grading assignments, yet I'm still sitting at a B hoping for a B+, but I really don't have any idea where I'll end. This brings me to my next point, that Professor Khalid takes FOREVER to grade even small assignments like a 300 word summary. Took her almost a month to release grades, which is ridiculous. It's the end of the semester now, and I'm still missing grades on THREE major assignments, two of which were due weeks ago. I know you're not supposed to talk about teachers grading with bias, but this must be mentioned about Professor Khalid. She once told me (after I had inquired about my grade in the class) that she has much higher expectations for me than my classmates, and therefore grades my assignments with a more difficult lens. WHAT? Not only did she ADMIT to me that she was biased, but she told me that she's grading my assignments harder than everyone else's! If anything is to be taken away from this, it's that Professor Khalid is unprofessional, unqualified, and frankly unlikeable, and therefore she should not be allowed to continue teaching ENGL101.
Daniel Quimby

Expecting a B-
Good guy, really cares about the curriculum and English language. Very hard grader, expects way too much out of the papers. But is very helpful when you meet with him during office hours.
Kappa Danielson

Expecting an A
Awesome professor, very young so she's very into it and wants to help you a lot. She also gives great feedback on rough drafts which make your final draft a pretty solid grade. Defo would take
Kiyanna Hill

Terrible at time management and didnt recive my first grade back till almost 3/4 of the semester is over. Not even grades that were for completion were put in. Always cancels class though, so thats good I guess.
Daniel Quimby

Expecting an F
Extremely hard grader
Michael Colson

Expecting an A
Accommodating when necessary. Clear lectures. Comprehensive feedback on writing assignments. Very helpful during office hours. Fair grade (Maybe even a little light for the final paper).
Daniel Kason

Expecting an A-
TOUGH GRADERGRADED BY FEW THINGSSO MANY PAPERS Humanities in general is not my strong suit, and I genuinely believe that I became a better writer through this class. However, I did find his grading to be on the harsh side, especially for a gen ed. To get an A, you need a 94% in the class, but the highest grade he ever gives out is a 96%. I would try to take someone else, but he's alright. In terms of course difficulty, I would give it a 3.5/5 because the coursework itself is moderately easy, but his grading system definitely adds more stress.
Jeannette Schollaert

Expecting a B-
Garbage. Doesn’t even know was the ranges of grades are. Stay away unless you are very liberal or willing to go against your beliefs to tell her what she wants to hear
Michael Kolakoski

Expecting an A
Very good teacher. His expectations are clear, he responded to emails quickly even when having a baby, and his feedback is very helpful. He definitely helped me improve my writing skills. Also I was scared that he would be a tough grader, but he really wasn't?
Michael Kolakoski

Expecting an A
Mike's a great professor. He is very clear about his expectations for each essay, and he gives very detailed outlines/examples of what he wants to see in the assignments. Make sure you attend lecture regularly to catch his notes and helpful tips when writing essays. MAKE SURE YOU GO TO OFFICE HOURS FOR EVERY LITTLE QUESTION. I cannot stress this enough. Mike cares a lot about the effort students put in. You can be an amazing writer, and the kid next to you might be an average writer, but if Mike sees the other kid put more work in, regularly attend lecture, go to office hours, etc, then that kid will get the higher grade. Mike is very friendly and gives great feedback at office hours and it is your one-on-one time to really improve your essay. With that being said, he is a hard grader, but if you put the work in and actively engage yourself in class as much as possible, you will be successful! Mike may seem intimidating at first, but don't let that scare you. Side note for all professors of ENGL101: if you go to the writing center for help, they will email your professor letting them know you can came in. This is a great way to show your professor that you are putting in solid effort outside of class for a big assignment.
Kerishma Panigrahi

Expecting an A
She's very nice. A little tough of a grader at the beginning of the semester, but truly wants to help you improve your writing. Show up to class, its engl101 so yes it may be a bit boring sometimes, but worth going to build a good relationship with her.
Cheryl Spinner

Expecting an A
Dr. Spinner is a great professor, and if you're interested in learning how to improve your writing I do recommend taking her sections. She is very willing to listen to student's concerns and office hours are a huge help for critiquing your essays throughout the year.
Rakia Khalid

Expecting a B+
I put in considerable time and effort into the class, and so very little back from the professor teaching this course. She was incredibly unprofessional in regards to how she handled the class. For example, this course is all about revising and improving your work, how is that in any way possible when it takes OVER 1 month to receive grades in feedback. This is unacceptable, students have deadlines that we have to abide, how can teachers have this much time to return grades. It is completely unacceptable. I was in no way able to learn from my work because each new major assignment needed to be turned in BEFORE I received the grade and feedback from the previous assignment. Even the academic summary which was a mere 300 words took over 3 weeks to grade! I find this extremely contradictory to what the class is supposed to do. I spent long and late nights working on the papers she assigned and met almost every deadline, but she does not have the respect for her students to turn back grades and feedback in a more timely manner. All it ended up being was busy work after busy work. Along with this, the teacher had the audacity to accuse the class not once, but twice of racially profiling her. She cited reasons as lack of trying or attention in class. To accuse a class of around 20 students of racially profiling her is a testament to this teachers character. She believed that our lack of effort towards the class was rooted in our perception of her race and ethnicity, rather than the more obvious fact of her POOR teaching skills. The fact that we as a class got accused o racially profiling her is deeply concerning and uncomforting and frankly unacceptable. When asked, "When will we receive our final grades" in the third to last class, she responded with her normal bothered attitude, "You will get it when you get it". She runs the class with this very uninviting tone and then claims about how friendly and open she is, which is an absolute fallacy. I have learned absolutely nothing in this course, we used fearless writing, a textbook worth over $100 a bunch of times but gained absolutely nothing from it! It was a waste of money and it's again unacceptable that a mandatory class has a mandatory bok that is not covered within tuition! There are so many things wrong with both the structure of this course and the professor who "taught" it. Taught is in quotes because she did not teach me a single thing. If you create a course based o rewriting and revising your work, either give professors enough time to grade papers so that there is time for learning from our previous work, or hire teachers who can grade in a timely manner. Very disappointed in the professor, and the university for both the structure of the course and their belief that this professor would be a good fit for teaching this class. Will recommend everyone I know to AVOID this professor at all costs.
Sara Faradji

Expecting an A
Great teacher
Peter Grybauskas

Expecting an A-
Haven't finished the semester yet but he is funny and makes the class interesting. There's a moderate amount of work (not much when compared to what I've heard from friends with other professors). If you're unsure of which professer to take for ENGL101 I would definitely reccomend Prof G.
Douglas Kern

Expecting an A
Really wants the best for the students. As long as you do the work, you'll get a good grade.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Super caring professor and knows that his students are taking other challenging courses. Extends deadlines, allows you to rewrite essays and overall just wants you to learn something and do well in class.
Uchechi Okereke-Beshel

Expecting an A+
She is the best! She really cares about her students and wants you to improve. She is willing to put in the time to help you succeed. She is also an easy grader! :)
Justin Lohr

Expecting an A
The good stuff: One of the wisest and knowledgeable professors I've had. Really cares about his subject and cares that his students learn and grow as writers. He is always willing to help and will always work with you to improve your writing skills and confidence. I learned more about writing in his class than any other English class. Really nice and respectful guy. Also cracks some funny jokes in class too. The not so good stuff: He is a tough grader. This is because his standards are high and expects good work from his students. It makes sense because he puts in lots of effort to teaching and expects the same from his students. He gives more homework than the average ENGL 101 professor but it's mostly readings I never bothered to read. Advice: If you work hard, show him you care, and don't procrastinate - you will get the grade you want.
Brian Davis

Expecting an A
You wanna take Mr. Davis for Engl101. He's really laid back, and grades really lightly. Just follow the directions for papers and you'll be guaranteed an A. He also assigns less work than other Engl101 teachers. Makes a lot of jokes in class, and is really great in general.
Brian Davis

Expecting an A+
Awesome guy, great professor. Brian is the man
Fatima Azam

Expecting an A-
Fatima is a friendly person and a decent teacher, but I found the class mind-numbingly boring (through no fault of hers). She is a fair grader and will take the time to help you improve your writing if you take the initiative to meet with her.
Joshua Weiss

Expecting an A-
Joshua Weiss is an excellent teacher and seriously cared about his students improvement. Take his ENGL101 class for fair grading and excellent support.
Valerie Johnson

Expecting an A-
Had her for ENGL101. Do not take her class, very tough/biased grader and overall unfriendly/uncaring demeanor. The vast majority of my class did not like her at all. Would not recommend to anybody at UMD.
Rick Frankos

Expecting a B
Simply terrible! Don't take him whatsoever!!!!!!
Kelsey Kerr

Expecting an A-
One of my favorite professors at UMD! She's great at teaching-- as long as you're willing to put forth a little effort in the class, she'll teach you a ton. Not a harsh grader, but also not an easy grader..
Emilee Durand

Expecting an A
Although, she makes sure her students are comfortable with the material she's teaching, she makes it almost impossible to get a more than decent grade on writing assignments due to her strict grading guidelines (if you're expecting a close to perfect grade on writing assignments, think again and proofread to death). Her lectures aren't the most captivating, but she tries her best and manages to teach what she must.
Daniel Kason

Expecting an A-
Dan is a really nice guy who will push you to improve your writing skills. The class is writing-heavy and probably requires a couple of hours of work per week. If you want to improve your writing skills and have an overall enjoyable ENGL101 experience I would recommend Dan.
Susan Pramschufer

Expecting an A
Though she was a pretty good teacher. I didn't agree with all of her opinions, but the class was good. She'll let you come to her office hours/send her your paper as many times as you want and she'll practically grade it before you turn it in. She was energized and cares about her students. At least for ENG101 she was a really good teacher.
Nabila Hijazi

Expecting an A
Great professor. Really enjoyed her class this semester. I took the blended learning version of her class. 4 or 5 major papers throughout the semester and I knew exactly what was expected for the assignment. There are weekly assignments online, but they are very simple, just tedious. Not many people in my class participated, so it was easy to get points. Be sure to see Mrs. Hijazi during her office hours to receive extra help with assignments. Go to the writing center! She is an assistant director and it means a lot to her... I got an A+ in the class... Just be sure to act like you care in class, do what is asked of you, and improve in your writing throughout the semester! Take Hijazi!
Nabila Hijazi

Expecting a B+
She is a really great professor. If you try hard, she's going to see that and appreciate it. Extremely hard, but she expects you to take your writing seriously as you should. A is never a guarantee so if you're looking for an easy teacher, switch to another class.
Heather McHale

Expecting an A-
Great teacher. She is a fair grader and actually tries to improve your writing. I wish she would diversify her in class readings though since every article we read was about women/feminism.
David Brookshire

Expecting an A
Dude is the man. Funny and easy grader. Go to class, participate, ask him questions, easiest English A you could ask for.
Tod Jones

Expecting an A-
I liked Dr. Jones. He was a very nice guy. Class is a little dry but it's tolerable considering you get out early a lot. Rblood's comment stating he rarely ever went over assignments is completely flawed and ridiculous. They day which we are required to turn in our assignments he reads over the next assignment and asks if there are any questions. He also spend the Rough Draft clinic asking if we have any last minute clarifications which we might need. He always replies to the emails sent and he is very thorough in response.
Elizabeth McClure

Expecting a B
Shes a very nice person, but honestly, I cannot recommend her. Shes very hard to contact out of class and she has very limited office hours. She said she would email us comments on topics for a paper we had to write, but didnt email us until the night before it was supposed to be due. To add insult to injury, she didnt allow extra time to write the paper. The assignments arent very hard, but are usually very confusing. Her assignments are done in parts, and honestly it feels like each part is more confusing than the last one, and she doesnt do a very good job explaining what to do.
Nabila Hijazi

Expecting a B+
She is a genuinely nice teacher, but won't give out free "A"s. If you go to her office hours and show that you are taking her course seriously she will note of it and it can benefit you later. The argumentative papers are actually interesting to write since you write two papers each about opposing stances on a topic. All in all, you have to put a lot of effort into the class but you'll have an ease of mind with her.
Tod Jones

Expecting an A+
Dr. Jones is a nice guy. He is very organized and the classes are predictable. A lot of people say that English 101 classes are all the same but I would disagree. I know a lot of people that had other professors and they had much more busy work. This class consisted of clear-cut papers and no busy work. Although the papers are semi-large, they are easily manageable. Dr. Jones can tell how much work you put into a paper and gives very fair grades. I always thought he gave me too high of grades for my papers. He is a good professor and will often let the class out early.
Heather McHale

Expecting an A
The course itself is not particularly enjoyable, as it involves several papers and a pretty good amount of busy work, but Professor McHale is a pretty good professor! She's SUPER liberal, which I loved, but she openly admits it and she's never offensive about it. I felt that sometimes she beat a dead horse with a stick, and class drug on, but in general the class isn't too bad. The class is really interactive, and she's got a nerdy, fun sense of humor. But prepare to wait a longgg time to get your paper graded and returned to you. Engl101 is a hard course to get an A in because the university wants students to take Junior English, so she was a tough grader, but it's definitely possible to get an A.
Phillip Moses

Expecting a B
This class is English 101 so you will have quite a bit of writing to do. Moses does a fine job in teaching how to write these papers with samples of his own writing. There are only 5 papers in the class with the final paper worth the most. It's best to start your readings and do your best on early (easy, short) papers so you won't be dragged down by later (long, research) papers. As for the class itself, he takes attendance so you HAVE to come to class. If you miss more than 6 classes, he might dock your grade by one letter grade if I remember correctly. When you do peer review, make sure to actually write your rough draft because your classmates will be able to help you point out structural and grammar mistakes you missed. Overall this should be a manageable class if you do your readings and start your papers early. You can definitely get an A in this class if you really work for it.
Sarah Dammeyer

Expecting a B+
Ms. Dammeyer is definitely one of the better ENGL101 professors. The class - of course - was pretty difficult, and there was a lot of work and several papers to write, but Dammeyer was always there for extra help. A lot of her assignments made you think outside the box and be creative, which was awesome. You'll really feel yourself becoming a better writer throughout the class - though you may not really love the workload at the time. I would recommend her to anyone who has to take ENGL101. She's a very sweet lady whose so friendly and very helpful. Go to her office hours! You won't regret it.
Robert Crane

Expecting a C
I've never been much of a writer but I learned a lot in his class. The amount of work he gave was reasonable and he's a very understanding person. I would definitely recommend taking this course with him.
Paul Cote

Expecting an A-
hes a nice a guy but let me just say Paul Cote's class was sooooo boring. the work was mostly just the research papers which every engl101 class has, but attendance was mandatory and even though there wasnt ever work in class i kind of wish there was because he sat there and talked the full hour and 15 minutes and reviewed stuff that we read in a book that was common sense. i had to prevent myself from falling asleep all the time
Adam Binkley

Expecting a B
Wendell Alston Jr.
This teacher is great for english 101, a class that most people dread, he makes exciting to come to. he uses youtube,facebook, etc to better relate to the students. Dont let his free spirit fool you though because he is a pretty critical grader and puts alot into his grading. If u want to enjoy Eng101 take Adam.
Heather McHale

Expecting a B+
Her class was my most enjoyable class this semester. She has a sense of humor which makes the class fun, but she expects students to work hard. The work load is not quite as fun as the class; however, all of the English101 classes are tough. She is not an easy grader though she is a fair grader.
Tod Jones

Expecting a B
My worst teacher since I've arrived at college. Really never taught us anything about assignments that were helpful to us. Never thoroughly explained an assignment, nor how to write an effective audience analysis. Never in class did he himself lecture us as students on how to evoke exigence with the audience, which was a big part of the last few assignments. I got A's in AP english courses in high school, although it's my least favorite subject and my worst, and I come here and have been getting C's because quite frankly, I've never been sure exactly what he expects from us on a paper. To end it, he even told me that my writing skill is "not where it should be for a college student at this point in the semester" Wow thanks. I highly suggest a different teacher if you aren't 100% confident in your writing abilities
Elizabeth Fixsen

Expecting an A
The class had a lot of busy work, but she graded essays fairly. Even though I got B+ and A- on the major assignments, I got an A in the class because of the busy work.